If you watch enough Tik Tok videos it is apparent it is the working class who are spotting all the discrepancies. It is them tracking down the hotels and processing centres and measuring the scale of the problem plus the fact it is mostly military aged men with few women.
Ireland's midwits are resolutely pro-immigration. It is a great boon to them, as if they were failures before. All propaganda of course.
The revelation the Algerian stabber was there for 23 years, gained citizenship and had literally spent all 23 years on the dole with no job is now becoming more widely known. And he won't be alone.
It is one thing to claim you are importing doctors and engineers, but importing wards of the state is a hard sell even to the middle classes.
My own take is because of its small size, and the reasons outlined in your article, Ireland may be the spark that changes the narrative. It is blatantly obvious Ireland's population will soon become a minority and that culture mixing is life on hard mode. The world is watching.
It's happening all over Europe and the 'Allied states'. No one refers to 'Kalergi' Euro founder, or US Israel owned Congress, for fear of 'Anti Antisemitism'.
No bravery no Nationality no pride.
Khazar's are not Semitic, they converted to Judaism in 9th Century AD.
Middle East Levant is 32% of World's Islam. Christians - Moslems are the only Semitics alive, living together. Yes, Winston Churchill created this World we live in today.
Saint Georges England Patron Saint, was first Saint in Syria-Palestine.
When Netanyahu refers to The Amalek (Melkites Orthodox), he means 'Christians'.
His father was secretary to Zionist Russian Bolshevist, Jabotinsky, the founder of Likud Party.. they rule the World.
Absolutely nails it. My relatives on my dad's side are turning in their graves seeing what has happened to their homeland. These traitors - for that is what they are, traitors to the people, should be dealt with as appropriately ....
In Dante's inferno. The ninth circle contained the betrayers and the treasonous trapped in the ice of Satan's tears. Traitors to blood, traitors to country. I like to think that this is what awaits these people.
People say ‘hate is a strong word’ but the word feels inadequate; more like a tiny, infinitesimally brief prickle of annoyance like the little zap you get from those piezoelectric crystals out of a cigarette lighter in comparison to the bolts of raw voltage that scum like this sends pounding through my psyche.
In the meantime, just seeing their heads stuck on pikes - with Owen Jones’s little faggotty head at the forefront - for all to see would be to say the least a cathartic experience in itself; at least worthy of a national holiday or something to commemorate it.
The knowledge that their souls were being crushed in Purgatory or tormented in actual Hell for an Aeon or two, however, would be absolutely priceless!
Thirty thousand NGOs! That's more NGOs than there are personnel in the Irish military.
You make a fascinating point about Britain's reverse colonization being facilitated by the organizational expertise the British ruling class developed managing the empire. It often works this way, the tools of empire ultimately coming back to harrow the population at home. That makes it highly unlikely that the British peoples will be able to throw off the regime from the inside. How deep a historical irony would it be if it was the Irish successfully removing the Nazgul which inspires the British to do the same?
I view this as likely given the speed of Ireland's downfall. There is a sizable chunk of all our countries living in complete denial of what they see. I am convinced most of the "we of course support legal immigration, all those foreign nurses etc." is a cope. Surely there had to be a reason we let this happen?
Many of these types still have nice lives. They can avoid the worst of it for now. But watching a country so similar to the UK fall is a different story. As we know, they seem to be making a point of shipping in the absolute worst matches possible for our nations. People actively hostile to assimilation. So it will get messy and visible, which can only help.
"I support legal immigration, but...." is a scapegoating cope. It allows them to express the emotional opposition to what's happening in a relatively politically correct fashion. The woke understand the quite well, which is why they treat it as the dog whistle it is. The trick will be getting people to the point where they're comfortable saying "fuck immigration". Since they can now be cancelled for opposing illegal immigration, that shouldn't be hard: they've nothing to lose.
Destruction and dysfunction help push it all along. Algerians in their 40s stabbing kids helps too. Who stabs schoolchildren?
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves why we oppose mass importing of alien cultures, they are alien. Even when generally resistant to the propaganda it seeps in. It all becomes about racism. But it's not. It is about incompatibility, and it inevitably asserts itself. A few million of us in Islamabad or Riyadh would cause mayhem too, for example.
