A conversation I had with Alex Kaschuta about a month ago has emerged on her YouTube channel. I have to admit this discussion had slipped my mind but she recently uploaded it and it was brought to my attention.
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Dear Morgoth, apologies for msging here, I've been trying to find a contact for you for a while, we have a lot of colleagues in common and I wanted to email you an invitation. Would you mind sending me your email at scott@greenwood.media ? Maybe you have a twitter now Elon is back? With Kind Regards, SM (all my links at www.scottmannion.com)
That was a good show, I hope you have more conversations with her. One of the things that came up was talking to people who may be just showing slight signs of losing faith in the system. We make a big mistake when we seize on such feelings of insecurity.
The temptation is to exclaim that the person is finally starting to get what we have been going on about and then to list of catalogue of horrors that this potential recruit can look forward to. It's no wonder that so many quickly return to the sanctity of wilful ignorance.
If you encounter somebody like this, remember that they will be as confused and concerned as you were, whenever the dawning of your scepticism took place. Your own journey has likely taken several years and until fairly recently you thought things could be fixed through democracy and common sense.
Don't expect somebody else to take a leap that you've spent years making, this very day! It's surely better to just point out things that you yourself don't understand, or gut instincts that you have. For example, "I don't know what's happening with Ukraine right now, but I just feel we aren't getting both sides of the story".
That's a reasonable comment in most people's books. Let the person expand upon it themselves, without any prompting or urging. In general, they will want to tell you their opinions rather than listen to yours - especially if they feel that nobody else in their circle has any appetite for dissent.