‘Theatre of the absurd’ indeed. Many women, myself included, have come to despise feminism for allowing this Trojan horse through the city gates. I discussed the recent display of institutional power in New Zealand against the activist Posie Parker and her supporters, in a video I made entitled ‘The Death of Feminism’ https://youtu.be/oPJ7nMGSZ_Y. Revolutions are like wars - you can start one whenever you like. But you will find it far harder to end one. The TERFs have discovered that. People in our circles regularly say to me ‘women brought all this upon themselves’ - true, they did. But we are where we are. A people that cannot, or will not, continue itself by having children, will be conquered and erased. Whether it’s for economic or gender political reasons, the outcome will be the same. It’s a shame, as being a parent is one area of life in which most people can derive some level of satisfaction and personal enrichment. The same cannot be said of being an ‘economic unit’. There just aren’t enough glamorous careers to go around...
We're watching all of this happen in real time. American infrastructure has been crumbling for a generation, the same is certainly true in Canada, ditto the UK. What new infrastructure goes up is malinvestment - wind farms that don't supply enough electricity to power the existing grid, let alone the electric car utopia that is being mandated, meanwhile they continue to build freeways.
It's no accident that weed is legal and fentanyl everywhere in Canada.
The one limiting factor, I think, could be economic collapse. If the standard of living in Canada is no longer so attractive, immigrants won't want to come. Not much of a victory, however, since that would mean Pakistan and Canada now have a comparable quality of life.
John, sorry to say that you may be overlooking the impact of the Access to White People Act 1997 which categorically and clearly states that everyone has a right to live among white people, except white people.
Sadly they are all flooding into Australia now. We have 200K plus immigrants, mainly from India, heading this way. No doubt they’ve watched an Australian soap opera with sub-titles and imagine they’ll be living by the beach. Truth of it is, they’ll be working all the hours God sends just to keep their head above water, living in one of the vast suburbs of Melbourne or Sydney nowhere near the sea. But I guess the bar is set so low for them that this is an improvement in their lives, until the housing market here finally implodes and rich Australia is gone.
Agreed. Someone in government here has only just realised that there is nowhere for these 200K incomers to live. We already have Australians camping out in public parks in the big cities...Their solution - to build tower blocks, breaking all their own building restrictions on high-rises. But Australians are a nation of NIMBY’s (not in my neighbourhood). They might be ok with Indians delivering their fast food but they sure don’t want to live with them.
"They might be ok with Indians delivering their fast food but they sure don’t want to live with them." Right there is a big part of the problem. White people don't want to do menial and low status jobs but they still want those jobs done. Hence the necessity to import third-worlders who don't mind what work they do as long as they get to live in a nice, orderly, safe white country. White people will complain about immigrant invasion but they still want their pizzas delivered.
100 percent. What the heck has happened to Aussies that they’ve gotten so chronically lazy that they can’t be bothered to go and get their own fast food? They’d rather import an Indian Uber driver to do it for them. When the inevitable crash comes here - and it is coming via the housing market - it will be even uglier as this place as been so rich for so long. All the menial jobs here are done by Indians, far more so now than the Chinese. Many Aussies think they’re just too good to do those jobs...
What happens to all the Indians when these menial jobs are automated? Soon pizzas will be delivered by drone. There is already a fully automated pizza parlour in the pipeline. Will they pack up and go home or end up in a tent in a local park?
Haha! Yes. That’s a dystopian vision if ever there was one. My dad had a copy of the novel. Ballard wrote it in 1975 I think? - he saw the future. How thin the veneer of society really is; how quickly it can disintegrate and how technological landscapes can impact the human psyche ...The novel was one of Ian Curtis from Joy Division’s favourite books.
According to Dutton, the only say to fix this is to go back to a state of nature that increases selection pressure, it’s just the ever changing high and low tide of civilizations.
I need to go back and read more Swift, so thank you for that mention. I fear we have passed the point where satire works, where irony exists, where the absurd is laughable. Today the Babylon Bee is more accurate than the New York Times and is certainly more prescient than Jim Cramer. There is no perversion that cannot be soberly endorsed by the Western propaganda ministries (the BBC, ABC, CNN, etc).
