The Road To Sectarianism (Video)
On sectarian tensions and unrest within England.
I am rounding off what has become a series on the unrest across the United Kingdom after the Southport murders. I’ve mentioned in previous essays that an essential difference in how the British State deals with dissent, which separates it from the Irish Republic, is its vast experience in ruling over restless populations.
No small amount of that experience was learned across Ulster, Newry, and Belfast. It is symbolic that, this late in our history, the ethnic group that must be handled as members of a conquered territory are the Native British themselves. The ‘‘off-ramp’’ from the two choices I outline in the video would be the ‘‘putting the woke away’’ ruse, which would attempt to rekindle a sense of 90s optimism and civic identity, but this is precisely what the current government seems to have rejected.
Indeed. Speaking of Ireland… is there any fundamental difference between the British State now how it treats native Britons, versus Irish Catholics under the penal laws?
Given this, for native Britons to survive this, one essential step will be to no longer think of the UK ruling class as theirs in any meaningful sense, but some sort of hostile foreign ascendancy.
I was watching your YT video, 'In Search Of The Northern Soul', when this video popped up.
And yes, the native white population had better organize now or they will lose everything. The native population will (and I suspect already is) organize in spite of government efforts to stop them.
The rapidly approaching economic collapse and geo-poltical events (war) will upend the British state. Criminal gangs (already well-organized) will swoop in to take full advantage of it. The British government, hamstrung by wokery, will be unable to restore order. The supply chains will collapse along with public utilities. The country will fragment as the welfare system falls apart and cities implode.
Enter the heroes to restore order.
Fragments of the current British army and, in my opinion, most importantly, British army veterans, will move to stabilize the situation in the country. Big changes will follow.