I'm on Children of Dune and was just thinking about something today at work. In the first book, the Gom Jabbar could be thought of as an "NPC Test". Paul Atreides is asked if he is an animal that will pull his hand out of the box (the stimulus-response NPC who supports the current thing) or if he can overcome the body by the strength of his will (someone who can think things out like us on the Dis. Right), in fact, I think the first thing the Bene Gesserit says is something like "well done young human" (if memory serves). Anybody else see this or is it so obvious it's a given lol?

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Essentially, he has to be able to place mind over matter or die. Remember, ''Fear is the mind killer''. What this proves to the Bene Gesserit is that Paul is indeed the one and their plans are in ruins.

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Exactly. In today's world so much stress is placed on the body and its immediate safety, and how many thumbs up it gets on instagram etc.

It precludes the idea that the body is a far second to higher ideals, truth, beauty and that there is such a thing as the spirit.

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Completely off topic and feel free to delete after but, I've really gone off this Black Pigeon bloke. That ww2 filacio post was gross, all so he could makes some "haha sluts get rekt" dumpster fire of a hot take, but not two post earlier he's lamenting the destruction of Ukrainian civilisation like the stars are going out! Citing "their women leaving never to return". What would he rather? They stay and swallow ruskie sperm for an iPhone? Eejit.

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I totally agree mate, I get bad vibe pervy vibes from him.

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Saw him on an interview, he has Jewy vibes.

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