Indeed. Speaking of Ireland… is there any fundamental difference between the British State now how it treats native Britons, versus Irish Catholics under the penal laws?
Given this, for native Britons to survive this, one essential step will be to no longer think of the UK ruling class as theirs in any meaningful sense, but some sort of hostile foreign ascendancy.
I think most people are distracted. Literally lost in their phones. Every day I am astonished at what I see on the streets and in cafes. Even sitting at busstops. People completely addicted to their devices. It is frightening. They won't be part of any pushback. They are lost. And the numbers seem to be growing.
I was watching your YT video, 'In Search Of The Northern Soul', when this video popped up.
And yes, the native white population had better organize now or they will lose everything. The native population will (and I suspect already is) organize in spite of government efforts to stop them.
The rapidly approaching economic collapse and geo-poltical events (war) will upend the British state. Criminal gangs (already well-organized) will swoop in to take full advantage of it. The British government, hamstrung by wokery, will be unable to restore order. The supply chains will collapse along with public utilities. The country will fragment as the welfare system falls apart and cities implode.
Enter the heroes to restore order.
Fragments of the current British army and, in my opinion, most importantly, British army veterans, will move to stabilize the situation in the country. Big changes will follow.
As someone who grew up in the belly of the beast of the Troubles, it was a purely ethnic conflict. It’s hard to convey how religiously and culturally segregated our lives were. I lived in an area (the Shankill, Belfast) where everybody was of the same religion as me; at home, at school, at church, everywhere and everything. You stayed in your own community and only mixed with your own - that way, you stayed safe. Although you were never really safe in Northern Ireland then. My own brother was killed by PIRA simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The endless cycle of deaths just fed the ethnic hatred. Those that ‘betrayed’ their community - for example by marrying one of ‘the others’, faced being ignored or exiled at best or, at worse, death - sadly there were cases of ‘mixed marriages’ resulting in this during the darkest days of the conflict. When my older cousin married outside of our community, and relocated to England with his new wife to escape the conflict, my grandparents never spoke to him again. It was as if he’d died.
The dissident right like to refer to ‘blood and soil’ - you’ll find few places with more of a sense of that than Northern Ireland. The young men I grew up with would proudly say they would die to keep Ulster British and some of them did.
I should probably make some content about this stuff before I forget it all! My parents and grandparents spoke bitterly of ‘the other lot’ (the Irish Republican community) that had demanded that British Army be brought in to Ulster in 1969 after a period of civil unrest. As another commenter here has rightly pointed out, they were seen as inviting the British State in, only to turn on that State. .
And now the British State has turned on everyone except the hostile aliens.
As a child of the later years of the troubles I'd say you are spot on with the comparison, and echo you in saying that nobody should want a repeat of that, especially on a larger scale across the whole UK.
I also think there's an extra element to all of this that hasn't yet been revealed beyond just avoiding sectarianism. As has been discussed on other posts I still think they are brewing something that the natives will be more likely to oppose (my money would be on digital ID), and that part of the crackdown is also to remove a lot of the potential for dissent when the time comes for it.
Exactly - Digital ID. That is due to be introduced down here in Australia in December. This place, as usual, is the testing ground for the predator class.
They tried it here with the vaccine passports during Covid and faced mass opposition. I can't help but notice the groups and platforms being targeted in the riots crackdown (e.g. Telegram) has a lot of overlap with the rebel voices back then.
Yes, same here. I spent nearly a year locked out of society as I refused the vax - I could go shopping for food but that was it. I remember having to get a vaccinated friend to take my little son shopping for shoes as I wasn’t allowed in the shop….
Disgraceful! Thankfully we never had it that bad. We were locked out of restaurants, concerts etc without a pass, but we were at least able to buy a child shoes!
As someone who grew up at the end of the troubles in South Armagh - there definitely was a two teir system here and you were expected to know your place.
We didn't have any sophisticated think tanks telling us to not look back in anger.
A BLM t-shirt would be the same as seeing a sign "sniper at work". You knew there was an us and them.