Soon, we are going to have to embrace the "R word" and make it our own, as the homos did with the word "queer". A mere causal mention of "racism" has even members of the DR scrambling for cover and desperately pleading "not guilty" (which only makes things worse as well as legitimising the term).
"Racism" was invented (by Trotsky, no less) as a political weapon and, as long as it as power over us, so do those who wield it.
"Racist" is already basically a racial slur for white people. In the future I see, the r-word will be embraced and weaponized. It will be our word. If others utter it in our presence, severe consequences will result.
Racism is simply the acting out of a visceral understanding of this incompatibility. It's gotten a bad rap in the last half century but it's how the entire world worked for thousands of years.
It is now a loaded word I would suggest. It has acquired magic properties. I think it is now unusable as it invokes visceral reactions like the word Nazi. I have seen some people give spirited defences of national socialism and its variants. But the world is driven by emotion and some words are lost in the process. It is too much hassle.
A new word meaning something like "awareness of differences" that can be used in a neutral way would be better. First established to celebrate something superior to whites, like the East Asian flair for mathematics etc. For extra brownie points to celebrate all those nobel prize winning tribesmen. And only then perhaps used in a more useful way, to try to get through to the midwits your new neighbours will be producing kids your own kids will work their whole lives to support because genetics.
It's always been such an absurd sentiment. As if the only thing differentiating 'good' immigration from 'bad' immigration is the government waving their hands and making it legal. In fact here in the states the deep state called their bluff and started simply legalizing people who previously had been illegal. There simply must be a paradigm shift where we all acknowledge that we can't take in the entire world, and actual numbers must be discussed - as in, what's the TOTAL amount of foreigners we can let in and still be considered a country? It will never happen of course.
I agree. I thought that was such a thought provoking point regarding the experience the British have in quelling dissent. It’s a point I’ll have to think about for about 6 months before I can rationally comment. Mr Morgoth often stumps me with insights which wouldn’t even cross my mind.
Morgoth never fails to hit the bull´s eye, even from one island to the next. Could you perhaps at some point offer a take on why those political movements that traditionally represented Irish nationalism appear to, at best, sit this one out, if they have not fully switched sides already?
Well that's a vexing subject and I've noticed that our Irish friends don't like us Anglo's pointing at it. However, from what I gather there was some sort of subversion happened in the 60s that meant Irish Nationalism developed a more Marxoid flavour, but I'm sure there are Irish commentators more qualified than I to do discuss it.
This is essentially my understanding. Left-nationalist parties have all been eaten by the left part of their ideologies, which now inhabit the nationalist part as an empty husk. See also the SNP, the Catalans, the Basques, the Quebecois....
The SNP for sure. Although ostensibly led by a Sunni Muslim they are pushing hard for all sorts of transgender nonsense absolutely no one in Scotland will even tolerate. A true break from reality. It is even causing Hamza Yusuf problems with his people. Such is the power of the deranged Left.
And on top of the troon nonsense, there's the small matter of the SNP being headed by a Sunni Muslim. One who is on the record as despising white people, no less.
Videos now surfacing of the leader of the opposition, also a muslim, saying the same. Almost word for word. Too many white men. Vardukar too it would seem.
Among the chattering classes this seems to automatically translate into some kind of positive brotherhood of man thing, even though they are the very demographic they are alluding too. The immigrants aren't becoming plumbers and electricians after all.
Oppressor-victim mentality and the learned helplessness it induces, in a word. SinnFein were anti-British nationalists. That is to say, they fought the good fight against the oppressor and they identified with the downtrodden. Their enemy is no longer the British, so anti-British nationalism doesn't work.
What they need is pro-Irish nationalism. It no doubt exists, but is not that visible. I note on many of the comments on videos is the Irish condemning the stabbings, but quickly reassuring readers they are in favour of legal immigration, we need immigrants, our health service would collapse without all those nice foreigners etc etc.
All of that was implanted in their heads by PR firms. Every now and then you get an Irishman commenting with more clarity; Ireland doesn't need any immigrants. We've had doctors and nurses for centuries. We have hundreds of thousands unemployed etc.
So the trick of focusing on outrage, illegal immigrants and of course the "far right" works well to prompt the brainwashed to energetically declare tacit support for population replacement, the ultimate goal.