As for collapse, I no longer fear it. I just want to get on with it while I'm still young enough to do something to survive it.
ktx for the follow on twtr was an honour, unfortunately I just got zapped again. All done in a couple of hours, no intention of telling me how I ‘broke the rules’. Same old same old. Probably was my awful jokes..
hi i lost my bank card 6 months ago lived off the grid for a few months that was why i unsubbed.
i've been running another new acc on xitter but now they're just hiding anything i say on that one. i sent a few replies to you on the march thing i don't expect a reply but as i bloody wrote them i at least want you to see them (you won't like them much tho)
no biggie - elon doesn't like me maybe i'll do some substack
''it wasn't a march tho, it was an attendance and a moment's silence at a sacred place on a sacred day as seen by those attending. That's a way more powerful message than any march could muster.
Well I don't see anything ''powerful'' resulting from that event whatsoever. I think it was a trap and well meaning men walked straight into it.
Neither Tommy Robinson or Douglas Murray want anything to do with the people in these circles so I don't see how we could team up with their camps, which seem at this point to be entirely devoted to Israel.
But naturally I'm sympathetic to those working class lads, we desperately need institutions that work for us and offer leadership.
we've talked about this before -it's not that i'm a tommy fan but i am a fan of the truth - that guy claiming tommy is going to be paid by ezra really pissed me off. tommy jewed the fuck out of rebel media - got himself a massive following in US and dumped them. when do the white brit working class ever get any credit for anything.
in the BBC doc tommy exposed Rebel as a scam operation. did anyone on the right ever give him credit for that? do they think he left in there by accident? no credit -in fact the opposite
‘Theatre of the absurd’ indeed. Many women, myself included, have come to despise feminism for allowing this Trojan horse through the city gates. I discussed the recent display of institutional power in New Zealand against the activist Posie Parker and her supporters, in a video I made entitled ‘The Death of Feminism’ https://youtu.be/oPJ7nMGSZ_Y. Revolutions are like wars - you can start one whenever you like. But you will find it far harder to end one. The TERFs have discovered that. People in our circles regularly say to me ‘women brought all this upon themselves’ - true, they did. But we are where we are. A people that cannot, or will not, continue itself by having children, will be conquered and erased. Whether it’s for economic or gender political reasons, the outcome will be the same. It’s a shame, as being a parent is one area of life in which most people can derive some level of satisfaction and personal enrichment. The same cannot be said of being an ‘economic unit’. There just aren’t enough glamorous careers to go around...
We're watching all of this happen in real time. American infrastructure has been crumbling for a generation, the same is certainly true in Canada, ditto the UK. What new infrastructure goes up is malinvestment - wind farms that don't supply enough electricity to power the existing grid, let alone the electric car utopia that is being mandated, meanwhile they continue to build freeways.
It's no accident that weed is legal and fentanyl everywhere in Canada.
The one limiting factor, I think, could be economic collapse. If the standard of living in Canada is no longer so attractive, immigrants won't want to come. Not much of a victory, however, since that would mean Pakistan and Canada now have a comparable quality of life.
John, sorry to say that you may be overlooking the impact of the Access to White People Act 1997 which categorically and clearly states that everyone has a right to live among white people, except white people.
Sadly they are all flooding into Australia now. We have 200K plus immigrants, mainly from India, heading this way. No doubt they’ve watched an Australian soap opera with sub-titles and imagine they’ll be living by the beach. Truth of it is, they’ll be working all the hours God sends just to keep their head above water, living in one of the vast suburbs of Melbourne or Sydney nowhere near the sea. But I guess the bar is set so low for them that this is an improvement in their lives, until the housing market here finally implodes and rich Australia is gone.
The invisible hand of the market will smooth out global living standards into a Bangladeshi street urchin's idea of prosperity, if we let it.
Agreed. Someone in government here has only just realised that there is nowhere for these 200K incomers to live. We already have Australians camping out in public parks in the big cities...Their solution - to build tower blocks, breaking all their own building restrictions on high-rises. But Australians are a nation of NIMBY’s (not in my neighbourhood). They might be ok with Indians delivering their fast food but they sure don’t want to live with them.
