I despise these bastards that have never had any contact with symptomatic patients in a healthcare setting spinning their bullshit. I am not a statistician, but I have been over many of the ONS numbers. The unvaccinated have become increasingly less represented in non-Covid deaths since these poisons were injected. Given the decreasing uptake of the injections, the unvaccinated should be appearing more in non-Covid deaths., not less. Being that anyone days 1-13 post injection is deemed unvaccinated, the true numbers are obfuscated and corrupt. The pitch was also queered when Covid recovered were told to take this mRNA junk. It's going to be very difficult to pin anything on the injections. The only light is that people are talking among themselves about their unpleasant experiences since having the crap. and deciding to give it a wide berth. Real life experiences will always trump a spreadsheet.

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Over the years there's been a multitude of things that I thought would cause serious trouble for the elites. Weapons of mass destruction that no one could find, Rotherham grooming reports (and then countless more to follow), to name just a couple. Sad truth is the general public don't really care unless it hits them personally , and call me cynical but if it does come out and that they were not safe, they'll just chuck money at it, the families will start getting big payouts , be a scandal for a bit and then we move on.

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Yes, but this time it is hitting them personally.

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I can’t add much more to the comments already made. It was a mass-murder event. It is an on-going mass murder event. I went to the protests (here in Melbourne) against the Australian government’s ‘no jab no job’ policy. Many of my compatriots believed there would be a Nuremberg 2.0. That when the public realised the enormity of the crime perpetrated on them, they would rise up and deliver Game of Thrones’ type justice to the predator class. Now the truth is slowly emerging, drip by drip, I hear only the deafening sound of cope. Desperate families of the vaccine injured are ignored. Of course, this happened over twenty years ago when Dr Andrew Wakefield exposed the link between the MMR vaccine and autism. His paper was withdrawn but never refuted....Wakefield was struck off the GMC register and had to leave the country. The Big Pharma show stays on the road. There will be no Nuremberg 2.0.

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Also, the stronger the denial of the role of the injections is more indication that many of these bum cloths never took the thing themselves.

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The German health minister really screwed up in his efforts to pretend he took the clot shot.

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As I see it, the purveyors of the Covid scam such as Devi have 2 options:

1) Admit they were wrong and accept the reputational damage and possibly even criminal charges that will follow.

2) Double down on their lies and propaganda in the hope that something else comes along to distract the public and it all blows over.

It seems they are going for option 2 for now, the question is how long will people continue to buy it? I sense people are starting to wake up and it will be really interesting to see the numbers that come forward for a booster this winter as that should give an indication.

Of your scenarios number 6 seems the most likely to me right now. But this winter may well end up throwing a spanner into the works.

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I think sadly the public will continue to be distracted by the flashy lights forever, in my area people have already forgotten about the vaccine mandates, human beings are very disturbing sometimes.

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Completely agree. The people will forget about it and go back to eating pop-tarts and watching celebrity degenerate love Island on ice. Don't you guys realise that most people are barely functioning morons?

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It's really amazing how short the attention span of the average western man is, they could go outside and witness their entire district being burnt to a crisp with white prosperous bombing raids and other than the thought of how many likes they could get on Tiktok if they filmed it they will have forgotten about it by the time they have their microwave pie heated and their Amazon Prime show buffered back in their lounge.

I'm not sure how you make a demoralized person moralized again.

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Totally man. If this wasn't all by design then it's the most amazing series of events. Giving every human a video camera and a means to transmit its recordings changed the human race and I'm thinking it wasn't for the better.

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Thank you for keeping the torch lit at the scamdemic remembrance HQ. I realized something was up quite quickly, Q1 2020 I was following Metokur's covid streams and then moved onto reading the thread on the Kiwifarms which I have been keeping up with till recently when the regime blew up the forums. What happened (and is continuing to happen) is the darkest event in human history in my opinion, the sheer amount of gaslighting and playing with human lives is incomprehensible.

Even though I knew how deadly the poison was I was put in a position in november 2021, either I take the mrna toxins or be fired (and I only found out on the last week that we would be fired and be escorted away by the police if we came on site unvaxxed). All of the other employment options in my town were also vax only (and many still are), It was either be literally on the streets or get the Pfizer demon juice. I did end up getting it as much as it pained me to do so, I get a lot of shit for it on the farms but fair enough I do deserve it.

At least now with my life taken away from me I no longer have to fear anything and I can try to keep a stiff upper lip as the last remnants of the west crumbles away.

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How can those in positions of "authority" accept anything without hanging their masters, the ones who established their entire positions? I can't think of a situation where this legitimately ever has happened. Those in power will utilize the "heads I win, tails you lose" structure that they establish with every decision. If one was brave enough to truly blow the whistle, their downfall is guaranteed, those above them, not so much.

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Yes, they're locked in.