The points you were explaining and putting could only be done in video form. I always enjoy your videos.
My opinions on the demise of white working people are too elongated to write here, but from my left leaning roots, class is the underpinning hatred. Any tool will be used against working people, the current one is mass importations to outnumber them.
I subscribe to the Woodlander's approach of building your own and pulling out of this death spiral we have been put in.
Excellent overview of the situation and the parallels with the troubles in Ulster.
It is a fascinating culdesac the Western liberal elites have wandered into. Their fantasy of extreme atomization and individualism is being proven wrong every day. People retain some kind of tribal, community, societal and ethnic awareness. They become inescapably aware of this as the screw is tightened just as our masters are doing. Did they not see tension emerging from their plans? Are they this short sighted?
What isn't helping their case is the blatancy the immigrant groups espouse their own ethnic interests. They refer to themselves in ethnic terms and broadcast widely their ambitions here in Britain, none of which include assimilation. They openly Tweet and podcast about Sharia and how they wish to dislodge the native Britons. That alone has the elites on a timer. How long can they keep pretending multiculturalism is working when the imports aggressively reject it. The only people who even try to make it work are the natives, the very people condemned as racists. It is a farce.
All this was predictable and yet on they plod. Will they retreat from their position? I don't see how they can. As your video outlines, they would need to admit multiculturalism has failed which they cannot do.
But reality is intruding more and more each day. I see no easy end to this mess.
Thanks for this and the very interesting comments below. You bring up the old, gnawing chestnut: is it incompetence or malice? Does malice suggest a level of competence, is incompetence absolved of malice? I think it is malicious and their incompetence just increases the agony, cruelty and chaos. Maybe this will end up rousing our people enough.
The mere mention of 'the Troubles' brings on the spotlight. And using it as anology to anything current seems to be akin to walking a tightrope made out of barbed wire and anti-personel mines.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, mate.
Reform and specifically Farage really should be the obvious choice for the white working class’ spokesman however just like you touched on in your vid they/he won’t.
So what do we do? Who will represent us?
What about a union type body which we all pay into - ironically along the same lines as i imagine how the Labour party started?
I’d gladly pay a monthly sub and i think millions others would too if they knew they would be fairly represented the next time the Starmtroooers came knocking because of an off-piste take you posted on X.
We have a lot of well educated hard working people who think along the same lines who would be so effective in bringing change but it’s bringing them together that’s the hard bit.
I do have hope though, as everyone one I talk to in every day life now can see this can’t go on.
I think Reform are part of the old world that will ultimately die. They reflect the status quo. The appointed rebels, if you will.
It is something completely new we need. I strongly suspect it is coming as the current system is a disaster even for those running it. Immigration alone will destroy most European nations and it cannot continue. Where will the money come from?
Love you Morgoth, but a more accurate parallel with Northern Ireland (my homeland) would be, rather than the British army/state coming to the aid of a client group here ie the 'Protestant loyalists' they were in fact (as your wiki article suggests) sent here to protect a minority group the 'Catholic community'. It should be born in mind by yourself and your readers that Northern Ireland had and probably still has a Protestant majority. The IRA who had been waging a violent campaign since 1916 against the British state (many British soldiers and civilians were murdered by them long before the "troubles" started in the late 60's) and in particular Northern Ireland since partition, took the opportunity to attack the very British soldiers who had been sent over from the mainland to protect their communities. Unsurprisingly the British army who had initially been sent here to protect the catholic community then became somewhat hostile to them. This is of course a very simplified version of what happened and the 1000 year background to it. So on to a more realistic parallel of what has been happening in Northern England:
Picture the scene: Because of a long-standing local grievance, a group from among the majority population of Southport attack a ‘minority’ community and their place of worship, the police and the army are sent in the quell the unrest and protect the mosque and its worshipers. See a parallel yet? The State uses force to protect the minority from the majority. Then after a month or two things take a different turn in Southport. Some members of the minority group mentioned above just happen to already be part of an Islamic terror group, and who have in fact already fought against the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan (you won't need reminding that thousands of 'British' Muslims joined ISIS and tens of thousands are on terror watch lists) now turn against the very soldiers and police officers who were sent to protect them, and in the coming years will plant bombs, torture, behead and kill hundreds of those soldiers and police officers. Then the police and army after seeing dozens of their colleagues blown to pieces on the streets, start viewing the very minority community that they were first sent in to defend as the enemy and thus police them accordingly.
