On a basic biological level, any race or culture can see that the deliberate killing of their females is an attack on their continuance in the world. It’s a form of genocide. The industrialised rape and torture of girls across England by Muslim rape gangs was similarly motivated. I lived in South Yorkshire at the time the Rotherham scandal broke and heard accounts of the aftermath - none of those poor girls were living ‘their best life’. Their lives were ruined. Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service back then and made the decision not to prosecute the gangs - he has form in ‘protecting Muslims’. It fell to Nazir Afdal, the Prosecutor for the North of England (a Muslim), to overturn the CPS’s decision in order to bring the rape gang cases to court.

Of course, the slaughter of those poor little girls in Southport will not be portrayed in anthropological terms by the media. Rather, it’ll be ‘the rampage of an unhinged individual’ - an incel perhaps. Except incels don’t generally target 6 - 9 year olds.

Meanwhile 3000 of the enemy have landed on England’s shores since Starmer The Kneeler took power. Expect more Southports. The whole thing is grim beyond words and I cried my eyes out when I heard the news.

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The ''grooming'' issue sent me on the path to where I am now. Hope you'e holding up, all the best.

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Rotherham was a massive turning point for me too. I got involved supporting a 12 year old girl at the school at which I was a parent-governor - she was being ‘groomed’. I’ll never forget the moment I realised that the whole apparatus of state was united in doing nothing about the rape and trafficking of that child.

I’m still here, taking it a day at a time with the tumour. Thank you so much for your kind words. Take care. God bless.

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God speed to you Lady

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Old Blighty is further down the drain than any other country...The question is whether the nation of Lord Nelson and Wellington still exists, and can substitute action for tears...It's really THE question for every country being overrun and betrayed by its own government...I'm not optimistic, but desperately hope I will be proven wrong....

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I am optimistic. Our enemies have no plan beyond power and destruction. Their minions are driven by emotion. None of that will withstand the Northern European mind when it gets it act together. Once enough people shake off the fear of being labelled then I suspect the turnaround will be swift. The situation is intolerable after all.

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No doubt that if the men of Britain would unite to take action, they would chase the toffs out of the government..But there are still too many soft hearted (and headed) Britons, and I don't know whether that can be fixed...

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Hunger has a habit of hardening the soft. So does unemployment.

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This is true but then I think of the Holodomor. I think this is the likely outcome, and the Police over there in the UK and here in AUS are quite happy to turn on their own as evidenced by the coof.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

"Global stocks plunge amid fears of US ‘collapse'

This was one of the headlines in today's Daily Telegraph.

Economic collapse will be what finally kicks things off across the West. It's bad enough to be be poor, but the complete lack of security will only exacerbate things. People, on edge over the economy, seeing their families raped, tortured, and murdered, will lose it completely.

The state, with tax revenue imploding and unable to finance the secuirty apparatus, will lose control.

And then world war III will break out.

Where will western governments get their troops? Not from the white working (and middle) classes. How will they build an effective war machine without us?

They won't.

Keir Starmer's speech could be the beginning of a draconian crackdown, or it could turn out to be his 'Ceaușescu moment'--the moment when people say, 'Enough!' and it all falls apart.

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I've lost touch with wider geopolitical trends recently, my attention has been on the home front for a while.

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I appreciate any and all of your insights, Morgoth.

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I suspect a Ceaușescu moment. This is not sustainable, to coin a phrase. The British are doing what the Irish elites did. First sign of trouble and they actively demonstrate how out of touch they actually are. These people never meet anyone who disagrees with them. I bet Ceaușescu didn't either. Right up until his "trial."

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This all reminds me of a joke I heard in a french film:

'So far, so good' said the man falling from the 12th floor of a building as he fell past the 8th floor...

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Aug 4Liked by Morgoth

Literally Everyone I've spoken to is filled with intense disgust and rage about how the PM has dealt with this situation; his condemnation of people's anger and his threats towards them and 'far-right' bogeymen while showing no condemnation towards the brutal murders of three children and seemingly writing the victims of this atrocitiy off as being an unfortunate 'but these things do happen' kind of tragedy.

Thete is no pretending that any sort middle ground exists anymore; if he is opposed to people being angry about three little girls of a certain demographic being brutally murdered in a terror attack, then he specifically supports these atrocities being committed against this particular demographic and is our enemy and must be recognised as such, plain and simple.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

We had a similar incident in Japan in 2001, the Ikeda school massacre. At the time I had a badly broken leg after crashing my motorcycle, so I was riding in a taxi not really paying attention to the news on the radio when the newscaster began somberly reading a list of names and young ages. It's still a vivid memory all these years later.

The attacker was caught at the scene, tried, convicted and hung. In Japan you may get the death penalty for one murder if the method of killing is considered extremely cruel. For multiple murders you hang, no discussion. In this case the execution was carried out quite quickly, I think everyone wanted it over with as fast as possible.

The UK government is fine with extrajudicial killing by drone strikes in other countries, but has a geographical morality applied at home.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

Spot on mate, spent a day listening to idiots on several fora cucking about the far right and how it was to blame! Its beyond the pale when i gave them a shopping list of crimes that have happened the past week. To be met firstly with silence then accusations of xenophobia for pointing out the perps. It's going to be a long 5 years.....

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Pressure will have to be placed on Reform to represent the natives. It isn't much, but it's something.

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I can't see them bothering. The further away we get from the election the more I realise they were there to attract votes to up the numbers. They will change nothing in my view.

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clucking not cucking, damn phone. But yeah, will be watching Farage to see if he has the stones to step up in parliament and frame the argument. Given Tice's comments about the riots I'm not entirely confident.

