Feb 10Liked by Morgoth

Wait. This thing does podcasts too? Nice!!

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Feb 10Liked by Morgoth

Hey Morgoth for the Waco situation BlackPilled did some of his best work in the Pat Con series talking about it https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/patcon2:f It is infuriating like much of this stuff is, but highly worth it. Also the American creature is the Wendigo. There was a good book written called the Wrath of the Wendigo recently about a break away state very entertaining read in the vein of what was discussed on this stream. Thanks for the work as always!

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Wendigo is the forest monster you were thinking of with the stag head, most likely. It’s Canadian I believe. A mix of French and native myth.

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45:00 I think what you're getting at here is the high degree of disgust that conservatives tend to have. Could be why we are repelled by modern art, gross foreign food, ugly clothing/ grooming styles, etc. I feel like Professor Dutton has done some discussions on this. BTW I fully agree with you on this point. I think when writers spend too much time portraying evil they'll start wallowing in it, and maybe accidentally promoting it.

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Thanks Morgpth. Just started listening. I know I've asked about this in the past, but any chance you could do something with BlackPilled?

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