As The Joker said:

''And. Here. We. Go..''

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I consider it almost a sworn duty to create as much chaos as possible to this system. I guess we're all too Joker now.

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In the early 2000s the board wasn’t set. Now the board is set and the pieces are moving.

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Say what you will, but these are exciting times! As Nietzsche observed, against boredom even gods struggle in vain. I´d wager that at least we won´t have to worry about that particular struggle in 2024. And not only that, I for one am grateful _and_ proud that "our guys" and especially you, Mr. Morgoth, provide us with food for thought, it has to be said, of the very highest caliber. Just compare what "our guys" are putting out with the stuff in the mainstream or from the left. A Morgoth piece with references to classical concerts _and_ Warhammer 40K - how much better can a kickoff to 2024 get?

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I am convinced some of the recent Nazi-hunting activity was motivated by this observation. The mainstream is heavily controlled and as a result boring. Some of the stuff on Substack is decidedly not boring. It is attractive, and that worries some.

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Yahoo News blocked my reply to a comment"...the bloodthirsty archon Yahweh", [in reference to a particular ongoing conflict], as going against their community guidelines. You aren't even allowed to disparage a mythical deity in their flat, sterile reality

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Brilliantly put as always. There is nothing but a sense of foreboding. The geopolitical situation has a stench of 1914 about it with 21st century weapons. The mood on our island is getting darker by the day with a meaningless election and no political solution possible. The US is a tinderbox too.

Having just woke up from a nightshift, I had the pleasure of listening to your incredible stream with Woes last night at work as the new year rolled in. Excellent analysis for three hours plus, then the whiskey set in, and I felt your genuine rage towards the Tories in my bones. But the ten minute ramble about Rod Hull and Emu had me bent double with laughter!

Keep up the good work legend.

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Cheers Indi.

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Someone with the know how needs to clip that 6 minute segment that starts at 4 hrs 33 minutes into the stream and we'll all share it. We all need a laugh!

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I am a proud Black man, said the Black man

I am a proud Muslim, said the Muslim.

I am a proud transsexual, said the transsexual.

I am a proud Jew, said the Jewish man.

I am a proud Mexican, said the Mexican

I am a proud Asian, said the Asian man

I am a proud White man, said the racist.

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Anti-Racism is the unrelenting battle against reality and human nature.

Most people can be made to understand why actions such as tolerance, and generosity can be self-destructive when taken to an extreme degree, and that there are such things as not only too little tolerance , but also too much tolerance. in other words, if we had a gauge to measure tolerance in the same way we have a gauge to measure boiler pressure. then we wouldn't want the levels of tolerance to go into the red sector on the gauge. And yet...and yet. in the West, in White society we are expected to believe that there can be no such thing as too much " anti-racism ", that the needle on the anti-racism pressure gauge cannot possibly climb up into the red " look out she¨s going to blow " sector.

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I’ve thought about this too but slightly different from the visualisation of the needle edging shakily into the red portion of the ‘tolerance’ gauge, although the pressure gauge metaphor describes suppressed anger and rage very well.

Whatever superficial qualities our enemies proclaim are bequeathed by tolerance as a divine boon, tolerance itself is essentially limited and finite and for myself and doubtless many others now, their personal capacity for tolerance has long become exhausted.

I’d liken it to a fuel gauge where the needle has come to rest firmly rest on the ‘E’.

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Yup, that's what I said to my brother on Boxing day. A sense of foreboding that 2024 is gonna be a real doozy.

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Lets hope Substack offers us a fortress from which to view the circus.

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I really hope Substack continues to offer a platform for your writing as well as others with clear sight and crystal prose. I am afraid it will draw the eye of Sauron this year. Your perspective is wonderfully balanced and the comments draw us into community and offer even more reflection on the struggle at hand.

On Election Day here in America in 2016 I was on a walk with my husband, wringing my hands and despairing over what seemed like the dead certainty of president Hilary. I hope we are in for at least one thing this year of the level of joy and surprise watching Rachel Maddow have a nervous breakdown on camera brought. Trump did not turn out to save civilization and he lost interest before his term was out, but it was a magnificent moment. May we have a few more!

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Another image worth echoing here, Morgoth. As the year turned the idea kept coming to my mind that "nothing gets better now until the ruin", and this is the well from which so many of our bleak feelings siphon. I was struck over the holidays at the fact that this basic idea is also deep in the average Joe as well, just without explicit expression or reaction; the young are seeming old because there is clearly no hopeful waypoint left to the near future. We at least can look with a kind of fell hope to the ruin, and we hear the timbers creaking.

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I hear that "isolated incident" has already been named Time person of the year for 2024

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Happy New Year mate, feel free to get back to Likely Lads analysis as well as heavy political commentary 😂

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Kicking off the new year with a bang, Morgoth.

Trying to find our seat to the sound of uneasy violins as the 5 mile wide battle ship overhead, engines stall.

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Since you mentioned Know No Fear, I added the book to my reading list. It would be interesting if you could share with us the top 10 Morgoth favourite books

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That would depend on the subject. I might this year go through my book shelf for a little comfy content during the madness.

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Hi Morgoth. I've posted a comment to you some days ago under your Mega Millenniyule article, concerning small scale farming . Please confirm that you've read it.

Thanks, Dan

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During Covid I went down a lot of rabbit holes reading about different theories on the nature of reality. Some people think we live in a simulation, while others think we’re progressing along a biblical timeline with certain events destined to happen at certain times.

But one thing I found interesting across them all was the number of references to 2024 being a pivotal year that will be key to how things unfold beyond then, and as we head into the year it’s difficult to see otherwise as you brilliantly summarise.

One trap I hope people don’t fall into though is just sitting back with the popcorn out waiting for the chaos to unfold on their TV screens. The start of a new year is a great time to remind ourselves we all have the choice of what to direct our energy into. And while this is shaping up to be a groundbreaking year, it can be groundbreaking in a good way just as easily as a bad way with correct responses to the shit that’s going to come our way.

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Despite what people say and what people dread, we aren't in for another 2020. The lines have already been drawn—everyone knows where they stand.

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There is nothing more dangerous than stupid people who mean well

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After the Lord Mayor's show comes the dust cart (polite version of the idiom).

The dust cart is well and truly full.

It's just a case of how and where it gets emptied.

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