I saw this late the previous night and it was horrific to watch. The point is we are supposed to be policed by consent. Who here can seriously entertain this farce of an idea anymore? The Police are now the Stasi and only exist to enforce globalist state ideology. Surely the rank and file are aware that the law abiding public are turning against them.
My late uncle who was in the police most of his adult life and retired in the 70s said "My job is to be kind to the kind people, but nasty to the nasty people".
This terrified me for multiple reasons. I am in America, and so far our freedom of speech has not been restricted to the extent it has in England, but it is probably coming barring some miracle. I have Asperger’s Syndrome, as does my eldest son, and my youngest son has severe expressive and receptive speech disorders. If I had been treated as that young girl was, at her age, it would have broken me forever. The trauma of being handled by strangers for someone on the autism spectrum, and the cognitive dissonance of being told you have done something wrong, (autistic people are strict rule followers), while not being able to figure it out would be a permanent mental health event. My eldest son has to rigidly control himself at work lest he say something offensive to his predominantly liberal female coworkers, resulting in sky high anxiety. My youngest is a tradesman, and while his coworkers are predominantly on the right, he has to keep in mind that certain people are always looking for a reason to be offended and that he has to tailor his conversation to the situation he is in, a difficult art for a young man with his limitations to master.
They are making life impossible for all but the canny and shrewd.
I was out of the comment loop for a few weeks while we were on a vacation that ended in London. We were only there for two days but while I got to the Victoria and Albert, a lifelong dream, I was shocked at the amount of graffiti everywhere. We took a boat ride past the lovely bridges, parliament and Big Ben, and the thousands of million dollar apartments built over the Thames, but driving through middle class neighborhoods as demonstrated by the well kept homes and expensive cars we were surprised to see graffiti on fences and store fronts. Clearly the police have other things they should be attending to.
"There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge". You and your fellow countrymen need to hold on to the first and second ammendment for dear life. Europe is in real trouble because we've let ours slip through our fingers.
This is a great saying. Unfortunately the second and third have been destroyed. The first has moved to the internet where the misinformation police may have the literally last word. I am afraid that within my lifetime, say 20 years, certainly within our children’s, the last of these will come into play. We aren’t gun collectors or hunters but we bought a small handgun when Hillary’s election seemed certain. The Biden administration, in a devilishly sneaky move, put pressure on the banks to show ammunition purchases as such rather than as “sporting goods” on credit card statements. Most Americans are ignorant of this new ability to pinpoint gun owners. We will be using cash while cash exists.
Europe was so busy congratulating itself for its advanced liberalism compared to our barbaric ways they blundered into totalitarianism by accident. So much more culture to protect, so much to lose, it really is heartbreaking.
I totally agree and feel your anguish. It appears that your elections and DOJ are now even more corrupt and politicised respectively than in the UK or Europe as a whole.
Your comment Morgoth that related to 'victim hierarchy' and the position the police officer stood in relation to the white working class family was spot on. And of course how her position and attitude would have changed when relating to those groups with an elevated position on the hierarchy pyramid.
I have dealings with the Police most working days. 15-20 years ago you would only see a Police car outside the A&E department when dealing with a road traffic collision or serious assault, now there is one there around the clock, as they are continually involved with someone who has absconded or has threatened suicide. Peter Hitchens is right when he calls them paramilitary social workers. It is an inevitability that the direction of travel from this position would lead into policing speech.
The point you make about the state of families.... 16 year old girl pissed up etc, we used to talk about a underclass of people in society. This nomenclature seems to have been discarded or just swallowed wholesale by the rainbow juggernaut.
I listened to a UK Column interview with Jemma Cooper yesterday on UK Column website. In this interview Brian Gearish touched upon "common purpose". Brian recalls a woman who was married to a police officer who wanted to leave him due to his extreme reactions to certain events in the news. Brian said these officers would be conditioned using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and in some cases would have layers of NLP training (at least those who were susceptible to it). You can see a need in the video in question for the officers to protect - and be seen to protect - the victim group (the female officer in question) by the sheer number of officers present. I suspect this conditioning is as prevalent in our institutions today as it ever was.
To paraphrase an old saying, "the protected classes cry out in pain as they strike you."
The cognitive dissonance on display is breathtaking. First you have one of the core tenets of the left's philosophy: namely that they are the underdog, the repressed and abused underclass, the proletariat fighting back against the wealthy and powerful elite. Second you have the reality: for all intents and purposes they've won the cultural revolution, and are now holding all positions of power and influence. Thus even as they wield their power with increasing confidence and viciousness, they still yammer on endlessly about being oppressed and marginalized. Pointing this out to a leftist is nearly useless because for them the revolution is never truly over. Their goal is what they see as a perfect society and they obsess over anything short of that.
Once again, spot on. However, I have a feeling that what we see, though very unfortunate, is not exactly a winning strategy for the system even in the middle term, let alone the long term.
I'd think its a winning system. Conquering armies have used similar tactics for millennia. There's no particular reason why the masses need to appreciate or respect the palace guard. They just need to understand that if they fail to give the proper respect to the nobility and their clients, they'll be brutally corrected.
Two of my cousins are in the police. One, and detective in Scotland. And the other works in the Met in London, after being an MP in the BOAR (British Army on the Rhine). He says the Army was easier, London is a jungle.
