Captain Kirk defeated the Kobayashi Maru Test by refusing to play by the rules set by other people...the online right should do the same.

If loved ones and relatives wanted to get jabbed to the eyeballs because they were brainwashed by the 'latest thing'...well that is truly, truly sad...I experienced this first hand...I tried my best to convince them...they didn't listen...I am not their messiah..I still did not feel obliged to take the jab in solidarity with their lunacy.

If loved ones and relatives want to throw themselves into a Ukranian meatgrinder due to MSM brainwashing...I will try to convince them....but they have agency and I am not their messiah...I sure as hell am not going with them in some form of solidarity or a peverse sense of political philosophy.

This is not a Right/Left Wing issue. This about a profound Spirtual Evil that has captured the Western World and is playing itself out before our eyes. I for one will not add my agency to the side of Evil like some misguided Anakin Skywalker just because my nearest and dearest have succome.

I will also not play the options given to me.

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The problem with the potential future meat grinder is, they will make it compulsory, just like how they made the shot compulsory.

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There is always another way! Brits are to used to 'playing with a straight bat'. It is the difference in mentally of a traditional officer class soldier versus a work class special forces ex-paratrooper. As a purely hypothetical example....if you were at risk of losing your job for not getting the Covid jab...there is nothing to stop you ringing your GP giving them a random batch number and telling them Occupational Health at work gave privately but you want a record on your GP notes so you don't get bothered with calls to get it at the surgery? Immigrant groups don't think twice about lying on forms for benefits, income, tax etc...doesn't come naturally to us English

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I suspect it is partly the difference between an internal and external locus of control. We are unusually internal in our drives. Much of the world expects the world itself to impose rules. It is up to you to stop them making fraudulent benefit claims. They do not expect to hold themselves in check. We see this with many groups from trivial issues to the rape of children. They expect to be stopped and take our lack of action as weakness.

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"National Security, or some more flowery jargon would simply become the new “public health”. I think this is already the case, with those who oppose sending billions to Ukraine now being framed as Ukrainian granny killers! As someone who did fight for this country, who pledged allegiance to Queen and Country (an albeit very different country than we have now) I cannot for the life of me see why working class lads (you know the ones who do the actual fighting and dying) would want to follow a regime that so clearly hates their guts. An all-out war with Russia and China is simply not an option, our armed forces are simply not fit for the job and as for the general public, the "Soma" has done its job there, the decades of drugging up and dumbing down, cannot be undone in time to counter the hypersonic missiles.

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This is my view. So what is going on? Surely the people antagonizing the world understand this about us?

Or are we witnessing factions at work? The left hand is divorced from the right? We certainly saw this during Covid.

As with so much now I cannot understand the insanity of the people running the asylum. Noising up serious enemies while we simultaneously destroy our army. What is going on?

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If we view the regime using ideology cynically and pragmatically it becomes clearer. They're trying to turn from ''End of world'' degeneracy toward a multi-polar power struggle while not moving so fast it becomes destabilizing.

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This makes a lot of sense, the internet has been destabilizing to the mental health of the west at an uncontrollable pace and only a specific enemy is going to get these crazy ponies back in the corral. I know one should never, ever underestimate the stupidity of the general public but doesn’t this seem too transparent, even for the doped, drugged, and uneducable? ( probably answered my own question there….no )

I am worried about the effect of what are draconian laws against free speech being enacted in Britain and Europe, where some of the very best commentary originates. I do not understand why there is no organized resistance. The EU, UN, and NATO all seem to me to be organizations which have passed their expiration date and turned into unelected tyrants.

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What I don´t understand is if and why they did not see this coming. Just consider how many people were alienated for good due to the covid madness who otherwise could now have been loyal supporters. In hindsight, I do not see any real strategic advantage gained for the powers that be from that period, quite to the contrary. Why would you do something like this if Cold War 2.0 was on the horizon? These about-turns happen so fast it´s getting harder to square them with any kind of coherent long-term strategy.

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Yes, Covid is a mystery. Though they did test run all manner of emergency procedures and rammed through tons of extra powers.

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Are they able to do this? The signs I see suggests an elite out of touch, not one receiving feedback and manipulating events.