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One thing I find interesting is that they could cool things down by dropping the scamdemic and the vaccines entirely and never mentioning them again, and likely the public at large would forget pretty quickly and be focused on food and heat issues etc. But the elites are still pushing covid and the vaccines as a thing, a bit of a risky play really. I think they don't want to give it up as they need pretend pandemic on the cards so they can implement the Chinese digital ID app easier.

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https://maajidnawaz.substack.com/p/the-culling?r=r9ca9&utm_medium=ios not sure if you subscribe to Maajid but he has some excellent data points here which does significantly point to the government injectable being quite harmful

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Morgoth, I'd love to hear your take on the episode of Coronation Street PJW discusses a bit here: https://youtu.be/joaed2Yn87o

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I may do a podcast on here soon and I'll touch on a few things

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Cheers. It'd be much appreciated. Has Viz been affected by the cult of wokeness? Many of that comic's strips' authors seem to have seen a lot of what came down the pipes many years ago. "Modern Parents" comes to mind.

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I'm glad you're still wearing the flares on this issue, Morgs. It's one I still can't get out of my head and it annoys me that it's pretty much only you and Dave Cullen who are talking about this regularly.

I'm in two minds over whether this will affect the populace into action. On the one hand, they generally seemed disappointingly indifferent to the child grooming, uncontrolled mass immigration and the complete destruction of their native culture. However, the vaccine will affect them directly and there is no going around it. It's literally inside them so they will eventually have to deal with it if it turns out that they may have injected a ticking time bomb.

Will comfort, bread and circuses be enough to keep them tame? What would be more distracting for them than the prospect that they might have a significantly higher prospect of dying? Every time they get a cold or feel lightheaded, the idea that their number could be up will be extremely taxing on their morale. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of stress that could cause.

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Maybe there is a number seven, after the Status Quo comes the Iron Maiden.

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Here's my crazy conspiracy theory.

We know the virus was made in a lab.

China bought up tons of centrifuges and bio-research equipment from America in the late 90s and was openly talked about as "The Wild West of BioResearch". Remember the Aids-resistant , gene-edited twins that were born in China? The doctor behind it all "disappeared".

Africa and India had very low fatalities despite low take-up of the vaccine.

Some think certain parties wish a decline in European populations.

Was the virus &/or vaccine DESIGNED to be particularly harmful to Europeans?

Yeh, I'm an idiot, of course I'm wrong, just something to think on.

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Well from I can tell Europeans were given different vaccines to most of the rest of the world. China and Russia had their own. Though I've been told there's was also based on the same tech so I'm not sure what to make of it.

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Thanks for replying mate. Like I said, it's probably just a daft idea but it has been going around my head. Strange that it seemed to affect people in the west much more than Africans.

In saying that, I don't think the vaccine was made for the virus, I think the virus was made for the vaccine.

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China is using what is essentially the same tech as the standard flu vax with sinovac, they stayed away from the mrna vaccines, which is rather curious.

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It was so easy to convince people to take an untested, novel new type of treatment. Wasn't that the final proof we needed that people will do anything they're told?

This is the realisation I had over the last few years; we on the dissident right tend to think for ourselves. Because of this we'll never get anything major done because we have too much individuality. I've seen it happen. Whereas the normie, leftie group accept what they're told to. I try to be positive but I think we're doomed to be the outsiders always with no power to change things.

I'm open to discussion of course on this though.

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It is like that isn't it, I don't think that the dissident right can ever make changes or gain power, we all have our own ideas of what the ideal future would be and many of us are tied together by what we are certain we don't want rather than what we want. I would be happy with anything other than the current thing though.

I don't think that it is a problem in the year of our lord 2022 though, the job of the dissident right is to provide alternative ideas and news sources, it is the job of the masses to inact change by whatever means is left to them, we just have to hope that if changes occur that the pendulum does swing to the right and the same mistakes are not made again.

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Yep mate. But we'll never compete with the leftie group-mind mentality. If a strong enough, magnetic leader comes and changes the overall culture... then maybe things will get better. Kinda like a British Trump effect dare I say? But of course look at the system going after him now. 🙄

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That could be great, he needs to be of use to the MSM as someone they can paint as being a dictator otherwise the leader will have to live with the fact that old agent M from the blue star country is only a phone call away.

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Just wanted to say that this is a very important topic for me. Your (Morgoth´s) comments on the politics and the psychology of covid continue to be, at least for me, pretty much the most insightful on the entire internet. Please keep up the good work.

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I still think about the incinerators they bought and the mega prison built during the lockdowns, l don't think this is over at all tbh.

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The deaths will be explained away as more artillery is fired at us.. they died of exposure)cold) starvation/ war consequences.. hyperinflation will kill a lot of people. The NHS is technically dead so there are quite a large number of deaths related to GPS being no longer available in many cases.. the vax will just weedle humans away slowly over the next 5 years

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