Morgoth there is a very good reason that Irish Republican rhetoric matches that of the left-wing shit lib and that is because they are the archetype left-wing shit libs, just look at Sinn Féin now.
Mate there are no alternative versions of the following:
1. In 1969 the majority of the people in the six counties that make up Northern Ireland were from the Protestant community, in fact Northern Ireland was created to ensure it was Protestant majority.
2. Like your wiki history stated the British army (obviously we already had the British army here, as men from here have served in it for hundreds of years) were sent here on to the streets in operation banner to protect the minority Catholic community from what was seen as a sectarian police force.
3. The IRA who had been waging a war against the British state since 1916 ( in fact they Bombed Coventry killing civilians there before the Luftwaffe ever did, and even bombed good old Tyneside in 1921) took the opportunity to intensify it's military campaign using the new fresh troops and police force as target practice. Which in turn sparked retaliation from newly formed loyalist groups.
4. Because of IRA violence against them, naturally enough the security forces became wary of the community from which their would be killers came from, this is human nature. A bit like white girls in Rotherham being wary of Pakistani men.
There are no alternatives to the facts above, there may be alternative narratives as to why the above happened in the first place, but not the bare facts of the matter.
The video does not dispute any of that. It is a discussion on Power and, clients and those not considered ''friends'' by that Power.
There is no argument against the position that Unionists, not the Irish Nationalists, were allied with the British State. The who's to blame and tit for tat escalation is largely irrelevant to the point being made.
Which makes it all the more ironic that those "Irish Nationalists" from the troubles era would now be on the same side as the British government when it comes to what is causing the division in the UK and Ireland at the moment.
There's a few comments gloating that the people who cheered at the suppression of the Irish by the British Army are now on the wrong side of that army.
Which, as you suggest, results in Irish Nationalists siding with the British State over normal Brits.
'Clients' in that they were/are British citizens/subjects who were loyal to the nation of their birth as opposed to those who are hostile to that state. I think that is different to how we usually think of client groups in the rest of the UK no? Your case in point the North of England, the client groups are in fact hostile to the history and tradition of the nation in which they now reside. That's why I think it's a bad analogy mate, the clients groups in England have more in common with militant Irish nationalists both politically and in their methodology than with loyalists, hence why one of the only allies the white working class in England have is with loyalists in Northern Ireland. I see what you were trying to do, mate, 'There was two tier policing in Northern Ireland, and this fermented anger among the native population which led to violent disorder, look just like the North of England' I just strongly disagree with you, the very fact that there was violent disorder here long before two tier police, and even since it, should void the arguement just from the standpoint of logic, let alone the political and cultural perspective. Add to that the fact that Protestant unionists in Northern Ireland were/are the majority and are the native population here, another reason why the analogy fails in my eyes.
Aye probably Adam, though even here the security forces hands were often tied, Google the 'Northern Ireland yellow warning card" a list of rules for soldiers here to follow before they could engage those trying to kill them.
It's interesting you mention the army. I know some people don't want whites to be in the army because of the threat of foreign wars. However, this view is short sighted. Imagine a complete loss of law a order and the army being half minority. We would be screwed. Unlike the police, I think the army probably still attracts well intentioned lads. Maybe they'll be a coup one day. I'm not advocating anything.
It's been 25 years since my time in the forces Adam and unfortunately since around that time there has been a steady descent into wokery, yes well intentioned young lads still join, but are now led by feminised careerists. Maybe you are right and the white working class soldiers will be replaced by the tens of thousands fighting aged men who come ready made with amphibious landing experience, either that or they are being earmarked as gulag guards.