Very few in Ireland will discuss the low birth rate and other actual issues.
You see the same thing in the Scottish Nationalist Party and the Catalonian nationalists in Spain. If the so-called nationalists see themselves as being oppressed by a larger nation, they tend to lean left and embrace victimhood and all that implies.
Yep. The Irish all had their Palestine flags out as did the Scots. I have no take on Israel-Gaza, but I did note the automatic reinforcement of the appointed victims whom they identified with. This of course culminated in the incomprehensible Queers for Palestine brigade. It doesn't get any more mindless than that.
I fear this is the problem with the Celts. The victim element.
Ireland has a 15% corporate tax rate, the lowest around attracting Apple and Google, a beach head for global homo. Best thing they could do is raise taxes to EU norms and drive them out.
A fantastic article by the premier social commentator on our island.
I always find it fascinating how the !RA are always so silent on such issues. A movement born out of absolute nationalism, dare I say, in same ways, ethnocentrism. They don’t dare have a tale to tell about such occurrences. They have no solidarity with their brothers whose children are being knifed in their own capital city by men who have absolutely no stake or claim to their island. This is men who would live and die by Irish nationalism. They are supposed to be the vanguard!! It leaves the Irish people, and the island of island, in a very very good position in my opinion.
I'm completely confused by this too. Happy to murder their European brothers but do nothing as their women and children and raped and murdered by blacks and Muslims.
Let’s hope that they’ve left a massive vacuum which real, working class, proud Irish men can fill outside of neoliberal, globalist gibberish. At that point I’ll fly the tri colour myself !
"Dublin" man when a foreigner is raping, stabbing and murdering. "Insert country of origin" man when occasionally doing a good deed like intervening in an atrocity.
Irish Citizen was what they actually used. After this, given his history, I suspect it won't last as a camouflage term. If only he had been a "hooded youth."
In nearly all American cities it has been several decades since the urban working class left. Nobody ever talks about it even though many of those chased out are still alive. That was also the killing blow to the old ethnic neighborhoods in America. My father went to kindergarten where just a few decades prior they taught in German.
The NGO's destroyed Irish Catholicism within twenty years (not that the Church did itself any favors). It seems with the absurd numbers of NGO's in Ireland, their plan is simply to give all their ideological networks infinite cash to submit the small Irish population. Let's not think they are totally incompetent. The technological and force advantage they have is intimidating.
Sad to say, but the only thing that can beat this much money is <redacted>, when your enemies decide all that cash isn't worth losing your neck over.
A lot of the globohomo detritus was seen by many of the younger generations as a way to break the control of an over bearing catholic church, laden with its history of mistreating children.
Which way all of this heads, I don't know, but from having one Irish parent, I know the Irish who resist won't be turned over easily. I suspect outside influences will be used to queer the pitch, so to speak.
I think Ireland is a microcosm of the West. The incompetence of the elites, alluded to in the article, may come to play the important part. They aren't very good.
Also, the media is losing its place. There is a video online of an Irish fellow confronting a leading journalist as he stood about the stabbing site waiting for updates. he gave him hell and the journalist was visibly rattled. He specifically called him out for his long support of mass immigration and castigating naysayers as racists. As the fellow reminded him, we warned you about this for years.
The journalist mentioned in the article, Owen Jones, is typical of them. They really do believe opposition to cultural replacement is racist. Only a savage would oppose it. They are absolutely out of touch with reality.
It was Thomas Cromwell (in "A Man for All Seasons") who said to Richard Rich, "our job as administrators is to minimize the inconvenience which this is going to cause. That's our only job..." Unfortunately, I believe the Irish will take this as the need for more bureaucracy not for freedom.
I'm not so sure. Ireland is small. Their problems are very visible. I think recent events are just the start. Remember this is mass immigration to an island with a small economy that doesn't need immigration except to prop up GDP, lower wages or erode traditional society.
This is all our countries except faster. It won't work.
#1) Avoid mentioning it, or try to downplay the event as a disturbance.
#2) Delay naming BAME suspects. Their names are usually a clue to their ideology.
#3) Diversity is our greatest strength!
#4) Refuse to assign any association with politics or ideology, unless it can be blamed on "the far right"
#5) Blame any any resulting anger caused by the attack on "the far right", unless they are condemned as responsible. In such cases, the political class will be reported visiting Mosques wearing appropriate dress and repeat #3
#6) Discover any BAME who is even fractionally involved in a brave response. Make them a hero.
