Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Yes, it’s all just a little bit convenient - Douglas Murray leading the charge with the lads from Millwall and West Ham, defending Britain’s honour. Except he isn’t defending Britain’s honour. He’s weaponising Armistice Day to defend Israel. The whole situation is depressing beyond words. The last time a protest in London really changed anything was the poll tax riot of 1990, which lead to the eventual resignation of Margaret Thatcher and the withdrawal of the hated housing tax. The state was given a real hiding by the protestors. But the British public and the police were both very different creatures back then. I’ve gone to protests and I would never tell anyone not to do it, but in this case I’d make an exception. It won’t be Douglas Murray being arrested....

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I too am very cynical of this protest and its aims. Consider also the posters of dead Israeli children being ripped from walls and billboards. It seems there is always someone nearby with a phone taking video of Palestinian protesters/ supporters doing just that, as if these posters have been placed there to provoke this reaction. You may notice that these posters seem to be the same layout for each individual depicted and professionally printed en masse.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I too have felt my opinion nudged this week. First of course righteous anger, then extreme suspicion when after Elon and Sunak meet at an AI conference a few days ago, "Tommy and Katy" suddenly re-emerge on "X". But what threw me over the edge was watching Douglas Murray last night being interviewed by the Triggernometry pair. It was laid on so thick, it was clearly designed to be more than just a nudge. I dare you to watch it! Here was a man who said nothing about the COVID totalitarianism, but defended the sanctity of the far away land of Israel and it's genetically unrelated people as if his life depended on it. Raping and blowing up our kids - crickets. Marching against an indiscriminate nigh-on genocide with no end in sight - "throw them all out" was his response!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

At the very end of one of your video essays during the darkest times of Covid, you closed with the statement (according to my recollection) "Remember that you are on the side of truth, goodness and beauty", which I think was very powerful in that context. I firmly believe that your unshakeable moral compass is one of the most important reasons that has people listening to you. I think it´s very important that you - and all of us - do not compromise in that regard. Let our opponents connive with "utilitarian" and "Macchiavellian" schemes all they want. It is not our way. Rorschach was right.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

It's all so covenient timing isn't it? Just produce another nexus of controlled 2 minute rage and manipulate like a puppet to make the meat puppets dance to the tune of their masters. Douglas Murray, TR, KH, the whole lot of them, utter shitesters

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I am trying not to think too hard about anything political anymore, it all seems like a psy op. Your version of events is very plausible, and what you more than hint at is basically a theological question- do we even have free will? Given that manipulation techniques are so advanced, and that few people have your powers of discernment, even with which you may be missing some nudges,(shoves?) it seems so hopeless. I keep remembering that half the people are below average.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I've been waiting for your take on this, Morgoth. I wasn't disappointed. As you remarked in a previous video, living in the UK is like living in a 360 degree, 24/7 propaganda broadcast.

I feel that Sunday will be an important day, one way or the other. Don't ask me what I envisage, I just don't know. I just feel it in my bones.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

One is not going to be able to do anything about the goat herders, there are well over 4 million of them here. So going down there to protect a statue or the sanctity of remembrance day seems to be pissing in the wind. This situation is being escalated for zionist interests. Steer well clear, you won't get nicked or clocked, then if the shit hits the fan, one can legitimately say I don't want anything to do with either side., my people are my interest. It's not cucking, we have had our faces pissed over by worse in the past. It's pragmatism. and common sense.

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The stage is set for however containment on this new current thing is intended to play out according to the extensively gathered behavioural data. You're not cynical Morgoth, just realistic.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Morgoth

The only thing more breathtaking than the transparency of Tommy suddenly reappearing on Twitter to lead people in to a "far right" trap for the media to make an example of - again - is that it's plainly obvious that many will go along with it. It's just so tiresome.

I don't know how we fix any of this, obviously. But what's also obvious is that this isn't the way to do it.

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Let's not forget that, where dear old Douglas M. is concerned, his support of Israel is directly linked to his homosexuality and his related fear of burgeoning Muslim influence in the west. I'll bet you a pound to a pomegranate that if Israel were as expressly anti-gay as the Muslim world, Douglas would not be quite so unconditionally pro-Israel.... He'd suddenly find 'wrong on both sides...' and recommend a comfortable position on the fence. But in reality, didn't we all lose faith in Douglas during Covid? - And have that loss of faith compounded by seeing him fragrantly mincing around in a flak jacket condemning Putler at a safe distance from the front line in Ukraine? Sadly, success, has gone to his head (and other places no doubt).

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I’m genuinely worried about what happens this weekend. Both sides are being operated like glove puppets and neither can see it despite it being blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Meanwhile those of us who have half a brain have to sit back and watch what should be an important day being turned into an insulting farce, and trying to do anything about that just means taking part in the puppet show. What a time to be alive!

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Expect also to see "swastikas" being zoomed in on being held by brown 🟤 mi6 deep state actors to bouy the crowd along. it's the lefts turn to be notzees now.. but what we know is immigration will only increase not cease, that they are itching to install overt martial law (see Tobias Elwoods latest mutterings) and then they can end all protests .. also we have the 2 or 3 million strong deployment of fighting age middle East and North Africans as a make shift "peace keeping force " ready to go in the event they need to "shut it down " again..

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Propaganda works, sadly. The only good defense against it is to develop critical thinking skills. But that is not easy, and not desired by the State, so it is rarely taught.

I note your comment on "Israel’s highly questionable ‘‘war’’ in Gaza". I wonder if you might expound on that? I am no friend to Hamas, to put it very mildly, so I found it troubling. But up to you, of course.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

testing testing

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

testing , testing

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