It's a worrying state of affairs. I just think a white soldier would be less likely to turn his gun on a patriot than a police officer would. The worrying thing for the regime is that they cannot seem to get minorities to buy into the army despite their best efforts. At least this reduces the chance of a an ethnically hostile military being turned against us.
Indeed. Speaking of Ireland… is there any fundamental difference between the British State now how it treats native Britons, versus Irish Catholics under the penal laws?
Given this, for native Britons to survive this, one essential step will be to no longer think of the UK ruling class as theirs in any meaningful sense, but some sort of hostile foreign ascendancy.
That this view is not more prevalent is disappointing. But, we are getting there.
I think most people are distracted. Literally lost in their phones. Every day I am astonished at what I see on the streets and in cafes. Even sitting at busstops. People completely addicted to their devices. It is frightening. They won't be part of any pushback. They are lost. And the numbers seem to be growing.
I was watching your YT video, 'In Search Of The Northern Soul', when this video popped up.
And yes, the native white population had better organize now or they will lose everything. The native population will (and I suspect already is) organize in spite of government efforts to stop them.
The rapidly approaching economic collapse and geo-poltical events (war) will upend the British state. Criminal gangs (already well-organized) will swoop in to take full advantage of it. The British government, hamstrung by wokery, will be unable to restore order. The supply chains will collapse along with public utilities. The country will fragment as the welfare system falls apart and cities implode.
Enter the heroes to restore order.
Fragments of the current British army and, in my opinion, most importantly, British army veterans, will move to stabilize the situation in the country. Big changes will follow.
As someone who grew up in the belly of the beast of the Troubles, it was a purely ethnic conflict. It’s hard to convey how religiously and culturally segregated our lives were. I lived in an area (the Shankill, Belfast) where everybody was of the same religion as me; at home, at school, at church, everywhere and everything. You stayed in your own community and only mixed with your own - that way, you stayed safe. Although you were never really safe in Northern Ireland then. My own brother was killed by PIRA simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The endless cycle of deaths just fed the ethnic hatred. Those that ‘betrayed’ their community - for example by marrying one of ‘the others’, faced being ignored or exiled at best or, at worse, death - sadly there were cases of ‘mixed marriages’ resulting in this during the darkest days of the conflict. When my older cousin married outside of our community, and relocated to England with his new wife to escape the conflict, my grandparents never spoke to him again. It was as if he’d died.
The dissident right like to refer to ‘blood and soil’ - you’ll find few places with more of a sense of that than Northern Ireland. The young men I grew up with would proudly say they would die to keep Ulster British and some of them did.
I should probably make some content about this stuff before I forget it all! My parents and grandparents spoke bitterly of ‘the other lot’ (the Irish Republican community) that had demanded that British Army be brought in to Ulster in 1969 after a period of civil unrest. As another commenter here has rightly pointed out, they were seen as inviting the British State in, only to turn on that State. .
And now the British State has turned on everyone except the hostile aliens.
As a child of the later years of the troubles I'd say you are spot on with the comparison, and echo you in saying that nobody should want a repeat of that, especially on a larger scale across the whole UK.
I also think there's an extra element to all of this that hasn't yet been revealed beyond just avoiding sectarianism. As has been discussed on other posts I still think they are brewing something that the natives will be more likely to oppose (my money would be on digital ID), and that part of the crackdown is also to remove a lot of the potential for dissent when the time comes for it.
Exactly - Digital ID. That is due to be introduced down here in Australia in December. This place, as usual, is the testing ground for the predator class.
The ultimate testing ground is Gaza. The fact it has been allowed to go on for almost a full year is a bad sign for everyone.
They tried it here with the vaccine passports during Covid and faced mass opposition. I can't help but notice the groups and platforms being targeted in the riots crackdown (e.g. Telegram) has a lot of overlap with the rebel voices back then.