"They might be ok with Indians delivering their fast food but they sure don’t want to live with them." Right there is a big part of the problem. White people don't want to do menial and low status jobs but they still want those jobs done. Hence the necessity to import third-worlders who don't mind what work they do as long as they get to live in a nice, orderly, safe white country. White people will complain about immigrant invasion but they still want their pizzas delivered.
100 percent. What the heck has happened to Aussies that they’ve gotten so chronically lazy that they can’t be bothered to go and get their own fast food? They’d rather import an Indian Uber driver to do it for them. When the inevitable crash comes here - and it is coming via the housing market - it will be even uglier as this place as been so rich for so long. All the menial jobs here are done by Indians, far more so now than the Chinese. Many Aussies think they’re just too good to do those jobs...
I assure you that it's not just Aussies.
What happens to all the Indians when these menial jobs are automated? Soon pizzas will be delivered by drone. There is already a fully automated pizza parlour in the pipeline. Will they pack up and go home or end up in a tent in a local park?
Hey now, let's not lose sight of the important thing: rising GDP.
Per capita? Huh? What's that?
Haha! Yes. That’s a dystopian vision if ever there was one. My dad had a copy of the novel. Ballard wrote it in 1975 I think? - he saw the future. How thin the veneer of society really is; how quickly it can disintegrate and how technological landscapes can impact the human psyche ...The novel was one of Ian Curtis from Joy Division’s favourite books.
According to Dutton, the only say to fix this is to go back to a state of nature that increases selection pressure, it’s just the ever changing high and low tide of civilizations.
The collapse is inevitable. You can avoid reality but you can’t avoid dealing with the consequences of avoiding it.
I need to go back and read more Swift, so thank you for that mention. I fear we have passed the point where satire works, where irony exists, where the absurd is laughable. Today the Babylon Bee is more accurate than the New York Times and is certainly more prescient than Jim Cramer. There is no perversion that cannot be soberly endorsed by the Western propaganda ministries (the BBC, ABC, CNN, etc).
As for collapse, I no longer fear it. I just want to get on with it while I'm still young enough to do something to survive it.
ktx for the follow on twtr was an honour, unfortunately I just got zapped again. All done in a couple of hours, no intention of telling me how I ‘broke the rules’. Same old same old. Probably was my awful jokes..
Let me know when you're back on mate
Suspended due to tos violations
Do you have a specific example
Case closed try a new one
As I was paying I'm trying the 'give me back my money' angle to see if I can break the bot loop. Looking pretty terminal though.
hi i lost my bank card 6 months ago lived off the grid for a few months that was why i unsubbed.
i've been running another new acc on xitter but now they're just hiding anything i say on that one. i sent a few replies to you on the march thing i don't expect a reply but as i bloody wrote them i at least want you to see them (you won't like them much tho)
no biggie - elon doesn't like me maybe i'll do some substack
Nice to see you around again.
''it wasn't a march tho, it was an attendance and a moment's silence at a sacred place on a sacred day as seen by those attending. That's a way more powerful message than any march could muster.
Well I don't see anything ''powerful'' resulting from that event whatsoever. I think it was a trap and well meaning men walked straight into it.
Neither Tommy Robinson or Douglas Murray want anything to do with the people in these circles so I don't see how we could team up with their camps, which seem at this point to be entirely devoted to Israel.
But naturally I'm sympathetic to those working class lads, we desperately need institutions that work for us and offer leadership.
we've talked about this before -it's not that i'm a tommy fan but i am a fan of the truth - that guy claiming tommy is going to be paid by ezra really pissed me off. tommy jewed the fuck out of rebel media - got himself a massive following in US and dumped them. when do the white brit working class ever get any credit for anything.
and one last thing..
in the BBC doc tommy exposed Rebel as a scam operation. did anyone on the right ever give him credit for that? do they think he left in there by accident? no credit -in fact the opposite
If you look at the big BreadTube channels, they've become unbearably boring. Basically it's just CNN.