This was a good conversation.

It was very satisfying for me as well, as I discovered you and him at approximately the same time. It's a nice intersection as I'm supporting both on Substack as well.

I hope to see more conversations between the pair of you. Thank you again.

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Tremendous interview, thoroughly enjoyed listening to this, very low key and pleasant conversation. Answered a question which has been a point of contention in my home, every time I want to tell my husband about something I’ve read or seen of yours he gets hung up on the name, “Morgoth”. As a LOTR nerd he can’t get over why you would want to be associated with one of the least desirable characters . I’ve never seen this explained in any of the essays I’ve read or listened to and I’ve covered nearly all I could find, hoping to find an explanation. Your idea of cycling through names made sense to him as it’s similar to how he comes up with passwords for work which must change monthly.

This conversation highlighted a lot of what I most enjoy about your content. You don’t sugar coat anything, but you aren’t bitter, you manage to find a way to find a pleasant hour or two in spite of knowing full well all the irreparable damage that is being done to a way of life receding quickly into the past and far beyond reclamation. Grounding so much of your time outdoors, in nature, makes the difference, and is an important example. Most of us can still get in touch with reality and away from the screens if we make the effort.

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Thanks, Susanne.

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Always enjoyable to listen to your conversations Morgoth. Thank you! I have listened to you for several years now and I would like to offer my input. I believe that if you were seeking a solution in a metaphysical, but also material (though at a much lesser extent) structure, reading Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton, and Fr. Vincent McNabb are good resources to start with. You have already expressed some of the ideas that they offer in the form of parallel culture and economies not to "run away" from modernity, but to establish foundations that will out last it. Return to the land, live the Traditional life and abandon the hopeless reliance on the modern system. Thanks again!

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Excellent show. You know a conversation is good when you try and wrap up 5 x and it keeps going. Looking forward to The Butlerian Jihad video

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The trouble about the next step on a cyclical model of civilisational decline and collapse is tHat we no longer have a coherent ethnic/racial group to rise again within a land/nation. Will we become like the jews, a sort of coherent diaspora but what would unite us?

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This is why we need to re-enchant our world

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I've been pressed for time lately, but finally got round to listening to your conversation. I really enjoyed this 'calm' and measured kind of discussion (as partial as I am to your more 'fiery hot takes and other 'spicy' items). I wasn't aware of this chap before, but will listen to him again, that's for sure.

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Concerning re enchantment: if our current chant is globalised modern slop (starting perhaps with catchy 1960s competent music growing sometimes out of folk eg John Barleycorn by Steve Winwood) then how do we enchant our people again with something that speaks to our ethnic roots? I like to paint and it is usually landscapes which do appeal to people but there is a strong mind virus that tells people they should be preferring "modern" art. I am totally on board with re enchantment and wondering if you think it ripples out from each us in a personal conviction that our roots draw us to our soil and people, like what you do?

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The trouble about the next step on a cyclical model of civilisational decline and collapse is tHat we no longer have a coherent ethnic/racial group to rise again within a land/nation. Will we become like the jews, a sort of coherent diaspora but what would unite us?

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