#7) Drop all reporting ASAP and return news coverage to sportsball, celebrity shenanigans, or Prince Harry.
I love your list. Somewhere around 3 or 4 there's also the stage of, "the REAL danger is the backlash that these poor downtrodden folk will suffer at the hands of the vicious white man." As though any sane person would look at modern Western culture and think that minorities have anything at all to fear from us.
The “common good” of Varadkar’s “new Ireland” - includes stabbing sprees targeting children, no affordable property ownership, persistent growing homelessness for the Irish poor, and the official demonisation of Irish men. But for the regime their focus is to combat their nagging fear that the spirit of de Valera and Collins - which is incomprehensible to them but is a truth to the likes of Connor McGregor - may yet again fill the hearts & minds of old Ireland.
As someone said in these comments, the primary goal of the european right must be getting people confortable saying "fuck immigration". A tiny spark but maybe a sign of a greater awakening. The anti immigration party victory in Netherlands also gives me a bit of hope. All Westerners benefit from a white, safe and prosperous Europe, so i offer my sympathies to the Irish People. May they wake up soon. The GAE is weakened by the day (one of the reasons i dont want Trump to win) and god willing the whole system of the Empire will collapse and be replaced.
I haven't been able to comment on all of your most recent posts, but hopefully this dreaded system starts to show it's cracks at the less fortified points.
I suspect that the way we feel is similar to how pre-Christian pagans must have felt in Europe, watching all of the royal families convert to Christianity. We don't want it to happen. It's not for our benefit. Our leaders have actually no interest whatsoever in what we want or what's best for our nation. If we speak out about it too vociferously we'll be punished. And slowly but surely our culture will be destroyed, never to return.
If you watch enough Tik Tok videos it is apparent it is the working class who are spotting all the discrepancies. It is them tracking down the hotels and processing centres and measuring the scale of the problem plus the fact it is mostly military aged men with few women.
Ireland's midwits are resolutely pro-immigration. It is a great boon to them, as if they were failures before. All propaganda of course.
The revelation the Algerian stabber was there for 23 years, gained citizenship and had literally spent all 23 years on the dole with no job is now becoming more widely known. And he won't be alone.
It is one thing to claim you are importing doctors and engineers, but importing wards of the state is a hard sell even to the middle classes.
My own take is because of its small size, and the reasons outlined in your article, Ireland may be the spark that changes the narrative. It is blatantly obvious Ireland's population will soon become a minority and that culture mixing is life on hard mode. The world is watching.
It's happening all over Europe and the 'Allied states'. No one refers to 'Kalergi' Euro founder, or US Israel owned Congress, for fear of 'Anti Antisemitism'.
No bravery no Nationality no pride.
Khazar's are not Semitic, they converted to Judaism in 9th Century AD.
Middle East Levant is 32% of World's Islam. Christians - Moslems are the only Semitics alive, living together. Yes, Winston Churchill created this World we live in today.
Saint Georges England Patron Saint, was first Saint in Syria-Palestine.
When Netanyahu refers to The Amalek (Melkites Orthodox), he means 'Christians'.
His father was secretary to Zionist Russian Bolshevist, Jabotinsky, the founder of Likud Party.. they rule the World.
As you like it.
Absolutely nails it. My relatives on my dad's side are turning in their graves seeing what has happened to their homeland. These traitors - for that is what they are, traitors to the people, should be dealt with as appropriately ....
In Dante's inferno. The ninth circle contained the betrayers and the treasonous trapped in the ice of Satan's tears. Traitors to blood, traitors to country. I like to think that this is what awaits these people.
Ten years ago I would not have appreciated the special place for the treasonous. Now I get it.
People say ‘hate is a strong word’ but the word feels inadequate; more like a tiny, infinitesimally brief prickle of annoyance like the little zap you get from those piezoelectric crystals out of a cigarette lighter in comparison to the bolts of raw voltage that scum like this sends pounding through my psyche.
In the meantime, just seeing their heads stuck on pikes - with Owen Jones’s little faggotty head at the forefront - for all to see would be to say the least a cathartic experience in itself; at least worthy of a national holiday or something to commemorate it.
