"Perhaps the Ukraine flags and the BLM flags and the rainbow banners can be stitched together to form an extra layer of warmth when the true scale of the folly of slavishly adhering to elite narratives becomes clear"

This is why Morgoth is the poet of the north. This called to my mind the image of a poor English child shivering in the cold, wrapped in a tattered and faded rainbow flag, its symbolism utterly forgotten, the only value now the ability to provide an extra layer.

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It will not matter to the shitlib. Yes they'll care about not having as many luxuries and they'll moan about living standards. But will it change their values, especially if their multicultural utopia gets put to the test, the short answer no. The shitlib will never change their mind. Just like the South African shitlib hasn't. Every single one of them knows someone who was raped, murdered, hijacked or mugged by diversity, they may have been themselves but they never change their mind and they still bully the masses who do not subscribe to "wokeness". Are people going to stop pretending, I'm sorry to tell you love, no they are not. Its going to take something extra ordinary to rid us of this evil.

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This is an excellent insight, and one that I can agree with based on my own personal experience of living in South Africa. Everyone knows someone who has been victimized, and yet the manner with which they will speak of diversity, inclusion and equity is with religious reverence. The manner of how they speak about the apartheid era is to severely inveigh against the memory of those wicked years, filled with injustice and oppression against people who plainly wish to see them dead and dispersed abroad.

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There are those like us but from my experience the normies are all rainbow nation classical liberals. They've gone through the South African version of denazification, a mass brain washing of sorts. I use to see it on twitter all the time, the #NotAll type of posts. Malema could be telling them to their faces, we are going to genocide you and they just laugh it off like he is some crazy guy. They don't even question why the courts let him off or they laugh and say "This is Africa, corruption always gets you off" I can't decide if it's a coping strategy or if they are really just that brain washed that they really don't believe it could happen.

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It's kind of sad and hilarious at the same time. I live in an expat enclave in Hong Kong bursting at the seams with South Africans who are here to make a buck whilst not being robbed, raped, or murdered... and yet not one of them I've spoken to is capable of really belling the cat. As you say, it's diversity this, Sainted Mandela that... Whipped curs.

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The problem is that they really can't. South Africans know that it doesn't matter where they are in the world the government will still prosecute them if they're caught saying the wrong thing. A chap named Adam Catzavelos was on a beach Italy filmed himself talking about he was in heaven on earth because there was no black people around him. The shitlibs went after him, he got fired from his job and taken to court as soon as he got back from his holiday, even though he had committed no crime in South Africa.

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Jul 15, 2022
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Hiya, thanks mate. Hope you're keeping well.

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Reality is a cold, hard teacher. Most "ideals" don't hold up to such things. Families, faith, and self-reliance do, over and over throughout the horrors of history.

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Below is a cut and paste from the 'leaky vaccine' telegram group ( he is a fan btw). Extrapolate what he is saying to not just trannies but shitlib retardation in general and you have the evolutionary theory to back up your hypothesis that only material comfort, and its concomitant lowering of strife and mortality salience, made today's neoliberal decadence possible.

"Parasite Stress and Sexual Disgust

Here is an encouraging finding from an organization called The Fire that provoked discussion; the proportion of young people identifying as sexually deviant and "transsexual" has decreased since the pandemic. There has been speculation about the sudden drop however these findings are the expected result of a biosocial force that remains criminally underdiscussed in dissident spaces - Parasite Stress.

Research models disgust as having three domains; pathogen disgust, sexual disgust, and moral disgust. Pathogen disgust is elicited by things that are associated with being a contagion threat, like the sight of insects or faeces. Sexual disgust is elicited by unattractive people, or signifiers of poor quality genes like low facial symmetry or bad skin quality. Moral disgust is elicited by things like witnessing a violent crime or gross injustice.

When pathogen disgust is elevated this also elevates the other domains of disgust, and it would make sense that there would be an elevation of pathogen disgust if there was, for example, a non-stop bombardment of propaganda about the high prevalence of infectious disease muchlike the pandemic coverage over the last two years.

