Whilst I'm regularly incensed by the joke sentences handed out to Muslims who target and rape our children, this is the first time I've been utterly speechless from the other end of the diversity spectrum.

Half the country are arseholes now. Half the country are like Sam Melia, far right, Nazis and literally Hitlers according to our masters.

Sunak talks about "our democracy"!

Well where is the credible party that represents the utter contempt and anger of 10 million plus and surely growing in number and ire indigenous Brits?

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They wouldn't let PA register so that option is down for now, but something is going to give. Or maybe I'm just being too optimistic, which would be novel.

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An AfD type option would at least be a start. I'm not interested unless mass repatriation (hundreds of thousands, if not millions) is on the table.

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The Power needs to be broken first. Policies are a distant second. There are people worming their way into positions of influence that *have* to conceal their power-level.

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Infiltrate and take over, just like the Commie-fascists have. I hope it's not going to be such a 'long march' for us.

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Commie-fascists = small hats.

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Always remember that "our democracy" is nothing but Newspeak for "the current power structure." Thus is true in America as well as in Great Britain.

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“Our democracy” has become a chilling phrase indeed. It is used to justify killing the democratic impulse for the actual majority to elect someone more in line with their interests and beliefs. What were once called the silent majority and the moral majority, the people who were sick of licentiousness and being made to pay for it and have their kid indoctrinated in it. Will we see those people labeled as anything other than deplorables and lowlifes by the pseudo intellectual midwits who staff innumerable bureaucracies and wield unelected and unsupervised power?

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See my comment above. That's what happens why people run out of steam in a hopeless situation. The powers that be know how to do this, done it many times before. Wait and see, the UK will be just like Poland in the 80s and 90s based on what I seen.

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I think that intro hits a painful pitch I'll sort that out for next time.

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Just thought I'd share an insight into the immigration situation in Cumbria where I'm from. Obviously compared to most of England it is quite low. There is also a difference in the immigration into the actual Lake District National Park itself and the surrounding post-industrial towns. The biggest 'immigration' into the Lake District is actually from middle class white English southerners fleeing the hell-scape of south-central England, or likewise people from Manchester/south Lancashire experiencing a similar thing. The wealthier upper middle class retirees have been able to buy houses in the heart of the National Park itself, somehow being able to afford these nice 18th and 19th century renovated cottages in beautiful little villages (which is ironic because they used to be houses that the peasants and farmers lived in). I have worked as a tree surgeon for a few summers, and have talked to lots of these folk. They will likely avoid talking about demographics etc. as their reason for fleeing and claim to just 'want a nicer life in the country'. The less well-off middle class folk, and even some working class folk, more often the northerners, have moved to the medium-sized towns on the outskirts of the Lake District like Kendal or Ulverston, where it's just about still possible to be able to buy a house, although a lot of them rent. Whilst they have eroded the local culture somewhat, they generally assimilate okay, and I don't blame them for moving here. These towns are slowly going downhill like everywhere in England, but they are still very nice by comparison. Still, it is annoying going out on the fells or walking through a quaint Cumbrian village and every white person you say hello to has a southern accent, or is scouse/mancunian, and is dressed head to toe in brightly coloured, waterproof hiking gear. The second diaspora of significant immigration into the Lake District are eastern Europeans, especially Polish folk, with some Italians too. They are mainly all working class and work in the vast tourist industry of the National Park. Some of them have been here for twenty plus years. I used to get annoyed by them when I was younger but I now think we very are fortunate that they filled this employment niche because it could have been a lot worse non-european group instead. I have worked with quite a few Polish people working here, and they are generally good people. They usually have families, work hard, respect the local culture and generally want to quietly make a life for themselves without making much of a scene. They also tend to be very racist towards muslims which I find amusing. In an ideal world, there would be more actual Cumbrians living in the Lake District, but my theory is that the Polish immigrants have actually acted as a bit of a buffer against muslim/non-white immigration into the area. The expensive house prices and white flight into the area has also helped, as well as the fact that there still remains a small but proud local hill farming population (to which I belong). The immigration into the post-industrial towns surrounding the Lake District has been a little bit different. These towns are places like Barrow-in-Furness, Millom, Workington and Carlisle. Up until the mid to late 2000s, they were overwhelmingly white working class, and whilst they had many problems, they had at least retained a majority population and some form of distinct culture. They had been 'going downhill' since the second world war, but since about 2010, I noticed things started to get a lot worse. More drugs, more poverty, more immigration. At first it was Eastern Europeans, but it increasingly shifted to 'British' Pakistanis, and then more recently Afghan migrants etc. The numbers are still low compared to the rest of England, but it is rising. I think a lot of it is coming from 'British' Asian communities in south Lancashire/greater Manchester/west Yorkshire, they are slowly expanding northwards and westwards, taking over every petrol station, taxi company and corner shop they can get a hold of. It is truly depressing to behold. Very few of them live in the Lake District, but in the summer we now get literal hordes of burqa clad muslims congregating along the shores of Lake Windermere and asian BMW drivers racing along the mountain passes. Most of them come up for the day from places like Blackburn and Bradford, but soon they will be from just around the corner. Last summer, I was riding my quad bike through a small Lakeland village on the way back to the hill farm I was working on, and I came across three coach loads of Muslims. They were all lying prostrate, praying. I looked around. It was a beautiful late summer evening. Above, there was a cloudless, orange sky. Tall, craggy fells surrounded me. Everywhere I looked, it was the very picture of Lakeland. Drystone walls, Herdwick sheep grazing, slate roofed buildings, a quaint old church, patches of oak and birch woodland, a milk-white ghyll cascading down the fellside. It was so jarring. In this overtly English, overtly Cumbrian landscape, the scene unfolding before me felt overtly foreign, overtly repulsive.