Yes, same here. I spent nearly a year locked out of society as I refused the vax - I could go shopping for food but that was it. I remember having to get a vaccinated friend to take my little son shopping for shoes as I wasn’t allowed in the shop….
Disgraceful! Thankfully we never had it that bad. We were locked out of restaurants, concerts etc without a pass, but we were at least able to buy a child shoes!
Absolutely on point!
As someone who grew up at the end of the troubles in South Armagh - there definitely was a two teir system here and you were expected to know your place.
We didn't have any sophisticated think tanks telling us to not look back in anger.
A BLM t-shirt would be the same as seeing a sign "sniper at work". You knew there was an us and them.
Thankfully the troubles are behind us.
The points you were explaining and putting could only be done in video form. I always enjoy your videos.
My opinions on the demise of white working people are too elongated to write here, but from my left leaning roots, class is the underpinning hatred. Any tool will be used against working people, the current one is mass importations to outnumber them.
I subscribe to the Woodlander's approach of building your own and pulling out of this death spiral we have been put in.
Excellent overview of the situation and the parallels with the troubles in Ulster.
It is a fascinating culdesac the Western liberal elites have wandered into. Their fantasy of extreme atomization and individualism is being proven wrong every day. People retain some kind of tribal, community, societal and ethnic awareness. They become inescapably aware of this as the screw is tightened just as our masters are doing. Did they not see tension emerging from their plans? Are they this short sighted?
What isn't helping their case is the blatancy the immigrant groups espouse their own ethnic interests. They refer to themselves in ethnic terms and broadcast widely their ambitions here in Britain, none of which include assimilation. They openly Tweet and podcast about Sharia and how they wish to dislodge the native Britons. That alone has the elites on a timer. How long can they keep pretending multiculturalism is working when the imports aggressively reject it. The only people who even try to make it work are the natives, the very people condemned as racists. It is a farce.
All this was predictable and yet on they plod. Will they retreat from their position? I don't see how they can. As your video outlines, they would need to admit multiculturalism has failed which they cannot do.
But reality is intruding more and more each day. I see no easy end to this mess.
Thanks for this and the very interesting comments below. You bring up the old, gnawing chestnut: is it incompetence or malice? Does malice suggest a level of competence, is incompetence absolved of malice? I think it is malicious and their incompetence just increases the agony, cruelty and chaos. Maybe this will end up rousing our people enough.
The mere mention of 'the Troubles' brings on the spotlight. And using it as anology to anything current seems to be akin to walking a tightrope made out of barbed wire and anti-personel mines.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, mate.
Reform and specifically Farage really should be the obvious choice for the white working class’ spokesman however just like you touched on in your vid they/he won’t.
So what do we do? Who will represent us?
What about a union type body which we all pay into - ironically along the same lines as i imagine how the Labour party started?
I’d gladly pay a monthly sub and i think millions others would too if they knew they would be fairly represented the next time the Starmtroooers came knocking because of an off-piste take you posted on X.
I do know there are people discussing this behind the scenes. Farage was confronted by Catherine Blaiklock on the question, and refused.
I suspect Reform will act in the role but not explictly.
We have a lot of well educated hard working people who think along the same lines who would be so effective in bringing change but it’s bringing them together that’s the hard bit.
I do have hope though, as everyone one I talk to in every day life now can see this can’t go on.
I think Reform are part of the old world that will ultimately die. They reflect the status quo. The appointed rebels, if you will.
It is something completely new we need. I strongly suspect it is coming as the current system is a disaster even for those running it. Immigration alone will destroy most European nations and it cannot continue. Where will the money come from?
Just like large corporations etc exert power with their money in the lobby halls in Westminster so could a very well funded people’s union.
Money is never ignored by these traitors.
