This point about purity of blood is interesting and challenging. I know a Welshman who was horrified to find out that he had an English great grandmother and probably more, though no thought to acknowledging that touch of Englishness (the country of his work, home, and family). This seems to be an acceptable thing to say in polite company. On the other hand if an Englishman (me) has the slightest drop of other blood then they are not English. This is something I struggle with as I feel blood is fundamental. The main linage of my paternal family is Lancastrian and I can traces this back hundreds of year. Though my maternal linage is mixed (European) with some from Germany and other UK nations. Yet I have always felt an intrinsic sense of being English. I think intuitive thinking is something we have lost which would help here. We are too preoccupied trying to 'scientifically' define and explain everything. In stead we should rely on our innate ancestral knowledge - for example we know what is beautiful not because of a quantifiable check list, but because we feel it and know. And to a similar extent as Morgoth put it, we know who the Scots are because they are Scottish.
This point about purity of blood is interesting and challenging. I know a Welshman who was horrified to find out that he had an English great grandmother and probably more, though no thought to acknowledging that touch of Englishness (the country of his work, home, and family). This seems to be an acceptable thing to say in polite company. On the other hand if an Englishman (me) has the slightest drop of other blood then they are not English. This is something I struggle with as I feel blood is fundamental. The main linage of my paternal family is Lancastrian and I can traces this back hundreds of year. Though my maternal linage is mixed (European) with some from Germany and other UK nations. Yet I have always felt an intrinsic sense of being English. I think intuitive thinking is something we have lost which would help here. We are too preoccupied trying to 'scientifically' define and explain everything. In stead we should rely on our innate ancestral knowledge - for example we know what is beautiful not because of a quantifiable check list, but because we feel it and know. And to a similar extent as Morgoth put it, we know who the Scots are because they are Scottish.
Your one mistake was assuming they'll "deal with" the loose ends. They'll just call you a racist and imprison you for hate speech