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This might be the wrong place to ask, but is this area you speak of still "England?" See I was born in Portsmouth in the 1970s and we moved to the states when I was a tween, and each time I visited the Southeast (1999, 2008, 2016) it just got shockingly less "English." I don't know if I'll ever bother visiting again because what's the point? Just dying high streets and immigrants wearing black puffer coats everywhere. If somewhere the England of my youth exists, I'd love to see it again.

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Nice up there. I have cousins there still in Maryport and have lots of ancestry going back to at least the 1500s from all over Cumbria. Such a pity it seems it's going the same way as the rest of England.

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It is a shame. I am currently working up in the Orkney islands north of mainland Scotland for a few months, there's 20,000 people living here and there's literally about 10 people who aren't white. I have noticed that there's a lot of English people and some mainland Scots that have moved here too, but the local Orcadians seem to get on well enough with them, although like in Cumbria they probably find it annoying sometimes. Still, I hope the Orcadian culture endures. They have a great way of talking, and you can definitely see the elements of Norse culture that has endured. The locals also look a bit more Scandinavian than the rest of Britain, and seem to be either really short or really tall. I'm fairly short but I'm taller than most of the local farmers!

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Hey, say hello to them from a distant relative. My dna test shows I have 1.7% Shetland and Orkney. From a very long time ago I would think though. Must be wonderful to spend time up there.

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I've observed that there's scumbags in every tier of society.

Like Morgoth, I've worked my fair share of soul-destroying manual-labour jobs.

And I've concluded that the psychopath isn't only to be found in the elite. Yes, the working-class psychopath can't do as much damage (he can beat you up or stab you as opposed to ordering the full-scale invasion of a country) as an "elite" psychopath, but he's a nuisance all the same.

Like Morgoth, I've also noticed some things in day-to-day life to give me optimism for the future, normies noticing things for example. So my advice is: buckle up, have lots of white kids, form networks and prepare to take power when the dust has settled.

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Good to see a fund has been set up for Sam's pregnant wife and child. Plus, people can support the family by buying tea and coffee from their online family biz' called GRANDMA TOWLER'S.

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I’m so angry at what has happened to Sam that I can hardly bring myself to comment. His wife Laura is expecting their second child. My heart goes out to her. I can’t remember a time when things have been so bad for our people. I grew up in Belfast during the worst of the sectarian violence - bleak, bleak times. Yet never as bleak as this. The whole apparatus of state is against us. But everything is transient and nothing ever stays the same.

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I love the Irish. Stay strong.

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Not only did they tell us that modern medicine/dentistry made the vicissitudes of modernity worthwhile, they told us specifically that mass immigration was necessary to make the NHS work.

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Ha, they said all sorts of things didn't they.

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It's a wonderful service if people use it and serve it. However, a National Service can only serve the nation that pays for it. When it's treated as though it some kind of UN service it falls apart. I learned of an out break of measles yesterday ( Covered by Al- Jazeera of all places) A film crew had been Birmingham to report on it. I thought I understood the extent to what was taking place in our country. The report left me utterly speechless. The community where this outbreak is present is 100 % Somali.