I saw this late the previous night and it was horrific to watch. The point is we are supposed to be policed by consent. Who here can seriously entertain this farce of an idea anymore? The Police are now the Stasi and only exist to enforce globalist state ideology. Surely the rank and file are aware that the law abiding public are turning against them.
My late uncle who was in the police most of his adult life and retired in the 70s said "My job is to be kind to the kind people, but nasty to the nasty people".
Different World. Different paradigm.
This terrified me for multiple reasons. I am in America, and so far our freedom of speech has not been restricted to the extent it has in England, but it is probably coming barring some miracle. I have Asperger’s Syndrome, as does my eldest son, and my youngest son has severe expressive and receptive speech disorders. If I had been treated as that young girl was, at her age, it would have broken me forever. The trauma of being handled by strangers for someone on the autism spectrum, and the cognitive dissonance of being told you have done something wrong, (autistic people are strict rule followers), while not being able to figure it out would be a permanent mental health event. My eldest son has to rigidly control himself at work lest he say something offensive to his predominantly liberal female coworkers, resulting in sky high anxiety. My youngest is a tradesman, and while his coworkers are predominantly on the right, he has to keep in mind that certain people are always looking for a reason to be offended and that he has to tailor his conversation to the situation he is in, a difficult art for a young man with his limitations to master.
They are making life impossible for all but the canny and shrewd.
I was out of the comment loop for a few weeks while we were on a vacation that ended in London. We were only there for two days but while I got to the Victoria and Albert, a lifelong dream, I was shocked at the amount of graffiti everywhere. We took a boat ride past the lovely bridges, parliament and Big Ben, and the thousands of million dollar apartments built over the Thames, but driving through middle class neighborhoods as demonstrated by the well kept homes and expensive cars we were surprised to see graffiti on fences and store fronts. Clearly the police have other things they should be attending to.
"There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge". You and your fellow countrymen need to hold on to the first and second ammendment for dear life. Europe is in real trouble because we've let ours slip through our fingers.
This is a great saying. Unfortunately the second and third have been destroyed. The first has moved to the internet where the misinformation police may have the literally last word. I am afraid that within my lifetime, say 20 years, certainly within our children’s, the last of these will come into play. We aren’t gun collectors or hunters but we bought a small handgun when Hillary’s election seemed certain. The Biden administration, in a devilishly sneaky move, put pressure on the banks to show ammunition purchases as such rather than as “sporting goods” on credit card statements. Most Americans are ignorant of this new ability to pinpoint gun owners. We will be using cash while cash exists.
Europe was so busy congratulating itself for its advanced liberalism compared to our barbaric ways they blundered into totalitarianism by accident. So much more culture to protect, so much to lose, it really is heartbreaking.
I totally agree and feel your anguish. It appears that your elections and DOJ are now even more corrupt and politicised respectively than in the UK or Europe as a whole.
Your comment Morgoth that related to 'victim hierarchy' and the position the police officer stood in relation to the white working class family was spot on. And of course how her position and attitude would have changed when relating to those groups with an elevated position on the hierarchy pyramid.
It’s kind of like “A Clockwork Orange” where the underclass becomes the police at the end.
I have dealings with the Police most working days. 15-20 years ago you would only see a Police car outside the A&E department when dealing with a road traffic collision or serious assault, now there is one there around the clock, as they are continually involved with someone who has absconded or has threatened suicide. Peter Hitchens is right when he calls them paramilitary social workers. It is an inevitability that the direction of travel from this position would lead into policing speech.
The point you make about the state of families.... 16 year old girl pissed up etc, we used to talk about a underclass of people in society. This nomenclature seems to have been discarded or just swallowed wholesale by the rainbow juggernaut.
Excellent commentary Morgoth.
I listened to a UK Column interview with Jemma Cooper yesterday on UK Column website. In this interview Brian Gearish touched upon "common purpose". Brian recalls a woman who was married to a police officer who wanted to leave him due to his extreme reactions to certain events in the news. Brian said these officers would be conditioned using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and in some cases would have layers of NLP training (at least those who were susceptible to it). You can see a need in the video in question for the officers to protect - and be seen to protect - the victim group (the female officer in question) by the sheer number of officers present. I suspect this conditioning is as prevalent in our institutions today as it ever was.
I'm a bit behind on UK Column I will watch over the weekend.
To paraphrase an old saying, "the protected classes cry out in pain as they strike you."
The cognitive dissonance on display is breathtaking. First you have one of the core tenets of the left's philosophy: namely that they are the underdog, the repressed and abused underclass, the proletariat fighting back against the wealthy and powerful elite. Second you have the reality: for all intents and purposes they've won the cultural revolution, and are now holding all positions of power and influence. Thus even as they wield their power with increasing confidence and viciousness, they still yammer on endlessly about being oppressed and marginalized. Pointing this out to a leftist is nearly useless because for them the revolution is never truly over. Their goal is what they see as a perfect society and they obsess over anything short of that.
Once again, spot on. However, I have a feeling that what we see, though very unfortunate, is not exactly a winning strategy for the system even in the middle term, let alone the long term.
I'd think its a winning system. Conquering armies have used similar tactics for millennia. There's no particular reason why the masses need to appreciate or respect the palace guard. They just need to understand that if they fail to give the proper respect to the nobility and their clients, they'll be brutally corrected.
Two of my cousins are in the police. One, and detective in Scotland. And the other works in the Met in London, after being an MP in the BOAR (British Army on the Rhine). He says the Army was easier, London is a jungle.