Superb discussion - the 1979 ‘Mad Max’ really opened up the global market for Australian New Wave cinema. Australia had been producing fantastic films such as ‘Wake In Fright’ (1972) and ‘Picnic at Hanging Rick’ (1975) but ‘Mad Max’ was the big one. ‘Wake in Fright’ is a particularly disturbing depiction of Outback Australia. Many thanks sir 🙏

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I love Picnic at Hanging Rock, I think I'll do that for my choice in the future.

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Yes do! I love the film too. I’ve finally started my own YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@LadyOfShaIott - I was going to do a video on the film too as I recently visited Hanging Rock - it’s here in Victoria, in the Macedon Ranges. Let me know when you do your’s so we don’t clash😂 Huge thanks again 🙏🙏

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Come on the stream!

Checking your channel now

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https://youtu.be/oPJ7nMGSZ_Y that’s the link to my video ‘The Death of Feminism - Posie Parker in New Zealand’, in which I discuss the awful shenanigans, institutionalised power and feminism.

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I tweeted it so hopefully you'll get some extra hits

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Thank you so much! Hugely appreciated. I’ve already got a ‘Morgoth sent me’ commenter 😂. I really need to open a Twitter account - Academic Agent says it’s invaluable to growing a channel. I think I will now that Elon’s cleaned Twitter up a bit. I’m pretty averse to social media (no Facebook, Instagram etc) but it’d help the channel reach more people I guess. I was pretty black-pulled when I made that ‘Death of Feminism - Posie Parker in NZ’ video. I’ve been in protests, it can get ugly, but the way institutionalised power was used against that group of women was something deeply sinister - a new low I think.

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I’d be honoured to! Thank you 🙏 I’m working on a video right now on the appalling events in Auckland, New Zealand on Saturday, at the Posie Parker/Kellie Jay Keen event. It’s received a lot of publicity in the UK I believe. KJK was lucky to get out of there alive. I was at the Melbourne event on 18th March (there’s a video on my channel) and the Victoria Police worked like a well-oiled machine. They have no problems bashing heads in as we know. By contrast the NZ event had their police missing in action. It was an ugly example of institutionalised power - the trans mob had the power, and the group of women had none. It was horrible to watch.

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Yes I was taking a look at that. I saw Billy Bragg celebrating it.

Give us a shout when your video is done and we'll give it a nice push.

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Will do! Thank you so much 🙏 Yes Billy Bragg has taken a bizarre dislike to Posie Parker. He sees himself as the champion of drag queens and those who seek to chemically castrate children clearly. He seems to be on some personal vendetta against her. He always was a real dickhead. A real man of the people.

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Totally agree. The handmaidens are utterly deranged - I believe they truly hate us older women. Freud would have a field day analysing them. Posie Parker has said that she feared for her life. She’d already had notes passed under her hotel door threatening her life, first thing that morning.

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I am going to check those films out, thank you. I agree Australia has produced some great films over the years. The Horse Man is a good one from more recently. I also like Red Hill, which stars the guy who played Goose in Mad Max 1. Have you seen The Cars that Ate Paris? Bruce Spence was in that one.

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Lol, no I haven’t seen The Cars That Ate Paris but I will seek it out. Australian cinema produced some really interesting films. Some of them are like time capsules of a country that is now long gone, with the the end of the White Australia policy and recent mass immigration. Here’s a link to Wake in Fright, which is free to watch on YouTube -Donald Pleasance is terrific in this film https://youtu.be/MzA-9VWQhs4

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22MIns, the stunt man died, his widow asked for the scene to be put in. It's a reminder for all of us that ride motorcycles that coming off can be fatal.

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I lost my best friend to it.

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The big difference between the first 3 and Fury Road to me was the CGI. The stunts in the first 3 were spectacular and looked real. Fury Road while still spectacular, looked a bit too fake for me in parts. Another example of tech making things easier, but not necessarily better.

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Hail the asschaps! 😄 Great stream and impressions 😂 Lots of laughs.

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Fun discussion.

George Miller is a strange cat, sometimes it feels like his worldbuilding is inconsistent and forget about continuity but there is a core there that keeps me from dismissing him as purely an action director. (or an animal movie director. Yes, I'm including Cher and Jack Nicholson in that description)

I think George Miller really excels at making fantasy and maybe his films need to viewed through the lens of fantasy or even fairy tale rather than realism.

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He brought us Babe and Happy Feet as well.

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Yep, 'animal movie director'!

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I was obsessed with Mad Max 2 in my teens and watched it easily over 100 times. I read the script which was available online and learned from it that Papagallo was an oil executive before the collapse. There were a few other tidbits in the script too I think, I'd recommend it. Rewatched the first one recently and found it incredibly bleak, more so than I remember. I've grown to like the third one much more, but really struggled to watch Fury Road even once. Great to hear you guys talk about this! These are films I hope I can watch with my son when he's a few years older, if we all live long enough.

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The scenes in Thunderdome where Max wakes up in the oasis and is introduced to the kids are wonderful. You are right about the ending, I wish they had just flown over the vista of the wrecked city and then decided to go back to their oasis. Bruce Spence plays a different character in parts 2 and 3, in Thunderdome he's called Jebediah the Pilot, it's like when Sergio Leone cast the same actors as different characters in his dollars trilogy. The actor who was the old lady's son from the first Mad Max also played the 'broken victim' tied to Hummungus' vehicle in Mad Max 2. The continuation in the first 3 films is fine, Fury Road just threw it all out of the window.

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There's some interesting behind the scenes clips from MM2 on youtube, nice given that the DVD releases of it always seemed to be bereft of extras. There's a good video out there about the real life story of Max's dog which is worth a watch.

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