This will be my final ''serious'' post of the year I now officially announce the season of comfy Christmas content at M-Rev Towers.

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Have the most wonderful Christmas with Lady Morgoth.

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You deserve the break, have a merry Christmas. Always appreciate and look forward to your content

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Thank f for that. This was a great read, by the way, but has proper put me on a downer.

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Thanks for another year of great content!

Have a wonderful Christmas and I'm looking forward to the Millenniyule stream, I hope the whiskey comes out again this year :)

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Women crying for help on TikTok tells us that feminism is finished. It promised women a life akin to an episode of ‘Sex and the City’. It failed to mention that world is predicated on having lots and lots of disposable income. The gateway to that materialistic nirvana is shut to all but a few elites, footballers’ WAGs (wives and girlfriends), the alumni of ‘Love Island’ and the more successful stars of Only Fans. A whole ton of career women, my university colleagues from the halcyon days of the pre-Blair 90s, are also about to lose their jobs to Artificial Intelligence. These women will be a nightmare in society - many are childless, single and about to be hit by the menopausal bus. Get ready for more TikTok videos but starring an older demographic. Feminism poisoned the well for men, women and, most of all, children. Don’t expect it’s death throes to be pretty...

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Those videos are already there in their tens of thousands. And that is before the AI holocaust they will endure. Attractive 40-something ladies, with nice hair and clothes, in a car we see enough of to know is expensive, with their careers after decades of drinking the feminist Kool-Aid. Depressed, anxious, desperately lonely. No husband, no kids.

This is now an emerging trend. And it is backed up by hard data. The demographic most likely to require antidepressants are childless women in their 40s. That says it all.

My understanding is we are seeing a much younger cohort of girls and women consuming these videos. Like Morgoth's example they have a reality that tends to bulldoze through the bullshit. It seems all too real to the girls 25 years younger watching. This could be me. Perhaps the beginnings of change.

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Yes, feminism sold us women a lifestyle that is is wholly unnatural, it goes against the biological imperatives and defining characteristics of what we are. I have known maybe two women in my entire life that I could honestly say were genuinely lacking in any maternal instincts. The rest of the many childless women I have known, all drank the Kool Aid as you say. We were told that we could ‘have it all’. Now they’re in their 40s and 50s and see decades stretching ahead of them, with little to look forward to but the ageing process and ‘disappearing’ - we live in a society that worships youth. Not that ‘youth’ will be of much use to the financially broke young women - unless they get on Only Fans or Love Island...

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Terrifically well put. Bravo. All so tragic. The number of young women I have known (my son's friends 😇) all dismissing me as an old fascist while trumpeting the toxic masculinity feminazi line "I don't need a man for anything!" - only now to be reaching their mid-30s, childless, in boring careers (we can't all read the news on Sky TV 🤮), looking around them on the demise of their 3rd or 4th failed three-year relationship, suddenly thinking 'f*ck, it didn't say this on the tin!'

I do sincerely feel for them. In a very real way, I think my generation of Boomer adults failed them. I worked alongside my wife in schools. She was a superb drama teacher, ensuring that Shakespeare, Sophocles, Moliere, et al, took centre stage, while also airing obligatory contemporary leftist stuff, Pinter, Beckett; but for the most part the educational dispensation of the school (and the age) was ultra-bland Enlightenment rationalism of one kind or another. We taught teenagers nothing of any real value; nothing profound and reverential about their own culture and history. Just the bare facts of comparatively recent political discourse, Victorian-era parliamentarianism, the Suffragettes, etc - and an endless obsession, historically speaking, with 'the rise of Hitler...'

The girls in particular were set on the usual conveyor-belt thinking of 'a woman can do anything she wants to do!' - as though the whole female sex was suddenly going to become an astronaut! With nothing but scorn for the idea that a young woman might find tremendous joy and fulfilment in becoming a wonderful mother and lynchpin in an extended family.

It all makes my blood boil retrospectively, to see how a whole generation was lied to. People like my wife and I did our best to argue, debate and contradict, but the tide was too strong. One could sense our culture being washed away. And here we are on an empty beach littered with boatfuls of strangers landing, telling us we're racists.....

