I think I will also make a video of this essay and place it at the bottom, rather than opening up an entirely new post and spamming everyone's inbox.

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It's always good to hear your voice, Morgoth. Truly.

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Nothing wrong with a bit of Spam, was always a welcone addition to my lunchbox.

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What a take Morgoth. In 40 plus years since Rambo we've seen America turn from the land of the free and home of the brave to a virtual Soviet style authoritarian state.

For the journalists to be the righteous in this film is the biggest indignity of all. Through COVID, mass election fraud and now outright mouthpieces of corruption with no shame, this is not the America I grew up to admire as a child.

Unlike American Sniper and Top Gun Maverick, for all their bombastic cheesy flaws, I won't be watching this crap.

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‘Civil War’ is utter garbage…I felt cheated out of a couple of hours of my life I’ll never get back. I was not ‘entertained’.

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Not to mention alternately denying and cheering The Great Replacement and openly advocating for the Genocide of Americans (European descended people).

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Thanks for clarifying it's not worth the time. I watched a pirate copy of a movie called 'Humane' the other day, or at least tried to with a mate. It was all about euthanizing people to cull the population, funnily enough - and also basically a Bolsheviks wet dream, although I only made it 30mins in before I got the shits and went outside. It did have an insidious and almost taking the piss type style to it, considering COVID and the jab etc...

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I had the misfortune to see ‘Civil War’ a few weeks’ ago. I was in hospital and it was the only film my teenage daughter could manage to illegally download. There are no words for how much I hated this film. It got itself worked up about I’ve no idea what. Photo journalists as the heroes - sure. We had photo journalists in Ulster during the Troubles. They took pictures of the sectarian atrocities then buggered off back to London on the next plane. In what universe do Texas and California align to fight on the same side? What was going on? Oh and the weather was far too nice most of the time - what happened to the grainy hellscapes of films like ‘Children of Men’ and ‘The Road’? The glaring error of this film (I referred to it in Morgoth’s previous article on warfare) was the total absence of drones. Alex Garland is proof that auteurs generally get worse as they get older. When the film ended, my daughter said to me ‘Is that it?’ which pretty much says it all.

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I'll admit I've not seen it. But Alex Garland has done some great films, Sunshine being one of my favourites. Everyone has to conform to get by in Hollywood now. Ask Mel Gibson!

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‘FILM MAKER WANTS TO TAKE A STAND…without offending anybody at the Hollywood cocktail parties’…it’s a shame, as we know he is capable of great work.

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“In what universe do Texas and California align to fight on the same side?”

Only possibility of that would be if Texas flipped blue like Georgia did.

Which incidentally would by itself make it glaringly obvious that the President in the film is meant to be a MAGA Republican.

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Interesting. The film would have benefitted from some simple context. Obviously they were too busy….

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I find myself unable to consume any kind of contemporary main stream content; news, entertainment even music; due to the kind of coded threats and insults woven into it or the subtle hints at permissiveness for the degeneracy and breaking of social taboos. I'm much more likely to simply to turn it off rather than get angry over this kind of empty headed, vapid, meaningless dog s**t. It's all oh so tiresome. Also to mention that it is designed to instill anger in a viewer of a certain political persuasion hence I don't like to give them the opportunity of ruining my day. I'm very grateful to commentators such as yourself Morgoth, who take one for the team.

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Agreed. ‘Civil War’ was massively hyped up prior to its release. Commercials about civil war, one side fighting the other and all that - none of that was what the film was really about. It’s about photo journalists. No discussion about nuclear bombs, no drones, no discussion about technology and AI - just opinions about journalism and journalists. The producers should be sued under the Trades Description’s Act. At least I didn’t pay to watch it.

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Glad you didn't pay to watch it / be insulted by it - it really rubs salt into the wound.

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I’ve long felt the same way and I completely shut myself off from everything you just described over a decade.ago. All I can say is good riddance.

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Yes, right off the cliff.

