A number of people have drawn my attention to a statistical error in my last video which I called ‘‘Ruminating On Excess Deaths’’. In the video I was calculating what the total amount of excess deaths would be since April, which was the beginning of the increase according to the source I cited. The figure I arrived at was far greater than the actual number as can be seen below.
The total number of excess deaths for that period would indeed be 20,000 and not the 160,000 which was the number I arrived at in the video.
This is an issue with doing off-the-cuff video monologues in which I have no bullet-points or notes to work with. However, I’m also acutely aware that the establishment could accuse me of spreading disinformation to create a panic.
I’m also aware that critics will accuse me of ginning-up the numbers to portray the vaccines as being even worse than they actually are.
The truth is rather more mundane, I’m just useless at maths. Nevertheless an error is an error and when you’re putting material online which will be viewed by thousands of people the content creator has a duty to correct errors and offer to do better in the future.
When it comes to spreading misinformation to gin up a panic, the mainstream media did that pretty much nonstop for two years straight. The crucial difference between you and them is your admission of error.
Wonderful painting there. Would you tell us a little about it.