During times of a heightened real or perceived prevalence of infectious disease people become more likely to make harsh moral judgements (increased moral disgust) and become more sexually conservative, having fewer and more selective sexual partners (increased sexual disgust). These are large, stable, and reproducible effects that also have a rigorous rationale in evolutionary theory (and as such I predict that in addition to a decrease in self-identifying sexual deviants and "transsexuals" that if statistics are to emerge on attitudes toward mixed race relationships - a similarly decreasing trend will be observed). "

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Very interesting. We see once again however, that the mainstream is working against the grain of nature and it remains to be seen which will win out.

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Yet another great thought provoking piece Morgoth.

I am reminded (unfortunately) of a talk I once heard by Terence McKenna called The Social Virus of Political Correctness back in the days when I was a misguided Labour voter. He gave this talk in the late 90's and In it he laments this strange phenomenon appearing in California of Giving due respect to people who cannot tell shit from shinola, something he called "the balkanisation of epistemology". Essentially it was to tolerate the far out belief systems of crazy people.

This tolerance is the back bone of political correctness and its bastard offspring - woke, and I have no doubt this "tolerance" will disappear the instant a shitlib has to join the queue of a food bank for the first time. I don't welcome the hard times but at least the disappearance of the shitib's puritanism and smugness will be the silver lining to a very dark cloud.

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Brilliant commentary Morgoth, I am hugely fearful of what may be ahead for the old, poor and vulnerable in Britain. I remember the ‘Bedroom Tax’ well; it was a brainwave of ‘Boy’ George Osborne, the millionaire Chancellor of David Cameron’s government. I was volunteering at a Citizen’s Advice Bureau in a poor part of Sheffield back then. The poverty of some of the poor souls who came through our doors, would move me to give them money out of my own purse. They were so desperate, they’d accept it. I doubt the knowledge that they’re ‘standing with Ukraine’ will fill their bellies or keep them warm this winter.

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The phrase “when push comes to shove” might actually be granted some vindication for once.

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Great article. I think we're in for very dark times ahead unfortunately

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Another absolute belter, Morgoth. I'd love to hear that entire screed spoken by some great actor of the age (Branagh springs to mind, for some reason), and broadcast as a thought-provoking piece on, say, Radio 4. By rights, it bloody well should be.

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I really will take great pleasure in the shitlibs losing their homes and generally suffering as much as possible, I’ve dreamt about it for such a long time.

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Yes,weak men create hard times, hard times create strong men?

The sort of Shitlib winery we see now is a luxury of a strange affluent historical anomaly

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I meant wokery

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One self contradictory criticism. From personal experience I have found that supporting or illustrating a point with personal experience does not resonate with many people, particularly those who have found conformity to be a path to comfort.

My guess for the future is more performative masochism in public, with backstabbing self preservation kept private. The shallow rooted trees may be blown over, the question is how much destruction they will cause when they fall?

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Jul 15, 2022Edited
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Dutty is an autist from an un-deprived background now literally married to the Finnish Public Teat. You don't go to Autists for understanding or empathy, you go to them to hear unpleasant truths -- which Mad Ed excels at. As for Po, ever met a genuinely understanding and empathetic woman wasn't yer Ma? Didn't think so. Po would run you over as you begged in a blizzard on a street corner if you by mischance got between her and whatever the modern equivalent of teething powder is.

Morgoth is unusual in that he's a high IQ self-reflective fellow who has been through tough times. You need both pre-conditions in order to be able to grok things yourself and be capable of articulating them for a wider audience. Which is why he's a rare voice.

There will be plenty of Shitlibs experiencing Road to Damascus Conversions in due course. The challenge will be stomaching their self-centred bleating as they under-go the change. Mind you, a certain (((Viktor Frankl))) of Vienna who was a top drawer Psychiatrist (no!) with a very upper middle class pedigree wrote that when they were all in the Cattle Cars headed for the camps, the Viennese Jewish equivalent of Shitlibs were very pissed off that they were penned in together with the caftan-wearing bearded smelly equivalents of Gammons (sic). So it can take more than a wee shock (such as being rounded up by the SS) to the system to make Shitlib class consciousness evaporate.

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