At the time the 2010s were depressing, the third wave feminism at the beginning, the extreme degeneracy of the universities, then the rise of groups like BLM and LGBT, but at least it felt like the worst was still someways in the future. Now I am very nostalgic for the 2010s, I could still live a fairly normal life and avoid the corruption that had yet to completely infect everything.
Morgoth, thanks for posting this. I watched the video for Endeavour's previous trip, a few years ago. I cant believe how fast time has flown. A thought just occurred to me. Do you think it's harder to persuade people in the North-East that their life, society and environment is being deliberately destroyed when Newcastle United are clearly a resurgent force? I know that it amounts to little more than a blood-soaked wealth-fund that is funding foreign mercenaries who don't give a damn about your part of the world, but people will look for any hope-hook to hang their hat on and I'm old enough to remember the last period of delirium under Sir John Hall 30 years ago.
I am aware you don't like it. I also stopped caring about sport some time ago. Newcastle Utd arguably became the World's richest sports franchise, following the fairly recent takeover. - at least in terms of access to money, should they actually be allowed to spend it. If all this has passed you by, then I guess it hasn't affected people up there that much or you would have noticed something.
At the time the 2010s were depressing, the third wave feminism at the beginning, the extreme degeneracy of the universities, then the rise of groups like BLM and LGBT, but at least it felt like the worst was still someways in the future. Now I am very nostalgic for the 2010s, I could still live a fairly normal life and avoid the corruption that had yet to completely infect everything.
Morgoth, thanks for posting this. I watched the video for Endeavour's previous trip, a few years ago. I cant believe how fast time has flown. A thought just occurred to me. Do you think it's harder to persuade people in the North-East that their life, society and environment is being deliberately destroyed when Newcastle United are clearly a resurgent force? I know that it amounts to little more than a blood-soaked wealth-fund that is funding foreign mercenaries who don't give a damn about your part of the world, but people will look for any hope-hook to hang their hat on and I'm old enough to remember the last period of delirium under Sir John Hall 30 years ago.
Oh, I haven't the faintest clue about football. I never paid attention even in the old days.
I am aware you don't like it. I also stopped caring about sport some time ago. Newcastle Utd arguably became the World's richest sports franchise, following the fairly recent takeover. - at least in terms of access to money, should they actually be allowed to spend it. If all this has passed you by, then I guess it hasn't affected people up there that much or you would have noticed something.