So everyone around the world who watches Al-Jazeera for Gaza coverage are then introduced to Britain. Wonderful. There's no way out of this that I can see.

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The politicians hate ordinary people in all Western countries...Just get used to it, and remember it when the time comes that people have had enough....

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Yep. That pretty much sums up these bastards.

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Incitement to racism; AKA Incitement to Patriotism. Re disengaging. I've long advocated for a mass non turn out at elections. They need us to keep giving them the green light to continue as they are. They need to be shown the Red Card.

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I said before on one of your articles that I believe the power is trying to juggle too many balls at one time and something has to give. This week’s events has given them a couple more balls to deal with, heavy ones at that.

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All the current crop of scumbag politicians are struggling. Like all sociopaths, they have no intrinsic deep higher values, they mimic what they think seems to be appropriate at that time.

What do you do when faced with mimicking multiple conflicting ‘fake’ values all at once? This week has been like watching a bunch of chameleons stuck at a disco.

That’s what we saw with that useless turd of a PM and his cringeworthy abysmal attempt at a ‘speech’.

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Btw @MorgorthReviews I don't think you are aware of this but that bald Guy you featured in the Thumbnail and discussed about his touring the ashes of Britain. His channel name is Bald and Bankrupt and he has ties to MI5/MI6 because of russian tour trips which you can figure out why there is a connection there. Also I want to inform you that there are tons of sexual abuse and creepy allegations made against him. Allegations that during his worldy tour videos over the last 7 years, he lures underage foreign girls like russian, asia and south america women who are desperate for western money and in return them give him what he is after which is they hook up with him for couple of nights. Yeah 🤢 not very pleasant chap he is. He even hints what he has dones these girls the night after in his tour vids too 🤮

Also fuck him because despite what he showed in the tour britain vid you know and I know he doesn't care about britain and is pro immigration. Due to his selfish narcism and lack of principles and morals. And also to do he is a sexual predator/ rapist by nature which means he obviously leftwing.

He also done videos where he travels along migrant caravens into US border and Europe where he even goads the migrants on to arrivinv towards the border. He seems to me like a typical creepy recruit of Jewish western elite who use him and his channel as a NGO migrant channel.

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Yeah, I got bad vibes from him but wasn't aware of anything beyond that video. I also found it weird that he spent so much time in that white working class area of Sunderland.

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What's the guy's name so I can look him up?

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Britain today reminds me of when I was in Poland in the 90s. No one cared, a malaise, unfinished building projects everywhere, people just getting by, customer service and quality gone, supermarkets with less and less choice, lots of migrants. Nothing worked, potholes, broken street lights, shops boarded up. Drunkenness, petty crime. The days of protesting and fighting for their county was gone! The people were beaten down and had nothing left. The men were pissed, and if they found sex for a few quid it was good day. So what happened next? They all left the county, abandoned ship.

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With regards to pint-sized Sunak's rediculous spech: Back in 2005, shortly after 7/7, I was leaving Leeds Station on my daily commute when I was stopped and searched by a female police officer. I had noticed before she stopped me that she was looking at her colleague who had just stopped a young man of pakistani/Indian origin to search hiis bag and had turned to stop me at the same time; clearly to demonstrate to this young man that he wasn't getting stopped due to his ethnicity, so to as to say "look we are stopping people of all colours, not just you". Perhaps the z10n15t regime seeks to tame the islamic animal it has created by labelling it extreme and instigating the policies that deal with extremism but needs also to include the far right in order not to provide Muslims with the accusation that they alone are being targeted. It seems the ideological and legal framework of anti-discrimination particularly to a protected class has ham-strung the politicians to such an extent that they cannot even clearly identify and target an enemy without making the onslaught "inclusive". Another great piece Morgoth, keep em coming.

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Britain today reminds me of when I was in Poland in the 90s. No one cared, a malaise, unfinished building projects everywhere, people just getting by, customer service and quality gone, supermarkets with less and less choice, lots of migrants. Nothing worked, potholes, broken street lights, shops boarded up. Drunkenness, petty crime. The days of protesting and fighting for their county was gone! The people were beaten down and had nothing left. The men were pissed, and if they found sex for a few quid it was good day. So what happened next? They all left the county, abandoned ship.

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