The knowledge that their souls were being crushed in Purgatory or tormented in actual Hell for an Aeon or two, however, would be absolutely priceless!
Thirty thousand NGOs! That's more NGOs than there are personnel in the Irish military.
You make a fascinating point about Britain's reverse colonization being facilitated by the organizational expertise the British ruling class developed managing the empire. It often works this way, the tools of empire ultimately coming back to harrow the population at home. That makes it highly unlikely that the British peoples will be able to throw off the regime from the inside. How deep a historical irony would it be if it was the Irish successfully removing the Nazgul which inspires the British to do the same?
I view this as likely given the speed of Ireland's downfall. There is a sizable chunk of all our countries living in complete denial of what they see. I am convinced most of the "we of course support legal immigration, all those foreign nurses etc." is a cope. Surely there had to be a reason we let this happen?
Many of these types still have nice lives. They can avoid the worst of it for now. But watching a country so similar to the UK fall is a different story. As we know, they seem to be making a point of shipping in the absolute worst matches possible for our nations. People actively hostile to assimilation. So it will get messy and visible, which can only help.
"I support legal immigration, but...." is a scapegoating cope. It allows them to express the emotional opposition to what's happening in a relatively politically correct fashion. The woke understand the quite well, which is why they treat it as the dog whistle it is. The trick will be getting people to the point where they're comfortable saying "fuck immigration". Since they can now be cancelled for opposing illegal immigration, that shouldn't be hard: they've nothing to lose.
Destruction and dysfunction help push it all along. Algerians in their 40s stabbing kids helps too. Who stabs schoolchildren?
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves why we oppose mass importing of alien cultures, they are alien. Even when generally resistant to the propaganda it seeps in. It all becomes about racism. But it's not. It is about incompatibility, and it inevitably asserts itself. A few million of us in Islamabad or Riyadh would cause mayhem too, for example.
Soon, we are going to have to embrace the "R word" and make it our own, as the homos did with the word "queer". A mere causal mention of "racism" has even members of the DR scrambling for cover and desperately pleading "not guilty" (which only makes things worse as well as legitimising the term).
"Racism" was invented (by Trotsky, no less) as a political weapon and, as long as it as power over us, so do those who wield it.
"Racist" is already basically a racial slur for white people. In the future I see, the r-word will be embraced and weaponized. It will be our word. If others utter it in our presence, severe consequences will result.
There is another R-word that may soon become more important. Repatriation. Once that seed is planted then perhaps it may open some minds.
Racism is simply the acting out of a visceral understanding of this incompatibility. It's gotten a bad rap in the last half century but it's how the entire world worked for thousands of years.
It is now a loaded word I would suggest. It has acquired magic properties. I think it is now unusable as it invokes visceral reactions like the word Nazi. I have seen some people give spirited defences of national socialism and its variants. But the world is driven by emotion and some words are lost in the process. It is too much hassle.
A new word meaning something like "awareness of differences" that can be used in a neutral way would be better. First established to celebrate something superior to whites, like the East Asian flair for mathematics etc. For extra brownie points to celebrate all those nobel prize winning tribesmen. And only then perhaps used in a more useful way, to try to get through to the midwits your new neighbours will be producing kids your own kids will work their whole lives to support because genetics.
It's always been such an absurd sentiment. As if the only thing differentiating 'good' immigration from 'bad' immigration is the government waving their hands and making it legal. In fact here in the states the deep state called their bluff and started simply legalizing people who previously had been illegal. There simply must be a paradigm shift where we all acknowledge that we can't take in the entire world, and actual numbers must be discussed - as in, what's the TOTAL amount of foreigners we can let in and still be considered a country? It will never happen of course.
I agree. I thought that was such a thought provoking point regarding the experience the British have in quelling dissent. It’s a point I’ll have to think about for about 6 months before I can rationally comment. Mr Morgoth often stumps me with insights which wouldn’t even cross my mind.
Morgoth never fails to hit the bull´s eye, even from one island to the next. Could you perhaps at some point offer a take on why those political movements that traditionally represented Irish nationalism appear to, at best, sit this one out, if they have not fully switched sides already?