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Such a fantastic comment - really appreciated your personal insight on the role the education system has played in this. So many people, in their late 30s/40s now, feel their education can be summed up as Henry VIII, Hitler and the Holocaust. As you say, they feel they were taught nothing about the great history of Britain. Many also feel their parents did not pass life lessons on to them. There’s been some terrible, terrible societal breakdown - so many people feel disconnected and adrift. I’m still in my 40s, but I grew up in a very socially conservative society (Northern Ireland) during the Troubles, which kept us in something of a time capsule. We still had the 11-plus exam - the legislation removing it was never applied to Ulster. So we studied Latin, Greek and ancient history at the grammar school I went to. I think I was very fortunate to be honest. You and your wife sound like brilliant teachers! - your students will remember you, we always remember teachers that imparted some real wisdom. I homeschool a group of children now; I got so disenchanted and plain angry at the state of the curriculum being taught. I’d also been a parent governor in a nice primary school ten years’ ago, when the Stonewall agenda starting coming in top-down. It was fast apparent that there’d be little us parents could do to stop it. I try and stay positive as I teach little kids, and can’t function if I don’t stay in the right frame of mind, but I feel desperately worried about where things are headed...

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Thanks again for your further lucid thoughts! How right you are when you talk about the vital importance of maintaining the right frame of mind! Life has, indeed, become a daily wrestle with one's conscience, as one wonders how best to contribute to the resistance. But it sounds like you're doing a powerfully creative thing in taking the reins of children's education with homeschooling.

These demons' assault on our children is beyond vile. It's also their main strategy: pervert the spirits of the young, of youth itself - and it is so easily done unless we fight it tooth and nail: of that much I am sure. I 'm delighted to hear that you're going to be on MillenYule (forgotten how you spell it🤡) and I much look forward to listening to your dialogue with Colin.

Btw, fascinated to hear you went to a grammar school where you studied Latin and Greek. I did too (Latin, not Greek though). How fortunate I feel to have benefitted from the classical education I received. Yes, some aspects of the school were dull and boring at times, and the headmaster was an old devil a bit too fond of wielding the cane around at the drop of a hat - but what a rich experience it all was!

PS - It'd be foolish of me not to mention that I've got a book coming out in two days (or so Amazon tell me) called 'The Incomplete Book of Lockdown' - it's a vividly (I hope!) poetic denunciation of the nightmare these sadists forced us to live. I'm also launching a YouTube channel on which I'll be doing readings from the book and talking about subjects close to all our hearts. I'd be delighted if you had a look at the channel when you have a mo....Hopefully the first episode will be up before Christmas.... Kind regards.

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Definitely I will! So sorry for the delay replying, I had the privilege of appearing on Millenniyule earlier this week and have been busy with Christmas shenanigans since. Please send me any links you have to anything you do, I’d love to follow what you do. You can always reach me at my channel

https://youtube.com/@LadyOfShaIott?si=Zew4T0-XXunq23z7 Have a very blessed Christmas and a great New Year.

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You forgot Martin Luther King; my kids tell me they 'do' him at least once a term. Otherwise you're spot on of course

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Any time I hear a woman say, "I don't need a man," it occurs to me I don't know any man who doesn't need a woman.

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Yes, true. In a strange, ironic way it may be that men are more heroically romantic than women.... prepared to sacrifice all for the sake of love. - But, of course, I must remind myself that I'm referencing modern woman - a very different proposition from real, pre-war women....

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Plus the other aspect of aging for women, is their declining visibility to men. The idea was you get one when young enough to dazzle him then bond through the raising of children. The attraction then is multifaceted and not so dependent on fading looks.

Not so when dating later in life. Men are who they are and it gets harder as you get older. All this because a tiny handful of crazy women were given prominence.

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Yes, they become ‘invisible’ to men. You’ll

hear a lot of them complaining about how it seems they have ‘disappeared’ in society. Nobody notices them anymore. That’s a hard pill to swallow but, for my grandmother’s generation it didn’t really matter as they had large families to fill their lives with. They didn’t spend much time thinking about it, or staring in the mirror checking for lines.

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After a good few months of being a Morgoth subscriber, and reading your comments on here, all I can say is I look forward to your chat on Millenniyule next week.

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Ah bless you thank you! I just hope the wifi down in this part of Victoria holds up. We’ve had terrible electrical storms and torrential downpours (lovely summer) but I’m praying things will settle down next week. We’ll talk about the madness of Melbourne, the recent Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum here (the landslide NO result is currently being subverted by the government), women in the DR - always a good one and whatever else comes up. Very honoured to have been asked to participate 😊

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Never liked feminists, since l'âge de Raison ;-)..

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And may we shame them for generations for their treason

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"It's quantitative easing but with people". I'm going to be using that sentence again and again.

Brilliant as usual Morgoth. Merry Christmas and thanks for everything you do for our people.

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Thanks. I'll have a little festive content before I log off for Christmas. This is my last doom post this year.

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Just to quote the second to last paragraph,

'Anyone who has watched an advert or seen any corporate ESG-inspired sloganeering could quite rightly ask themselves: where the hell did white go? The answer is of course that we were long ago cast out of the cultural citadel and reduced to the wargus stalking the wastelands. Witness now as the citadel gates open once more as our womenfolk are cast outside to join us.'