I accept they use ideology for their own ends. But I also fear genuine incompetence at the very top.

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This is what happens when foxes try to be lions. A great power war calls for lions, but the lions have all been murdered by the foxes. The foxes have taken over society by pacifying it - poisoning it, demoralizing it. This makes it much easier to rule, but entirely unfit for warfare. Yet now they might need to fight a war. Remoralizing the society is necessary to win, yet risks destabilizing their rule. They're in quite the predicament.

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Yes I see the point. But that still points to ineptness not Machiavellian vsionaries. Which is worrying.

In the specific context of Britain the demographic they rely on for violence are the Northern English and Lowland Scots. Both of whom are not signing up and needless to say have been the handy white male scapegoats for decades. That is a very annoyed group of men. Part of me hopes they provoke them even more to see what happens.

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It's exactly the same in every country - the traditional warrior class has been deeply and thoroughly alienated.

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The lions have become ensnared, not murdered.

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Warmongering/Health Emergency = Fear

Fear = Acceptance of Emergency powers

Emergency powers = State Control

State Control = Well State control


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There's also the Casablanca option: quietly depart to a neutral country in Latin America or SE Asia, insulate your finances, and carry on doing your thing, whatever that happens to be.

Censorship these days seems to be largely algorithmic. Tucker's interview with Mike Benz is worth watching in this regard:


Benz argues that we've been in a state of exception since Russia 'annexed' Crimea in 2014. Before that, online free speech was seen as a foreign policy tool for destabilizing authoritarian regimes; after that, it was seen as a threat to the Regime.

To a certain degree censorship can be dodged by being clever about what is discussed and how; natural language processing and social graphs, however, mean that this strategy is actually quite limited, since they can update lexicons at the same speed the community invents new language, and identify influential accounts regardless of what, specifically, they're talking about. Just being connected to the wrong people is dangerous. So, it's not necessarily the case that those who choose to exclusively discuss "safe" topics like philosophy or art or whatever are, in fact, "safe". In the total state, criticism of any aspect of the Regime is criticism of the Regime.

There really isn't any quick fix or magic bullet here. They've got a nasty regulatory framework, server farms, and AI. We've got Truth, memes, and God. We're the Taliban in this conflict. It's worth remembering who won, there. With everything the Regime has done over the last several years, it's been fought to a standstill on more than one occasion. Meanwhile its own victories have destabilized it further, by alienating a greater fraction of the populace, and by delgitimizing it, all of which only increases the energy the Regime must expend to keep itself in power. Force is expensive; fear works in the short term as a substitute for love, but in the long term it's much more difficult to maintain. In the medium term though, we're in for a fight.

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In Britain it's often the case that you get censored for who you are rather than what you say, and I've been featured in Hope Not Hate's annual report for the last six years. A silver lining is that the Regime is increasingly creating incentives that mean people do everything online and so removing you entirely is problematic, though in Britain the Online Harms Bill could result in people needing a digital pass to verify their age.

All in all, stay frosty and make sure you have a real world buffer to cushion being forcibly exiled from the online discourse. Prepare for an equivalent of ''Order 66'' as if it will happen at some point. Obviously, those of us with platforms will be the target.

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I'm not sure total exile from the Internet is practical. Very difficult to prevent people from using email, for example. Then there's the darknet, Tor, Urbit, etc etc.

Exile from the big platforms: yes, absolutely. But an Order 66 could backfire. Remove all the most interesting voices, and there's a possibility they pull a huge fraction of their audience with them into the underground ... where the algos can't massage their opinions anymore.