The intellectual dishonesty of the liberal left has become all too apparent, and the liberal media finds itself unable to spin the situation in their direction. Alex Garland is just another (rather mediorce) example of the floundering desperation we see all across the media today.

The liberal left doesn't grow the food, fix the plumbing, or work in the oil fields (things members of my immediate family have done). I wonder if that realization has sunk in with the liberals? In a civil war, these nihilistic leftist radicals would find themselves sitting in the dark without running water or food overnight.

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I lost any respect for their stinking profession over the Trump years; I have come to see them as not merely "the enemies of the American people" as Trump put it, but of humanity.

The battlelines seem to be subtly shifting, from "these are the good guys and these are the bad guys" to "we, the people who tell you who are the good guys, are the good guys." Imagine Saving Private Ryan 2, where the heroes are Spielberg and his film crew as they make the first film. Nauseating, grandiose liars.

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The movie sounds like another product of the competency crisis.

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It's nauseating reading this. Imagine being Garland having to walk on egg shells to make sure your story isn't embraced by "the bad people". And here we mock Soviet and Chinese films for their propaganda movies.

In some ways this is worse, as the criteria for being on the wrong side shifts daily, and he was to worry about not just what is taboo today, but in the future.

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I think Garland is a liberal but simply had some sense of not wanting to be too obvious about it so he’d make at least some money from red voters.

But he still mostly failed. I never bothered to see it, even though I definitely would have if it was realistic and non-biased.

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Brilliant! When I watched this film I couldn't help but think "Programing" "Code" "Seeding" the message of Civil War is "Vote for Trump again and this is what will happen to the country" Don't forget the opening scence where we have a white "soccer mom" type waving an American flag blows up a crowd in a suicide bomb attack. Great piece Morgoth, I can't believe we also share "First Blood" as our favourite movie.

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How quickly we have come from an American civil war being a plausible but surreal fictional backdrop in V for Vendetta to a very reasonable sounding bet in any given month. We rather perceive now that the possibility is so close that a movie poster is enough to tip it into reality. As coding goes, perhaps all finer shades are redundant compared to the blatancy of millions of posters and adverts going up to with the bold words "Civil War". I smell Continuity of Government.

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The stabbing attack on the German politician last week and the continuing migrant violence across the West has proven us right and our detractors wrong. Dead wrong.

The rapid deterioration of the economy means that money bubbles are shattering and the middle and upper-middle classes are now coming face-to-face with the reality of open borders and mass immigration. Hospitals, medical systems, and local schools are now buckling under the weight of illegal immigration. The suburbs and rural areas are now flooded with migrants. Even the posh places are now dangerous.

Time for a white pill: Every day we grow stronger. The realization of what has become of the West is now apparent to virtually everyone. Those who do not wish to see, will not; these people will not survive. And that is as it should be.

Time is on our side. It will be hard slog, but I sincerely believe that we will win. At the very least, a large part of the West will survive, breakaway, and western civilzation will continue. Which will be a huge win.

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Civil war is a bad, incoherent, and generall boring movie, with a plot that makes no sense..So it flopped, along with its crude messages...But you have pinpointed two important movies, Falling Downn and First Blood...Another would be The Outlaw Josie Wales, with Clint Eastwood...Those movies are a litmus test for those of us who want America back...

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Excellent stuff. I would love to see more of your cinema deconstructions as written pieces like this rather than videos. Your videos on cinema, and your chats with Endeavour are good, I'm just more of a reader than a watcher or listener.

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Thanks for another good article. I heard that the film did not explain any competing ideologies, but the review I read did not discuss the regime enjoying coding. I have only been to the cinema once in 20 years (to watch The Northmen) because every film seems to offer nothing but leftist postmodern shit.

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"If we make a terrible movie based on this scenario, then nobody will take the scenario seriously in real life! It has to work!"

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I couldn't torture myself any longer and bowed out after watching 30 minutes of this tripe.

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