This just boils down to the same argument one always ends up having with Leftists.

Leftist: 'We should do X!'

Realist: 'If we try and do X, we'll end up with Y.'

Leftist: 'But I'm not saying we should do Y. I'm saying we should do X.'

And repeat.

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This is the sort of conversation I always anticipate getting into with the shitlibs at the dog park. "It'll help the poor and people of color." "No, Rebecca, it will lead to even more young people being strung out on fentanol, shooting it from dirty needles into their collapsing veins in the broad daylight."

But these are the same people who think blacks and Muslims should be on their side when it comes to supporting promoting sodomites and rimmers to children because, muh, they're all "oppressed." There's no reasoning with them.

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I tap into a few Substack accounts and it seems to me many are running out of steam. Not you though. Fair play. And a nice nod to Hemingway's Old Man and the Sea at the end .

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

It's all built on lies. Everything.

They're doctors, architects and engineers. Lie.

Pleasure is happiness. Lie.

Democracy is good. Lie.

Free trade is good for everyone. Lie.

Criminals are ill, not wicked. Lie.

Children can consent. Lie.

Debt doesn't have to be paid. Lie.

Free to use. Lie.

Power doesn't want to be obeyed. Lie.

At this point, if something snags the counter-intuitive tripwire, I cut bait. It all boils down to a midwit attempting to explain that up is down and black is white.

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Likely outcome of UBI, wages go down by the same amount.

Governments could stop taxing every transaction if they wanted to improve people's lives. They won't because tax is not about revenue it is about control, UBI will be no different.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I don´t think a more beautiful rebuttal of naive dreams of UBI could have been written. With all that we have seen the past couple of years regarding a certain viral infection, with the very open push for CBDCs and the equally open talk of personal "carbon credits", I don´t see how any reasonable person can still believe in the "unconditional" part. In my opinion, the crucial question is how much trust the general public will have in CBDCs, if and when they come with strings attached right out of the door (which appears likely). After all, we have seen what happened with the various currencies of the Eastern Bloc.

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As with the Covid narrative, and the vaccines, you don't need to really understand the details; it's enough to look at who is pushing it. And then you peer closer and it really is a can of Blairs.

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UBI also creates a dependence on the State to keep that money flowing. You see it already in America with Medicare, Medicaid, Foodstamps, welfare in general. It doesn't free people, it enslaves them, it demotivates them. Trust me, an empty bank account is a serious motivator to get off your ass and get a job. And if that job is a boring, endless job...well....that's a motivator too: to find or create a better job. It's called 'work' not 'happy fun time for all'.

Relatedly, didn't Finland try UBI and then terminated the experiment?

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 10, 2023

I am very well remunerated for my work as a consultant for startups and in more than a decade I have never worked for a business that turned a profit or one that didn’t die four years after it launched funded with VC money. My job is fake and it got me thinking that if you’d want to roll out UBI you’d want to avoid idleness and for that you’d need fake jobs and so... my job and my industry.

The economy is already composed of 50% fake activity. Go to the tube in London and you see blacks walking around on a vest giving announcements. Are their jobs necessary? Of course not. Their jobs are as necessary as my own but the rulers want the blacks out of crime and me out of politics so we both got fake jobs to buy Apple products (which I do buy by the way).

I got a better remuneration to keep the illusion of value and more importantly, to keep the carrot in front of us but still, both of us have essentially non-productive fake jobs.

And of course the Basic Income is Conditional. I had to take DE&I mandated indoctrination and I am subtly pushed to advertise diversity everywhere or else, I’d loose my fake job. I know it, everybody knows it in this industry. This is how UBI works.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Now, Morgoth, you should know better than to criticise UBI. A man on the cokehead right told me that we should embrace UBI because we have it already. You see, he said there's this white nationalist in the US somewhere who shrewdly uses welfare to provide for his family, therefore proving that people don't need to work at all, and they'll be perfectly happy to pursue hobbies instead. In fact, if you continue in this vein, you could prove yourself a schizo.

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As with every "it's just ..." thing UBI draws the advocate in. By the time the scope is revealed. It's too late. Watching normies at work do this with all pandemic fallout.

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Bleak, isn’t it?

My other fear, besides the ever present one you delineate here of increasing government control of opinions, (including looking into what substacks people subscribe to and inflicting economic hurt on them, something I think we will see in my lifetime, i.e. the next 20 years), is that rents and housing costs will rise in proportion to UBI leaving everyone in exactly the same boat they are in with increased fealty to power.

I just don’t see how this can work out fairly or well. And here in the US it will include reparations of some kind so that historically disadvantaged peoples will get more. Possibly a lot more. Never mind that many Americans have ancestors who were discriminated against when they first got here, like my Syrian grandparents. Or my English grandfather who lost his leg when a literal locomotive at the train works where he worked cut it off. The past may be prologue but reparations bear no relationship to any real past.

What do you think of Mary Harrington’s idea that the younger generation are more comfortable with constant surveillance because of day care-they’ve been watched on cameras their entire life and find it comforting? The future these nutters will create, well dystopic is too weak a word to describe it.

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Very true and profound, you capture the flawed utopian liberal view and the UBI trap perfectly. Ironically Star Wars still continues to be a perfect metaphor for the current West. Especially with the creating the death star unknowingly part.

And don't worry Morgoth, I watched your Andor vid ;)

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one only has to remember the calls for punishment : ostracism and loss of employment made by those in power against the un'vax'd, (calls that they desperately want us to forget), to dispel any illusion of an 'unconditional' UBI...

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I cannot grasp the mind that can see what life is like for communities on the dole and think "boy, we need this EVERYWHERE"

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Ubi will be the key that locks the prison door.. no Vax no credits, wrong words no credits, ect

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