Well that's a vexing subject and I've noticed that our Irish friends don't like us Anglo's pointing at it. However, from what I gather there was some sort of subversion happened in the 60s that meant Irish Nationalism developed a more Marxoid flavour, but I'm sure there are Irish commentators more qualified than I to do discuss it.
This is essentially my understanding. Left-nationalist parties have all been eaten by the left part of their ideologies, which now inhabit the nationalist part as an empty husk. See also the SNP, the Catalans, the Basques, the Quebecois....
The SNP for sure. Although ostensibly led by a Sunni Muslim they are pushing hard for all sorts of transgender nonsense absolutely no one in Scotland will even tolerate. A true break from reality. It is even causing Hamza Yusuf problems with his people. Such is the power of the deranged Left.
And on top of the troon nonsense, there's the small matter of the SNP being headed by a Sunni Muslim. One who is on the record as despising white people, no less.
Videos now surfacing of the leader of the opposition, also a muslim, saying the same. Almost word for word. Too many white men. Vardukar too it would seem.
Among the chattering classes this seems to automatically translate into some kind of positive brotherhood of man thing, even though they are the very demographic they are alluding too. The immigrants aren't becoming plumbers and electricians after all.
Most modern "nationalist" movements are actually universalist. This is especially true among the Celts.
Most modern "nationalist" movements are actually universalist. This is especially true among the Celts.
Oppressor-victim mentality and the learned helplessness it induces, in a word. SinnFein were anti-British nationalists. That is to say, they fought the good fight against the oppressor and they identified with the downtrodden. Their enemy is no longer the British, so anti-British nationalism doesn't work.
What they need is pro-Irish nationalism. It no doubt exists, but is not that visible. I note on many of the comments on videos is the Irish condemning the stabbings, but quickly reassuring readers they are in favour of legal immigration, we need immigrants, our health service would collapse without all those nice foreigners etc etc.
All of that was implanted in their heads by PR firms. Every now and then you get an Irishman commenting with more clarity; Ireland doesn't need any immigrants. We've had doctors and nurses for centuries. We have hundreds of thousands unemployed etc.
So the trick of focusing on outrage, illegal immigrants and of course the "far right" works well to prompt the brainwashed to energetically declare tacit support for population replacement, the ultimate goal.
Very few in Ireland will discuss the low birth rate and other actual issues.
You see the same thing in the Scottish Nationalist Party and the Catalonian nationalists in Spain. If the so-called nationalists see themselves as being oppressed by a larger nation, they tend to lean left and embrace victimhood and all that implies.
Yep. The Irish all had their Palestine flags out as did the Scots. I have no take on Israel-Gaza, but I did note the automatic reinforcement of the appointed victims whom they identified with. This of course culminated in the incomprehensible Queers for Palestine brigade. It doesn't get any more mindless than that.
I fear this is the problem with the Celts. The victim element.
Ireland has a 15% corporate tax rate, the lowest around attracting Apple and Google, a beach head for global homo. Best thing they could do is raise taxes to EU norms and drive them out.
A fantastic article by the premier social commentator on our island.
I always find it fascinating how the !RA are always so silent on such issues. A movement born out of absolute nationalism, dare I say, in same ways, ethnocentrism. They don’t dare have a tale to tell about such occurrences. They have no solidarity with their brothers whose children are being knifed in their own capital city by men who have absolutely no stake or claim to their island. This is men who would live and die by Irish nationalism. They are supposed to be the vanguard!! It leaves the Irish people, and the island of island, in a very very good position in my opinion.
I'm completely confused by this too. Happy to murder their European brothers but do nothing as their women and children and raped and murdered by blacks and Muslims.
Let’s hope that they’ve left a massive vacuum which real, working class, proud Irish men can fill outside of neoliberal, globalist gibberish. At that point I’ll fly the tri colour myself !
They were anti-imperialist/capitalist Marxists. Britain being the imperial power of old had to go. They were wedded to an ideology not a people.
"Dublin" man when a foreigner is raping, stabbing and murdering. "Insert country of origin" man when occasionally doing a good deed like intervening in an atrocity.
Irish Citizen was what they actually used. After this, given his history, I suspect it won't last as a camouflage term. If only he had been a "hooded youth."
In nearly all American cities it has been several decades since the urban working class left. Nobody ever talks about it even though many of those chased out are still alive. That was also the killing blow to the old ethnic neighborhoods in America. My father went to kindergarten where just a few decades prior they taught in German.
