Farage is a Traitor, a Scoundrel and at his core Not One of Us, folk like him must never be trusted.

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Thank you for the mini-podcast, Morgoth. Hearing your voice makes a big difference to me.

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I think I’ll be doing more of these.

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Yes please.

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The lighthouse analogy is somewhat on the money…… a lighthouse in the desert. Bright, but fucking useless.

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Out goes Tory DEI hire 2.0, incomes another Zionist talking all the right points, Jenrick busy steaming down the 200k Carrie ‘green nutter’ Johnson renovations, (doubt they used anything recycled), as he happily forgets anything he said and marches on with the Globalist order, yes, well done Farage, few years and you’ll get your Lords place.

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Excellent Morgoth,Farage the thief of the patriotic vote.

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Why can't Rupert Lowe--who is now an independent MP--start his own party?

The Ironsides party is born!

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He could, but then it would be another one-man-band party amongst all the others. We need the talent collected under one umbrella, without having Farage at the helm.

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I hoping for Rupert Lowe to gather the like minded. He is already in Parliament, so this is a platform for him to reach the masses.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in this manner, Morgs. This really makes the Sunday for me.

A cup of tea, my good chair, and Morgs doing a cast is a veritable treat and hardly surpassed by anything else offered me today.

All my best, mate. And a blessed Sunday to you and all of yours.

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Like others I've given Farage the benefit of the doubt over the years. All his life as a public figure he has been vilified and had threats to his personal safety. It's been a tough road and I could sympathise with his shiftiness about his personal beliefs. Expediency I thought. Hiding his real power level. His comments about stopping the BNP, or ending "racist" Schengen to open the doors to the world - well these were just figleaves to defuse the unending personal demonisation he experiences.

Well not so now. The Rupert Lowe debacle has removed any doubt. Lowe's radicalism could have been the vanguard, the tip of the spear for Reform. Farage had total plausible deniability - he didn't have to take ownership of those remarks, nor even endorse them, just let Lowe do his thing and push the Overton window single handed. Lowe was on a one man mission to de-demonise the only ideas that matter - mass deportations and remigration. All Farage had to do with leave him alone and then make him Home Secretary. Whether he has attempted to eliminate Lowe because he's been instructed to do so by the handlers or whether it's his own personal narcissism doesn't matter any more. It's always the same result - containment and neutering of our movement. He must be removed from our path.

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100% agree. I've given him the benefit of the doubt in the past, but I have no doubt that he is absolutely a state asset, employed for containment/pressure valve tactics, as many have said over the years.

Wittingly or not, it no longer matters.

Everyone involved in politics is compromised to some degree though, just need to be able to distinguish between the genuine figures Vs the self interested egoists, state assets, the delusional and intellectually inadequate.

Sadly,this is much harder than it should be due to the desperation of our situation.

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Are you aware of the research that a strong conservative party is the best way to prevent far-right-wing populism? What's become my perspective is that conservatives are just centrists who have been programmed to concede to the left's ideological wants. Thus, our job is not to become conservatives but rather program them to give in to the rights ideological wants.

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Yep, that's precisely what Farage represents.

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Also see the fate of the political right within the Westminster systems in Australia and New Zealand.

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So glad to hear your opinion on this.

If memory serves me I think Farage was off away to help Trump campaign then changed his mind at the time which showed how much he was really bothered about the British compared to his own success (& cash I suppose). Correct me if I've misremembered.

It's great to be back here hearing the Voice of my People.

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I recall Farage’s excursion to the United States prior to the UK election. At the time I thought it was him trying to sweep up some energy from the pomp of the “special relationship” and the vibe of Trumpist populism. But as the election drew closer it seemed Farage really wasn’t interested and wanted to be begged back to front Reform. That’s more narcissistic front man than virtuous strategist.

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He has possibly the worse quality of any so called leader. A complete inability to finish. That brings a "leader" very close, perhaps inevitably to the accusation of the fraud or charletan. Because if a leader isn't taking you somewhere, he doens't deserve the name

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I was waiting for someone to comment on the Rupert Lowe situation. Thank you Morgoth, others will start speaking up.

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Looks like Lowe is forming a new party and Elon Musk is rumored to be financing it.


I wonder if they will call themselves 'Ironsides'? It would be cool if they did.

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This could go one of two ways: Lowe consigned to the wilderness and Farage free to do exactly as you suggest; or Lowe vindicated, Farage ousted and Lowe now much more prominent in the public's mind. I wouldn't seriously consider the latter option were it not for the Musk factor. He appears to see in Farage what you do and has rejected him. If the Trump Administration wants an ally in the UK, do we seriously think that it would be unable to engineer the fall of Farage and his replacement with Lowe?

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How about Godfrey Bloom?

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I like Godfrey and find him a highlight of Millenniyule each year.

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You and Godfrey are the absolute highlights of Millenniyule for me :)

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