I see this as a hopeful thing to have as it means we will be reunited with our women folk in the wasteland and this creates a dangerous breed of folk in the future.

Simply, the citadel has made a grave error in the long run and will pay in spades come vengeance, hope in that we become Nemesis to those who have abandoned us.

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I hope you're right. I don't want to generalise but I will - like a fish swimming in water, I fear most of these women will not join the dots. Instead most (in the UK) will simply buy the "evil Tories", or the "evil white patriarchy" line, the latter of which is totally understandable given the cultural filth we all swim in and vote Labour next year.

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I'm not so sure. The example in the article, the local A&E looking like Mogadishu, is not an isolated example. Frankly, no one wants a foreign doctor. That seeps in. And I am seeing more openly comment on it. Even if just the mild, why are we not training our own doctors and nurses?

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Many British doctors and nurses leave the NHS and come down here to work in the Australian healthcare system - as medical professionals they get preferential visas and can relocate their family. Or they do what a cousin of mine, a British trained doctor did, and go for the big money working in Dubai, or another oil-rich Arab country.

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I can understand why. But we are shipping in lots from countries not known for their rigorous academic standards. Some of those countries have a tradition of buying degrees to enhance the status of the family, including medicine.

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Definitely, and there have been a number of cases of foreign doctors that have failed to diagnose or have misdiagnosed British patients that have gone on to die. Often the foreign doctor’s English is too poor to be properly understood. History Debunked covered this topic on his channel https://youtu.be/J4BD90GS-84?si=nBWBqVs_I5s6Exs3

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It really is a disgrace. And a worry.

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I had a personal experience of that last year with my dad; his GP managed to confuse lung cancer with ‘wear and tear’ and then a trapped nerve and just fobbed him off with painkillers. By the time he got to the hospital to get a proper examination - after waiting 10 months from seeing the GP - and found it, it had spread into his liver and bones and he died less than three weeks later.

The number of people who share similar stories to this or have been adversely affected by medical negligence or incompetence tells me it’s happening more frequently than is realised or admitted.

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Those that do and those that don't, we can't be there to save everyone, a lot of people will be taken down with the sinking ship all because they believed, when told, that the ship was fine.

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Such a depressing state of affairs and your article parallels the recent story of a young white homeless man in London being hosed down like street litter by a black "enforcer" working for the faceless giant corporation "McDonalds". Surely this Sunak/Starmer, (Newsom/De Santis) all smiles in a suit type centre cannot hold? We are heading towards Weimar levels of poverty, degeneracy and utter despair with racial and religious undertones but this time the system, as in Ireland will have the technological means and power to likely crush any rebellion.

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I had to reign in my rage at that story. I live for the day of retribution, the stripping of assets from the Criminal Paedo Class and the redistribution of those assets to our kith and kin.

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This is the race we are engaged in.. it's them or us.. they have to get the social credit /cbdc digital ghulag in quickly to suppress any resistance

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I agree that the world we are living in is frighteningly similar to Weimar Germany. Technology has given governments a terrifying level of control . Can there be meaningful revolt without taking down the technology?

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With what I think is planned (AI, CBDCS, Digital ID etc), I really fear not. What's worse, our people going quietly into that good night or filled with rage, rage, rage and yet possibly being unable to collectively do anything about it.

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Thank you for not jumping on the typical conservative bandwagon and gloating over the fates of these women. In my mind they are OUR women. Their sadness and despair should concern us as white men. I love white women. My mother is one, as is my sister, my daughters, my girlfriend! I want them to feel happy and secure. Obviously the Cathedral is generally unconcerned with their fate; if anything their, neuroses and depression is a feature not a bug. But as a movement we whites need to leave this infighting behind and embrace the idea of taking care of our own.

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"HA HA, stupid bitches getting what they deserve in their sinking ship! Have fun drowning!" said man in the same boat.

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I've watched this unfold with a few women on the outer edges of my friend network. It's awful but it does seem like this is something we have to go through, "it gets worse before it gets better" I suppose. Hopefully it gets better, anyway...

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This is my first comment with Morgoth. I have been gladly receiving your work for a year on so now, and want to thank you for your efforts, this last post being no exception.

Matters have grown so acute now. I live in a middle-sized regional town, and though it has long been down-at-heel, it is rapidly taking on the aspect of a natives' ghetto. I think that each new year wins a greater part of our cohort over to a de facto accelerationism.

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Welcome aboard friend.

