Yep, we can see it already can't we. In thirty years time her name will be mentioned on a nigh-weekly basis, just as Stephen Lawrence's name is still today. Yet during the next few decades, hundreds of thousands of more faceless nameless white girls will be raped by Muslims and countless other white families will have their lived ruined by African savagery and yet it'll barely get noted.

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These media feeding frenzies, especially where white defendants are concerned in this age of the hyper politicization of race and the vilification of whites, have conditioned me to assume that the defendant is actually innocent of his or her supposed crimes. I don't know anything about this case, but I do know that broadcasting to the world that the defendant is actually a manifestation of evil—a la Chauvin—makes it impossible for even the semblance of a fair trial. It's akin to the sickening practice of a filmmaker making a documentary about how so and so is actually a piece of shit, causing an attention hungry DA to bring a case on the basis of the film which of course the entire jury has watched before the proceedings even begin. See Kelly, R.

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One of the great blessings of disconnecting cable TV back in 2006 is that I'm no longer deluged by the mass media. At this point, I'm very nearly at the stage where I will default to believing the opposite of what the Press says. And until I do my own research, that is probably a safer, happier way to live. I know you have a particularly virulent version of the Hydra in the UK, but I'm assuming the facts of the case are discoverable to the public. The monster feeds on emotions and hysteria is one of the tools used to control the masses. So always good to take a step or ten back and evaluate things when the 'discourse' gets heated.

All that throat clearing aside, if she's guilty, yeah...hang her. Regardless of what Nietzsche said, you do have to fight monsters.

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I just reject all the mass media and assorted lügenpresse too, and mostly don’t even know about most things that are going on to a point where I feel mostly indifferent nowadays. I just find daily life to be overall more happier and simpler by severing and shutting out all that unwanted noise and clamour from my daily life.

As for that Nietzsche quote, I’ve always thought that was somewhat off the mark and poor cautionary advice to be honest; I thought that ‘when fighting against monsters, sometimes one must become a monster themselves’ is a much more sound approach.

In the end, we’ll only defeat our enemies by becoming more cruel, brutal and terrible to them than they are to us…

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Being a lot kinder to ourselves than we currently are could spur us on.

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This is what it feels like to live in a system which hates us. Both the American and British press have an utter contempt for the White majority and relish every opportunity to rub our noses in the fact that even our people can commit evil. This event will be trumpeted from the rooftops while all of our disproportionate charities and kindnesses and volunteer work will be ignored. Simultaneously the boring, run of the mill viciousness of the black and Asian will be hushed up; while any socially uplifting thing they do, however trite or ineffective, will be celebrated. These psyops are successful because our minds are designed to work on the level of a tribe or small town and so we cannot easily comprehend statistics.

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The disgusting comments made by Shola Mos-Shogbaminu (try saying that one after a few beers), are in my opinion actually the complete reverse of reality. If a black or Muslim doctor / nurse was suspected of mass-murdering babies or other patients, I believe our beloved NHS and media would do everything to obfuscate the culprit given the mantra of how the whole organisation is built and dependent on immigration.

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That is an interesting point (as ever from you). I believe the violent crime (isn't it all?) that exists in the diverse communities is actually quite "normal" for them, and for some a desirable expression of "who they are". Our cultural mores and laws are organised to modify sexual and violent activity, so it is easy to see what falls outside. It did boil my blood when they gleefully called her "beige" and "vanilla" which even suggests that if she were vibrant and chocolate she wouldn't fall under the radar. One of the many costs of diversity includes losing our Kipling marketplace where we understood each other.

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The way that the media has gone after her in itself made me doubt her guilt even before reading some of the statistical analysis that raises huge questions about the case and whatever she has taken the hit for someone else.

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Same here. I think Morgoth is in a position to make a judgement on LL’s guilt and should do some research! It makes for very interesting reading and reminds me more and more of the dodgy stats and dodgy science during covid times. Not sure I agree about the link to race in this case. Sorry! I think it’s more about the abuse of science by the powerful.

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I've also read the links in one of the replies below and it really does make you think. Whatever the truth , what is plain to see is that she has not had a fair trial. There's a lot of arse covering been going on in my opinion. Part of me thinks she's been scapegoated.

