Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

This is the character of almost every conversation now, bar those with a small number of people who "understand." I speak wearily about current events, while asking myself, "How do I articulate what I think is really going on? Where do I begin? How quickly do I enter into the topic? Will I even bother?"

Increasingly I don't bother.

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I recently did a lengthy chat on English identity with Scott Mannion, rather than spam with a whole new post just after this article went up I'll pin it here.


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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

Your interaction with Kelly sums up the interactions many of us will have had with ‘normies’ this past year. As your quote from Kipling says ‘never the twain shall meet’. They simply cannot, or will not, leave the warm bath of believing the state is beneficent. The cold reality that the government has, in fact, scammed them into taking a wretched substance that is neither safe nor effective, is simply too much to bear. Those who forced this poison on their little children will have no absolution.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

I had the same feeling in 2006 when they introduced the smoking ban in pubs; why would the government care about my health when my hometown, Glasgow, is the testing ground for any new confectinery before it's released for general consumption across the UK? I still haven't come to a satisfactory conclusion. The best I can do is:

1. The introduction of TV's in every pub.

2. Cheaper alcohol available in your local supermarket.

3. A limitless supply of mind-numbing shows on TV and subscription services.

4. Smoking ban.

Conclusion: They want to stop us talking to each other, get pissed at home and zombify yourself in front of the TV, alone.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

It's all about timing. Out of hospital cardiac arrest survival rates used to be appalling. When these AED's were put in Underground stations and other locations in London, the survival rate went up significantly. If someone is in a shockable rhythm, all the cardiac massage in the World is not going to revert you back to sinus rhythm, you need that defib. Where I am out in the Dengies of Essex, it takes an ambulance 45 minutes on blue lights to navigate the winding B roads to the nearest emergency department. Given the reality there are double figures of ambulances queuing outside most A&E's around the clock, and they will be for the foreseeable future, putting an AED in a remote village is a very good idea.

The fact a suspect compound, that causes endothelial damage and thromboembolic events, has been served up to 80% of adults in England is made to appear neither here nor there.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

Excellent piece. We´ve all seen these equally suspicious articles of late, warning of heart attacks as a result of some (until now) mostly harmless activity. That makes it hard to think of this defibrillator campaign as being a coincidence. I am wondering not what the people on the top are thinking (nor the footsoldiers ringing doorbells), but the middle officers, in a manner of speaking. What goes on in the head of, say, a newspaper editor or editor-in-chief who is told to find someone to write an article on why making your bed can cause heart attacks? What does he think why he is made to publish something like that?

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I’ve had this line from Spengler’s Man and Technics on my mind for days. Feels appropriate to stick here.

“With the growth of the towns, technics became bourgeois. The successor of

those Gothic monks was the cultured lay inventor, the expert priest of the machine.

Finally, with the coming of rationalism, the belief in technics almost becomes a materialistic religion. Technics is eternal and immortal like God the Father, it delivers

mankind like God the Son, and it illumines us like God the Holy Ghost.”

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Morgoth

I've seen reports from Australia pushing for a defibrillator in every home.... I wonder why.

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Dec 7, 2022Liked by Morgoth

'Not knowing' .....this is the very essence of British life in the 2020s . Another excellent, honest and much needed article, Morgoth.

To paraphrase Charlie Chaplin's telegram to Captain Blackadder in the fourth series: Please don't ever. Stop.

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"I’ve long held the view that a sound metric for measuring the safety of a society is the degree to which its young females can walk around in relative safety, unmolested and preyed upon. "

By the same token, a society that let's young females walk around freely while knowing that there are dangerous men out there who mean them harm, simply does not value them. Everybody would agree that gold is a valued commodity. It would be fine for those that own some to leave their stash lying around just about anywhere, if they knew that all the people could be trusted.

But nobody feels that everybody can be trusted, which is why you won't see any gold lying around anywhere. Even something that has false value, such as fiat currency, will remain well-guarded.

An incredible job has been done on us, regarding how we view value. Most parents would not leave a fiver in change on their doorstep for ten minutes, but will let their teenage daughter and only child wander the streets drunk at night while falling out of a dress that barely qualifies as a bikini.

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Regarding conversational tactics, I'm at the point where I just tell anyone who'll listen that I'm a mad conspiracy theorist while flashing them a winning smile. I've always been very good at building instant rapport with most people, and as one of your other commenters mentioned I'm most often met with agreement or at least interest. Especially from women. It seems that young women especially are captivated by a man who is non-compliant and isn't afraid to state his unpopular opinion.

Of course, this technique won't work if you're looking deranged and shouting about conspiracies. I suppose I just act affable, charming and baffled as to why anyone would believe in *insert current accepted narrative thread*. Always remember to smile when delivering hard truths.

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I'm still not clear on why this is a binary decision, Morgoth. I don't see why it's pieces of both, or certainly, the decision makers encompass may each encompass one or the other outcome. I always lean towards "cover your ass" as the default of all big government decisions. It's certain that the top people saw EVERY one of the possibilities.

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That the girl was not injected with that shit gives me some hope.

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