The NGO's destroyed Irish Catholicism within twenty years (not that the Church did itself any favors). It seems with the absurd numbers of NGO's in Ireland, their plan is simply to give all their ideological networks infinite cash to submit the small Irish population. Let's not think they are totally incompetent. The technological and force advantage they have is intimidating.
Sad to say, but the only thing that can beat this much money is <redacted>, when your enemies decide all that cash isn't worth losing your neck over.
A lot of the globohomo detritus was seen by many of the younger generations as a way to break the control of an over bearing catholic church, laden with its history of mistreating children.
Which way all of this heads, I don't know, but from having one Irish parent, I know the Irish who resist won't be turned over easily. I suspect outside influences will be used to queer the pitch, so to speak.
I think Ireland is a microcosm of the West. The incompetence of the elites, alluded to in the article, may come to play the important part. They aren't very good.
Also, the media is losing its place. There is a video online of an Irish fellow confronting a leading journalist as he stood about the stabbing site waiting for updates. he gave him hell and the journalist was visibly rattled. He specifically called him out for his long support of mass immigration and castigating naysayers as racists. As the fellow reminded him, we warned you about this for years.
The journalist mentioned in the article, Owen Jones, is typical of them. They really do believe opposition to cultural replacement is racist. Only a savage would oppose it. They are absolutely out of touch with reality.
Things are changing I suspect.
It was Thomas Cromwell (in "A Man for All Seasons") who said to Richard Rich, "our job as administrators is to minimize the inconvenience which this is going to cause. That's our only job..." Unfortunately, I believe the Irish will take this as the need for more bureaucracy not for freedom.
I'm not so sure. Ireland is small. Their problems are very visible. I think recent events are just the start. Remember this is mass immigration to an island with a small economy that doesn't need immigration except to prop up GDP, lower wages or erode traditional society.
This is all our countries except faster. It won't work.
MSM Playbook for Next Attack
#1) Avoid mentioning it, or try to downplay the event as a disturbance.
#2) Delay naming BAME suspects. Their names are usually a clue to their ideology.
#3) Diversity is our greatest strength!
#4) Refuse to assign any association with politics or ideology, unless it can be blamed on "the far right"
#5) Blame any any resulting anger caused by the attack on "the far right", unless they are condemned as responsible. In such cases, the political class will be reported visiting Mosques wearing appropriate dress and repeat #3
#6) Discover any BAME who is even fractionally involved in a brave response. Make them a hero.
#7) Drop all reporting ASAP and return news coverage to sportsball, celebrity shenanigans, or Prince Harry.
#8) Repeat #3
I love your list. Somewhere around 3 or 4 there's also the stage of, "the REAL danger is the backlash that these poor downtrodden folk will suffer at the hands of the vicious white man." As though any sane person would look at modern Western culture and think that minorities have anything at all to fear from us.
The “common good” of Varadkar’s “new Ireland” - includes stabbing sprees targeting children, no affordable property ownership, persistent growing homelessness for the Irish poor, and the official demonisation of Irish men. But for the regime their focus is to combat their nagging fear that the spirit of de Valera and Collins - which is incomprehensible to them but is a truth to the likes of Connor McGregor - may yet again fill the hearts & minds of old Ireland.
As someone said in these comments, the primary goal of the european right must be getting people confortable saying "fuck immigration". A tiny spark but maybe a sign of a greater awakening. The anti immigration party victory in Netherlands also gives me a bit of hope. All Westerners benefit from a white, safe and prosperous Europe, so i offer my sympathies to the Irish People. May they wake up soon. The GAE is weakened by the day (one of the reasons i dont want Trump to win) and god willing the whole system of the Empire will collapse and be replaced.
I haven't been able to comment on all of your most recent posts, but hopefully this dreaded system starts to show it's cracks at the less fortified points.
I suspect that the way we feel is similar to how pre-Christian pagans must have felt in Europe, watching all of the royal families convert to Christianity. We don't want it to happen. It's not for our benefit. Our leaders have actually no interest whatsoever in what we want or what's best for our nation. If we speak out about it too vociferously we'll be punished. And slowly but surely our culture will be destroyed, never to return.