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Might you investigate the Lucy Letby trial? Here are some links to help you come to your own judgement. This may be a miscarriage of justice. Or it may not be. But you’ll not find much evidence in defence of LL in the MSM. I’m of the opinion that our criminal justice system is as broken as all of our institutions.




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Thanks for these. Beggars belief tbh.

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You’re welcome. I was as surprised as you when I read them. She deserves a fair trial. If she is still considered guilty after that, I would accept it. Apparently this is quite common with nurses in the West, which I had no idea about. Lots of exonerations after spending years in jail for crimes they didn’t commit.

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Absolutely agree Morgoth. I hadn't paid much attention to the case, it was enough to know babies had been murdered and Letby was on trial. The comments which came pouring in everywhere after the verdict were quite brutal. No discussion on whether she is a psychopath ? what are the signs, were any missed? We know females can be psychopathic but we'll just ignore that. Instead we'll save that for when people who don't look like Letby go on knife rampages. We know they'll be suffering from all manner of things caused by some form of discrimination. Letby on the other hand is just bad. Which she is. That's the only bit they got right. I long for the day when the roaming knives will also be seen as just bad.

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I remember the Beverley Allitt ‘Angel of Death’ case well. I was at school when NHS nurse Allitt became notorious for murdering babies. No internet back then - the tabloid newspapers were all powerful. They decided she was just plain evil. There was little understanding of Munchausens By Proxy at that time. It was evident in Allitt’s trial, that she killed babies in order to draw attention to herself. Arguably, Letby did the same. Personally, I would place women like her on the same spectrum as mothers who inflict gender transition treatment on their vulnerable children. The law is fine with these mothers though. It’s worth noting, that had the babies Letby was supposed to be caring for remained in utero, society would also have been fine with murdering them via abortion.

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The blatant hypocrisy and vilifying beyond the normal has been covered by others here, so I'll just mention how this standard manifests in other European countries when something like this happens in the Oz, UK, or US: it will be on the news if the defendant/accused is a white person. Especially if the victim(s) are non-white.

Nothing in the news about black crime in either place, nor will they talk about black/muslim crime here, but they will go to untold lengths to write about/show crimes committed by anyone with a semblance of white skin/culture - no matter where in the world.

25 years ago, a teenager/young adult of mixed black/white descent got murdered by 2 or 3 other teenagers/young adults who belonged to a group of 5 "neo-nazis" (3 males, 2 females - all between 17 and 21). It was news for a full year, the DA called for - and got - 20 years in prison for both defendants, said there had never been a crime so evil as this one, he (the victim) got a statue erected of his likeness, there's a marked day in the public calendar of the day of his death, there's speeches on schools across the country on the anniversary, NGOs have been created to "combat racism",and a bunch of books and even new Laws have been written in the wake of that murder, and so on and so forth.

Meanwhile each year there's murders and rape and robbery and violence - all the horrors one can think of, committed against our own people by non-whites.

Most of the victims won't ever be reckognised by anyone with a public face and voice. Much less avenged or remembered.

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The media reaction is typical when it comes to female mass murderers. They love it and always have.

The race grift industry saw this as an open goal. They were never going to let it pass by.

All a bystander can do is watch and see the processes take place. Nothing more, nothing less.

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It's not just a case of not believing she is guilty. These days I question if she even exists as a physical person. If I haven't seen something for myself, I no longer can find any reason to trust it.

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They use it to virtue they are not elites when in essence it proves that they are the extreme example of such. They "know" they are just better then the unwashed masses of stupidity below them.

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Am I alone in thinking that the TV celebrity doctor interviewed on the news did a Matt Hancock by shedding tears while delivering his well choreographed piece smack of being ,well, on the sociopathy spectrum?

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Will hanging only whites for a time count toward reparations?

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I must admit I was only vaguely aware of all this, although I was in a cafe the other day and the telly was on in the corner with "Loose Women" screeching all about it. I assume they don't do this with every minority atrocity or they'd be screeching all day every day.

(as an aside, and I hate to do this... Somewhere in there an American "center" jumped out at me, rather than our "centre").

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