Cheers, Morgs! I'm actually quite white pilled about the future. The people in charge are hubristic and not as smart as they think they are. The social credit system will usher in a huge parallel economy which will end up replacing CBDCs as it will use better money that people can actually save. Might do a video about it.

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You raised excellent points in this podcast. I think it is important not to jump to conclusions and embrace more outlandish claims if they fail to hold up to scrutiny, at least based on the information available at any given moment. Therefore, your agnostic attitute to population reduction is the right one at this time, in my opinion. The need to redeploy to a less exposed defensive line by the system in terms of messaging also appears evident to me.

I fully agree that geopolitical rivalries exist and that they also shape demographic policy. It is evident to me that both China and Russia do not want to reduce the number of their young people. From that it would appear to follow that by the same geopolitical considerations in the United States there can be no interest in a catastrophic reduction in their number of young people.

However, the US may (in my opinion correctly) believe that demographically, they have more demographic "surplus" to "play around with" than their rivals. One would also have to add to the calculation that a disproportionately high number of young men may also contribute to political instability, therefore some kind of "middle ground" may be desirable according to this line of thinking.

Consider the case of the opioid epidemic. Even in the New Yorker some years ago there was an article detailing the elaborate and very evil shenanigans by Purdue Pharma (bribing doctors, coopting medical journals, etc) to push Oxycontin on the people and make it as addictive as possible. The number of victims of the opioid epidemic, many of them men of fighting age and disposition, is very high and still this was allowed to go on for years, even though from a geopolitical perspective it would appear to be detrimental.

By the same line of thinking, vaccine damage cases may also be in the same "acceptable" dimension.

I also wonder whether the vaccine story may have turned out very differently if the virus had behaved just slightly differently. Imagine a scenario in which lethality of the virus for a healthy 30 year old was 1 % and that the vaccine prevented severe cases to a noticeable extent. In that scenario, a plausible argument could be made that the vaccine did more good than harm, even with the level of side effects that we see today.

Even if we accept the assumption that both virus and vaccine were developed and analyzed long before 2020 and even with the wildest theories about the existence secret labs etc there is no way to predict the behavior and mutation of a virus once it is released to a global population of billions. Those very same uncertainty factors would also affect vaccine efficacy. The whole thing reminds me of a rocket that failed to reach escape velocity: It got to a pretty high altitude, but because it fell just a little bit short of the necessary height it came crashing all the way back to earth, which was probably not the plan.

The fact that the original Rockefeller lockstep scenario assumes widespread protests only after about 10 years - though in reality they sprang up within months - may be an indication that things did not go according to the plan in significant ways.

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Listening to this while in hospital with the bairn. Cheers for the distraction, moggy.

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Sins of a solar empire?

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Yes I loved it

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There’s been lots of independent analysis of the injections, some more trustworthy than others.

But graphene is found consistently, which has magnetic properties.

I’ve seen neodymium magnets stick to the acute injection sites of two people myself.

Quite coincidentally, during the time when people were talking about magnets sticking to arms, an article appeared on the BBC website saying neodymium magnets should be banned as a choking hazard.

Some say that graphene absorbs EMF radiation at heats up at the wavelengths used by 5G.

Theoretically, this could give the powers that be, the ability to assassinate anyone by ramping up the 5G if the person passes a 5G tower.

All speculation mind.

Numerous other things have been found in the vials, including toxic heavy metals, steel, glass fragments etc. Then there’s the toxic spike protein itself and PEG delivery vehicle.

So if the above are present, this explains the myriad of adverse health events we’re seeing.

We also have direct evidence that some batches are far more toxic than others, indicating varied ingredients.

So why would they target white people for elimination.

Well this isn’t new, there’s a war on white people currently.

Perhaps it’s because the white race, with it’s history of invention, innovation and builders of the modern world, are dangerous to the Elites and their plan?

They’re also used to liberal democracy, something which will be abolished in the future.

Compare to the Chinese, other Asians and Africans who’re used to dictators and corruption and have contributed little high tech to the modern world.

They’ll make perfect slaves in the future.

Overall i think the shots have been used to experiment on the public, taking advantage of the absence of regulatory oversight.

Hence the variation in toxicity between batches.

Whether it’s an adempt to eliminate populations, we don’t know for sure.

But if you were going to eliminate masses of people you’d use something slow acting.

Perhaps something similar to HIV, which takes 5-10yrs to become symptomatic.

I’ve already seen evidence of people’s immune systems crashing after injection though.

The evidence of mass death is there, likely 75k in the UK alone in 2022, whether the numbers will rise further, who knows.

But it will be noticed by the general population if the excess death goes much higher.

Already numbers going back for repeated boosters has crashed. So the people may give the impression of being gormless idiots (and they are mostly), but they’ve realised something is wrong.

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Andy's accent reminds me of Johnny Cash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aAeif20Vc0

I agree with him on the obscenity of phrases like "social distancing" and "essential workers".

Concerning black pills, here in Japan a loner wth a grudge recently murdered former PM Shinzo Abe with a home made gun, his grudge was politicians' involvement with the Unification Church. This has led to scrutiny of politicians' links to the Unficiation Church, of which there are many. So an act of political violence has had the desired result whille democracy proved futile. I don't think this bodes well.

