It has even infected radio4!! I was listening to a segment with the host interviewing a chap about female penises.. (lol) My mums in her 70s and listens to this! she must be wondering if she has entered an alternate dimension. Pretty sure your right ,this didn't start until about 2017. The most successful psyop conducted yet!!

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Morgoth

There are also very, rich men involved with this. Jennifer Bilek is worth checking out she is following the money and uncovering all sorts of organisations that are ploughing copious amounts of money to enable policy and law reform to normalise and encourage this evil ideology. Pritzker, Rothblatt , Stryker and Soros too I believe! Great article Morgoth

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Morgoth

It is an intermediary step. If you can convince the world that there is no distinction between male and female, the destruction of the adult and child distinction is that much easier. That which is bizarre and self-refuting today will be the obvious truth tomorrow.

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Apr 10, 2022Liked by Morgoth

All these “rights” are forced by the system in the same way, whether it be trannies, gays, ethnics or even women.

The machine makes the average “man on the street” confront themselves with a difficult conundrum:

“I’m not keen on it, and I know it’s wrong deep down in my gut. However, I’m definitely not a ????ist, and would be deeply ashamed if I was called one, so I will parrot the newspeak”

They even end up believing the lie they told themselves.

Welcome to the Machine meets The Emperor’s New Clothes.

We told you what to think, and you can’t see the naked, mutilated crotch gesticulating in front on your face.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Morgoth

I just saw the results of a poll where they asked Americans what percentage of the population they thought were trannies vs the real percentage of trannies and it was crazy the answers! they assumed the tranny population at 21% when it is supposedly 1% (even 1% sounds high to me) and I believe they did the same with homosexuals with the exact same results....

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Perhaps the goal of this whole thing is to turn the person into the most self-centered type of "person" possible. This is the ideal type, with no other goals but to consume for their own pleasure. They will never build real relationships to realize the meaning of life, focused only on how much everyone else has to validate who they are.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Morgoth

Fantastic piece sir. What you're describing, this unconscious retreat from an increasingly bizarre and inscrutable world, is what Professor Hansen calls The Monastery of the Mind. Traditionalists have largely given up on the world and so have formed little redoubts in their minds.

I find myself doing the same. I don't watch any modern television shows or listen to newer music. Even the books that I read tend to be at least 20 or 30 years old. Not saying that with pride, it's just something I've noticed about myself recently.

Best of luck sir, I've enjoyed your content for a long time and you're an inspiration.

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Marvellous piece

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Tellingly the Modern Left is happy to gate keep for “allies”, even those who want to help teenagers become more confused about matters of sex and body image. Maybe this is why they get so upset by the mention of “grooming” - it’s on target.

Also it seems mental health professionals would rather be silent than discuss the reality of gender dysphoria.

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Apr 14, 2022Liked by Morgoth

Great article, and looking forward to reading more of your thoughts on Frazer. The Golden Bough is a fascinating work.

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