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“Cucking” isn’t wrong…

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

Enforced third world multiculturalism is state sponsored terrorism against its own citizens.

That's what the political class, and their academia, media and judicial system are.....Terrorists.

This is how they should be described in future

The only real definition of morality, is the ability to discern that which is either destructive or beneficial for one's own extended family. We have an entrenched ruling globo corporate elite of cringing cowards, lackeys, griffters, sociopaths, neo-marxists and con men who can afford not to live amongst the multiculti shit holes they have spent decades creating..

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The enlightened types who like this disagree. They think this an improvement. This is groupthink in action. A form of insanity.

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Dan O'Connor. I used to devour your comments years ago and in fact have archived some real corkers. Was it on Captain Ranty's blog? Or it might have been on the Telegraph or Guardian websites, or Gates of Vienna or other blogs. So good to see you here.

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It's nice to hear from one of the old crew from back then. It doesn't happen often these days. I have never posted comments on Captain Ranty's blog. It was mostly the Telegraph and Spectator and a few on Gates of Vienna until the Great Marxist Purge of 2013. I regret that I have never kept copies of my comments. The Telegraph and Spectator deleted all comment threads.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

“A riot is the language of the unheard” if you’re a protected class. Not for the dispossessed majority.

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It’s arguably more true for the dispossessed majority, since entitled minorities have the tacit permission of the government to riot.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

They truly behave as if it were a natural disaster akin to a tsunami as you write. They do that each summer as well, blaming the inevitable rise in shootings, looting and riots on rising temperatures. I think it is because they want the native population to see these forces as completely outside of their control like the tides. We don’t get to decide if we have millions of people flood into our country from dangerous failed states and deadly neighborhoods whom we know nothing about. We are made to stay as aloof about it as if there was a lighting strike. When in fact this has all happened willfully by key people who still hold power and who could stop it by sending all of these people back.

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A fine article. I disagree that there should be no protests though. There has to be a reaction. People just need to be careful with it.

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Or lose the carefulness altogether, which is coming. The race card isn't what it used to be, especially when young English girls are being raped and killed. This is very thin ice.

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Very, very good piece on the current situation, Morgs.

And that's all I'll say here, because 1) you've covered the important bits, and 2) because this whole shitshow is infuriating to a degree it angers and hurts just to think about. All my best to you and everyone in Britain having to live through these times.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

"Diversity is our strength" is going to go down in history as one of the most destructive shibboleths ever.

Right up there with "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs", or the eradication of "the Four Olds."

Sound ok on paper. Catastrophic in real life.

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All it has done for me is demonstrate how many people around me cannot see beyond slogans.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

I’ve been looking forward to your response to this week and it didn’t disappoint!

Back when Sunak called the election, there was discussion in the comments of your corresponding post about how it felt like something was cooking. After this week I can’t help but think dinner is about to be served, and that based on the smell fish is on the menu…

There’s just something that feels off about the last couple of days. We’ve gone from sympathy for the victims by those in power to them announcing a crackdown against people siding with those same victims including using facial recognition and the monitoring of travel and communications. Its as if they've been sitting waiting for the right moment to pounce.

I’ve also seen strange text messages doing the rounds during the last few days calling on people to come out to local protests this weekend at Islamic centres. But they aren’t promoted by any specific group and nobody seems to know the origin, not to mention the fact there is no known link between this stabbing and Islam as you highlight. I’ve also seen messages from the other side calling for a response if they are attacked.

It all stinks of a setup designed to provoke a reaction from the public that in turn brings about oppressive government measures they’ve been waiting for a chance to introduce all along, and I can only echo what you say in your addendum.

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Yes, something doesn't seem right.

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It’s not unlikely the agitators / agent provocateurs may be Zionists trying to redirect native anger away from brown migrants in general or the Ingsoc political class, and toward Muslims specifically.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

Difficult to find the words at a time like this, but you managed it, somehow.

Was struck by the irony of those machete gangs running rampant through Southend-on-Sea against a backdrop of fairground rides doing loop-the-loops to a chorus of oblivious, screaming passengers. Utterly unnerving.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

As an American, what you describe sounds very British to me. Only you have to just replace the new dei hierarchy with the traditional class hierarchy. Of course, aristocrats are treated differently than peasants in Great Britain. That is the natural state of that people. Just as I see in the woke America, the natural religious zeal of our Puritan founders. Great! Britain needs a new set of loyal aristocrats and America needs a new new, more loyal religious revival

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I hope they come soon.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgoth

Great summation. And yes the ‘something has to be done’ combined with ‘but what can we do’ is a constant gnawing at one’s soul these days

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I honestly believe that the people of Southport need to pull together and hold public meetings to discuss and voice their disgust and disquiet. They then should demand that their local representatives attend meetings and it should be made plain that unless something is done then the people should withdraw their council tax payments. It needs a large number to kick it off. Peaceful civil disobedience is the answer to this country's problems. You may not agree but it worked for India under the British Empire.

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The government's response to this is evil. The clip of that female scold saying they are adding prosecutors and there is ample prison space was about the most evil thing I have ever seen. Well, if there was any doubt before by those in denial about the treachery and evil they must confront, the new government's cards have been shown immediately.

If there are no more protests, will this stop them from imposing a police state anyway?

Are the English to just go home and never be heard from again? The government has essentially announced the police state is now and going forward to be mobilized against Englishmen who are not to protest their colonization, dispossession and the vicious murders, rapes and property crimes perpetrated against them. If they don't protest now, what are they to do and when shall they do it?

Your American brothers are seething in empathy with you. To see the permitted mass protests by pro-Palestinian colonizers of England and the subjugation of Englishmen protesting a triple murder of three young girls is a crime that cannot and should not ever be forgiven.

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