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Excile from the internet is the very last thing they want. Low-tech communication via written or printed word or even oral is an absolute bastard to police, manipulate or coerce. I am old enough to remember Terrorism is the late 80s and 90s - the Security + Intelligence Service had the best of the elite and experienced...because they bloody needed to be. The current Intel Services wouldnt have been trusted to man the reception desk...they litterally like a retarded 4 year old in comparison

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Surely the Cold War was also a period of heightened tension. In fact, the kind of coalescing around two inimical blocs that we see now appears highly reminiscent of that era, with some of the main participants even being the same as before. Yet during that time, there was a lot of propaganda attention given to the average man´s quality of life being better here as compared to over there. We see the same now, but this time instead of being shown people waiting in lines for toilet paper in Eastern Europe we have Tucker Carlson in a Moscow supermarket. One could even perhaps think that the measures implemented in the 90s that paved the way for the neoliberal excesses and rabid financialization in the following years would not have been possible (in the sense that the powers that be would not have dared to take these steps) without the end of the Cold War. From what I understand, even in Rome people decried moral decline among the elites after Carthage, the eternal enemy of Rome, was finally defeated. All of which is to say that, when the system is under an external threat, there is a stronger need to keep things functioning, which in turn would seem to make it impossible to suppress 20, 15 or even 10 percent of the population. With the demographic situation being what it is (as you pointed out many times), the group that is most likely to fall into a dissident category is also the one that is needed most from a practical point of view. Thus, despite what is put into law, may we not actually see an easening of our circumstances purely for reasons of pragmatism?

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Yes, so this would essentially be AA's ''Putting the woke away'' wherein the Regime pragmatically dials back the madness.

On my schema we can also look at the ''Reluctant Shill'' faction coming to dominate as the face of the system, in this scenario we can imagine Trump and Farage being in power. However, there are issues with Trump as I argued in my recent article contrasting him with Gorbachev and the late USSR. His attempts at reform may lead to a massive unraveling of power.

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Farage definitely seems like a safe bet for the establishment, despite his many fans. I've seen enough comments attributed to him I sense he has quite safe views on immigration and even demographic changes.

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Oh I have no hope in him at all.

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For a while I assumed he was playing a safe game in the media, being careful to only discuss illegal immigration etc.

But I'm less convinced this is a strategy. I think he is part of that world, quite happy to watch Britain adapt to the world moving here. If so I cannot reconcile this view with his more obvious union jacks and spitfires image.

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Given the insanity we are witnessing I suspect this kind of rational analysis is no longer in play.

Everything I look at here seems to make no sense. Antagonizing genuine enemies while defunding your army and staffing it with diversity hires.

I find this level of dysfunction impossible to explain only in terms of incompetence.

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I'm with you Calvin. I actually prefer the theory that basically states that when nobody is leading, only the safest positions (which are paradoxically the most extreme) will be adopted-whether they work or not. Eugyppus has written extensively on this perspective, and so far in my opinion his explanation has been the best. We're being ruled by committee by a group of inept theatre kids who don't know what they are doing.

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I think this is definitely a factor. Ruled by ambitious people who are good at getting to the top but not much else.

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Exactly. When I was a much younger man in the military I noticed that the people getting promoted were people who were actually good at nothing except being promoted. They had an uncanny ability to discern the prevailing zeitgeist and figure out how to link their project and efforts to that "current thing" (whether it was social issues or the commander's favorite sports team) but their talents stopped there. They never actually did their jobs and spent the majority of their time doing high visibility self promotion work. You'd never want to work with these people, because they were always gone (with leadership blessing, of course) and would leave you with the hard work.

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Yes, the social climbers will always be with us.

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Well...that should keep us all up at night

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"there is a stronger need to keep things functioning, which in turn would seem to make it impossible to suppress 20, 15 or even 10 percent of the population"

The Bolsheviks proved that the use of terror against a small percentage of the population will keep the rest in line. When the state finally takes the gloves off, you'll see what pragmatism really is when viewed from the top.

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I am not sure that will be so successful here. They are careful to not be too blatant for a reason.

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I think there's two things we learned over the past few years that seem to point the way forward.

The first is that our rulers are unimaginably stupid, malicious and cowardly. If any unexpected situation comes up, they have absolutely no idea how to deal with it, so it probably gets outsourced to consulting firms who will come up with something based on focus groups and polling. This gives an ineffective solution, but the responsibility is so spread out that nobody can be held responsible for it.

The second thing is that we are capable of getting things going in real life if there's enough pressure. An example of this is the freedom convoy in Canada (which I was at). We had been resisting covid rules as best as we could, but when the pressure finally got high enough, it took off. The Trudeau (cursed be the name) regime then had no idea how to handle it, and this brought the end of covid in Canada.