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I keep wondering whether these developments, which to some extent are certainly inevitable when proceeding under the neoliberal paradigm, are deliberately exacerbated. Consider a certain central European country, where, as was announced today, due to budget problems the "CO2-price" is now to be raised. It is not hard to see how this will affect the cost of living. It is also not hard to see, at least for people reading this, that there are many things that a lot of government money is spent where budget cuts could be made without increasing the cost of living of the general populace. Which begs the further question what, if these results are indeed deliberate or at least accepted, the intention is. To me it would seem that a "slow boil" approach that avoids a mass turning away (thereby creating plenty of wargusses or wargi) would be more prudent from a tactical standpoint, but what do I know.

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I am officially warg-pilled

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Definitely a trend worthy of attention. I hope it drives women to see that their best interests are not all that different from men’s. The divide and conquer technique has been much too powerful in the hands of our keepers.

Many memorable essays this year, thank you and have a wonderful Christmas.

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They succeeded by selling women a lifestyle, not empowerment as such. It was the fruits of empowerment they sold. But if the reality is singledom, childlessness AND unemployment then the con becomes too visible.

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What always gets me about this is that most women around me aren’t lap top class (as Mary Harrington says) at all, but “pink collar” hairdressers, cashiers, etc. a step up are the seemingly millions of medical receptionists and billing coders, the latter easily replaced by AI. Many college educated women are teachers and nurses, necessary and respectable jobs, but hardly glamorous careers. The very few who dress up and carry briefcases should engender envy and resentment more than awe and emulation! The facts were always there but many women seem allergic to facts.

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Most people, male and female, are like this.

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They now have millions of brown bodies to serve as a political/social/cultural fracturing force and with inflation acting as a great reducer the indians and chinese are in their element, no rugged individualism for them, 4 generations to a house and everyone doing 20 hour shifts so they can buy maximum real estate in this new "land of plenty" before everything equalizes and you can't tell the difference between where they came from and where they are now.

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A new chivalry is past due; to save our women from the idiot gorgon of the industrial economy. The men who manage to liberate women by their labours of provision should be held out as heroic exemplars (no matter the lowliness of their employment), and the women thus saved should be recognised as receiving a high honour; they were esteemed worthy of rescue, having inspired men to a grim task by their virtues. Of course, for many this may not be attainable with things as they are, but I think there must be value in framing the struggle in a mode like this, according considerable respect to both liberator and liberatee, even just for the attempt.

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Brilliantly bleak and bleakly brilliant article MG. Bottom line: unless and until Europe's peoples wake up to the reality, value - and, yes, beauty - of their over-arching ethnicity (and sub-ethnicities) and the bonds inherent therein, we are all, as peoples, lost. It's taken me a while to get there but I now understand that ethnicity is, in its deepest (and least racist!) sense the secret key in which the character of a people is encoded. Without it they cannot begin to be understood; with it, everything becomes clear: their strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices, aesthetic temperaments and ethical emphases etc. All this was once so obvious as to be unworthy even of mention. But 50 years of continuous libellous and slanderous onslaught have reduced the once noble principle of ethnicity to Wargus status:. Thus outlawed in word, thought and deed we can only hope that European people gradually take the hint and band together again in sufficient numbers to be taken seriously by their oppressors. Though I will not see it myself, I long for the day.

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Thank you

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There's an obnoxious Twitter user named Will Stancil (find him and tell him he sucks) who has taken it upon himself — or perhaps he gets paid, I don't know — to inform the public that, ackshually, the economy is doing great right now and you're just a dumb chud if you think otherwise. Besides the obvious bullshit inherent in all his "analysis" — i.e. we're all aware that official numbers are cooked and no amount of telling young people about record wheat harvests is going to change the fact that home ownership is increasingly a thing of the past for huge swathes of young people in the Anglosphere — what people like this fail to realize is that much of the despair about the current state of things isn't economic per se. This is certainly part of it, but beyond that, everyone can kind of just sense that the lights are going out in the culture, and it's increasingly looking like they're never gonna come back on. You hear griping about the economy because that's both how people know how to express these feelings, and because it's the only polite way to talk about them.

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the power of female tears over civilized men is real, as in Picassos Weeping Woman from 1937

but those videos do strike a chord, after all these are ordinary women not actresses putting on a waterworks show.

Germaine Greer must sleep uncomfortably at night knowing generations of Anglo girls and women have had their lives destroyed so GG can be a celebrity feminist along with others of her ilk.

It turned out only 20 or 30% at most of women wanted the career woman arc and that was only understood by many as a high flying boardroom job with great salary and perks,

not working minimum wage in a Aldis or warehouse.

Perhpas I should buy stocks in anti depressants until the Wargus in the Woods regather ( I guess we Irish would call them Wood Kerne)

very sobering MG but great read as always

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