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Great stuff.. it seems the vaccine threat isn't going away anytime soon.. I'd assume UBI come with the prerequisite of having the jab.. I think the idea is a slow kill off over ten years and the migrants are direct replacement to the white westerner

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Listening to Andy is a slog... Andy needs to get to the point

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With respect to both of the speakers, the article wasn't mysterious to anyone who's worked in government or academia here in the US. The idea of an amnesty after a major snafu is fairly normal in those circles where one is almost never punished for bad results. Even getting the complete opposite result of your stated goal isn't grounds for discipline or termination. The only real danger for government officials and academia is going against the party line. So instead they have this conversation where they admit ok, we made some real mistakes on this project but let's acknowledge them and then (and this is the important part) let's move on and put this behind us. OFIs, pronounced ophies, is government slang for opportunities for improvement. This article was just typical mealy mouthed government babble when they know they've screwed something up but don't want anyone punished for it.

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What's important for the left is that, regardless of any outcomes, they are the ones in pursuit of what is right and fair while the right is always only attempting to commit evil acts which increase inequality in society. The right always makes the mistake of trying to corner the left, in the hope of a Mea culpa moment leading to a belated acceptance of their rationale on human instinct and how the world really works.

Even within a biological family, the polarisation of left and right has led to parents pretty-much hating their children and vice-versa. Siblings, for whom tensions never lay far beneath the surface even back when lives were still actually being lived rather than just being discussed in angst-ridden hypothetical terms, now literally wish death upon rivals of a different persuasion.

When something like that Atlantic article happens, the best thing dissidents can do is maintain a watching brief. When your enemies start digging a hole for themselves, don't wrench the shovel from their hands to beat them over the head with it. But, of course, most on the right couldn't help themselves from pouncing like a starving Jack Russell on a string of sausages that had fallen out of a shopping basket.

Prominent individuals on the left might have been about to at least have a conversation with themselves about the nonsense of the last few years. It's unlikely another article like that is going to appear again, at least not for a while.

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I doubt the powers that be are especially concerned with the right's response to this or any other article. Whatever they will or won't do, they likely don't consider us at all.

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We aren't really talking about people with real power here. Just foot-soldiers in academia with some social media presence. Right now, they certainly have more power than just about anybody on our side though.

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One thing that I find interesting about the C19 saga is that the mainstream seems reluctant to talk about it. It went from 24/7 scaremongering to almost nothing in a very short space of time. Rather than continue to publicly analyse the effect of the measures that were taken it is simply not discussed. We are all expected to believe that it was all necessary and a success and to move on to the next obsession without the need to ask any questions. It will be the same with Ukraine, the energy crisis etc. A complete whitewash.

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Thank you.

The best take on the vaccine was from Shankara Chetty..... people's underlying conditions will be exacerbated and their premature death will be put down to these comorbidities and nothing will be pinned on the poison.

Regarding the depopulation theory, the distribution of the mRNA and adenovector injections have been among the higher IQ races.

In the real World, since the roll out of this new moderna bivalent vaccine in England, I have seen an uptick of men with existing cardiac problems presenting with ventricular tachycardia.

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It doesn't matter if the powerful come up with good or bad arguments though. The public will accept either, even if the ashes of a loved one sit in an urn on top of the television set they nod sagely at.

Here in Britain, I can't escape the feeling that the majority of people I share the country with are not fully human anymore. Perhaps they never were and it's just taken recent events to expose them as essentially just programmed machines. Whatever, this is becoming an increasingly lonely island to live on.

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Andy was a painfully dull guest.

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“Scales” fish lol

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Good grief I've just finished listening and that was a bit bloody black pilling! I'll just pop a kink in the lads breathing hose shall I? Crumbs!

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I got a 30 acre bass fishing pond I manage. Every year a biologist tells me how many fish I have to harvest so that the remaining bass have enough food to grow to 10 pounds. I don’t think allowing the fish population to grow until it crashes is optimal. Morgoth may disagree, but I don’t feel evil.

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I guess by this logic, if the powers that be run the calculus and determine you don't serve the greater good and must be "harvested" you'd be happy to climb into the euthanasia pod, to serve the best interests of the population?

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It doesn't really matter if the person to be harvested is happy or not. They have no power and those making the decision have all of the power. Having no power is the biggest problem for all of us here. Our lives are in the gift of those who have no reason to wish us well. Were I given the opportunity to pitch them on why they should not kill me, other than it wouldn't be a very nice thing to do, I cannot think of any good reasons to give them. The struggle for power is fundamentally about making sure the boot is on the other foot. Those with power do not have to care about being in the right, other than to appease God who they may not even believe in.

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My point is the person doing the harvest believes he is doing the right thing.

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Even with the fish, what is actually right is quite complicated. The owner of the fish will have different priorities than the fish themselves. Were the scales not so tipped in favour of the owner, in terms of power and even the ability to voice an opinion, a long debate between the farmer and the stock might be unavoidable.

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I got to eat dinner with Medal of Honor recipient Marine Lance Corporal Chapman who through himself on a grenade in Afghanistan in order to save other Marines.

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If the fish could hypothetically talk and understand, would you tell them this or lie to them?

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I'm not a fish and Bill Gates doesn't own me. There's the small problem with your analogy.

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