I think this basically sums up what we have to do going forward. We're not in power, so we don't actually have to solve problems. We just have to find ways of creating problems that the ruling class can't solve.

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Just so any here that reads this comment, Tucker Carlson has CIA connections and is a part of the governing elite. He the read meat provider for the Right Wing that is opposed to Globalism.

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A good warning (and good nerd bait).

If we do get a global war, the globalists may well have cause to regret it, possibly as thoroughly as the Austro-Hungarian empire regretted kicking off World War 1. Because that's the thing about war: it is chaos unleashed and there are unintended consequences far apart from just winners and losers of individual battles.

The Wuhan Flu broke a lot of people and it broke a lot of trust that is required to run a modern society. The 2020 election broke yet more trust, and it may well have ruptured the long alliance between the US Right and the government and military. You are already seeing huge drop-offs in military volunteerism. A shooting war with Russia or China will not bring the boys flocking to the flag this time, not without an actual invasion of US soil. As a result, you will see conscription, as you mentioned in your last essay. For the State will not permit people to NOT fight and die for it.

I do think you will see massive draft avoidance though and the force required to fill the divisions may be enough to rupture the United part of the United States. I can't see it will break out that way but it's just one example of what might happen if there is another global war.

The elites should be very careful or they will get what they asked for. And more. Much, much more.

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As much as you may dislike him, the regime allowing Elon Musk to proliferate his platforms is a signal that we're not yet directly in their sights. He's no hero, but until he is eliminated or changes his tune, I know we're not up just yet.

That being said, the vast bulk of Americans are invested in this as we have families and children. We do care for their health and well-being and every single regime in the world is built on the premise of "that's a nice family you have there. Shame if something happened to it." The only possible answer is that enough of us say "no, we love you but we won't move." or yes, we end up as shills in the name of protecting our family. That last possibility definitely has plenty of precedent.

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It's not that I dislike Musk, it's that can't abide the drive toward intrusive technologies. I'm quite content as far his undermining of the power structure goes.

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Count me as part of the "Keep Our Head Down" crowd. I hate the Cathedral and all it represents but there's literally nothing we can do to stop it. To mix metaphors, even within the Cthulhu universe people know not to draw the ire of the blind idiot god Azathoth. I can't think of anything the United States Regime more closely resembles.

To your larger point, we actually saw this exact scenario play out in the US during the so-called War on Terror. The entire apparatus of the Left was arrayed against the war effort in particular and the government in general because for 8 years, the war was being carried out by evil Republicans. Then once St. Obama was elected, all protests almost immediately stopped. All anti war movies and tv shows stopped being produced. Dissent became treasonous. True believers like Cindy Sheehan were left twisting in the wind.

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Is the removal of Shamimia Begun UK citizenship a test case for removing native dissent right citizens? Might be extreme, but don't trust HMGovt.

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I think it's just a dead-cat story that affirms already drawn political boundaries. I doubt citizenship will be revoked as a strategy, the danger is a universal ID.

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I say morgoth that it's both. War would bring a tyranny unlike anything ever seen. The digital ghulag is near

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Yes it is. Exactly that

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I think mark Collette and co. Unfortunately will get the Oswald Mosley treatment . The bigger threat to the regime I'd say is 15 million muzzies that don't want to fight for Jews /white men against their brothers.. and blacks similarly.. the problem with NATO collapsing from Internal strife is having to learn mandarin.


I fucking hate the Brooklyn tunnel engineers that run out country but I'm damned if I'm goingto be run by Chinese(yellow Jews).

Id like to think Id be the new lord haw haw but I'd probably be quiet 🤫 . We have to preserve a small amount of British DNA. Somehow from being completely exterminated.. survival will be the name of the game..

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Start learning Russian.

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There isn’t going to be conscription nor a formal war against Russia. The system doesn’t need a fictitious ‘external enemy’ to restrict free speech for critics of recasted, especially the inept ‘Online Right.’

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Feb 21, 2024
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You can’t hang out with the Klingons. They hate you and will never accept you as one of them. That’s the problem with the third worldist position-it’s really a suicidal one. Russia and Iran hate the Western populace almost as much as our elites do.

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