Love you Morgoth, but a more accurate parallel with Northern Ireland (my homeland) would be, rather than the British army/state coming to the aid of a client group here ie the 'Protestant loyalists' they were in fact (as your wiki article suggests) sent here to protect a minority group the 'Catholic community'. It should be born in mind by yourself and your readers that Northern Ireland had and probably still has a Protestant majority. The IRA who had been waging a violent campaign since 1916 against the British state (many British soldiers and civilians were murdered by them long before the "troubles" started in the late 60's) and in particular Northern Ireland since partition, took the opportunity to attack the very British soldiers who had been sent over from the mainland to protect their communities. Unsurprisingly the British army who had initially been sent here to protect the catholic community then became somewhat hostile to them. This is of course a very simplified version of what happened and the 1000 year background to it. So on to a more realistic parallel of what has been happening in Northern England:
Picture the scene: Because of a long-standing local grievance, a group from among the majority population of Southport attack a ‘minority’ community and their place of worship, the police and the army are sent in the quell the unrest and protect the mosque and its worshipers. See a parallel yet? The State uses force to protect the minority from the majority. Then after a month or two things take a different turn in Southport. Some members of the minority group mentioned above just happen to already be part of an Islamic terror group, and who have in fact already fought against the British army in Iraq and Afghanistan (you won't need reminding that thousands of 'British' Muslims joined ISIS and tens of thousands are on terror watch lists) now turn against the very soldiers and police officers who were sent to protect them, and in the coming years will plant bombs, torture, behead and kill hundreds of those soldiers and police officers. Then the police and army after seeing dozens of their colleagues blown to pieces on the streets, start viewing the very minority community that they were first sent in to defend as the enemy and thus police them accordingly.
Morgoth there is a very good reason that Irish Republican rhetoric matches that of the left-wing shit lib and that is because they are the archetype left-wing shit libs, just look at Sinn Féin now.
Yeah, look, I bent over backwards to avoid this discussion and said so repeatedly in the video. Irish Nationalists would have their own version.
I knew I was taking a risk.
Mate there are no alternative versions of the following:
1. In 1969 the majority of the people in the six counties that make up Northern Ireland were from the Protestant community, in fact Northern Ireland was created to ensure it was Protestant majority.
2. Like your wiki history stated the British army (obviously we already had the British army here, as men from here have served in it for hundreds of years) were sent here on to the streets in operation banner to protect the minority Catholic community from what was seen as a sectarian police force.
3. The IRA who had been waging a war against the British state since 1916 ( in fact they Bombed Coventry killing civilians there before the Luftwaffe ever did, and even bombed good old Tyneside in 1921) took the opportunity to intensify it's military campaign using the new fresh troops and police force as target practice. Which in turn sparked retaliation from newly formed loyalist groups.
4. Because of IRA violence against them, naturally enough the security forces became wary of the community from which their would be killers came from, this is human nature. A bit like white girls in Rotherham being wary of Pakistani men.
There are no alternatives to the facts above, there may be alternative narratives as to why the above happened in the first place, but not the bare facts of the matter.
The video does not dispute any of that. It is a discussion on Power and, clients and those not considered ''friends'' by that Power.
There is no argument against the position that Unionists, not the Irish Nationalists, were allied with the British State. The who's to blame and tit for tat escalation is largely irrelevant to the point being made.
Which makes it all the more ironic that those "Irish Nationalists" from the troubles era would now be on the same side as the British government when it comes to what is causing the division in the UK and Ireland at the moment.
There's a few comments gloating that the people who cheered at the suppression of the Irish by the British Army are now on the wrong side of that army.
Which, as you suggest, results in Irish Nationalists siding with the British State over normal Brits.
'Clients' in that they were/are British citizens/subjects who were loyal to the nation of their birth as opposed to those who are hostile to that state. I think that is different to how we usually think of client groups in the rest of the UK no? Your case in point the North of England, the client groups are in fact hostile to the history and tradition of the nation in which they now reside. That's why I think it's a bad analogy mate, the clients groups in England have more in common with militant Irish nationalists both politically and in their methodology than with loyalists, hence why one of the only allies the white working class in England have is with loyalists in Northern Ireland. I see what you were trying to do, mate, 'There was two tier policing in Northern Ireland, and this fermented anger among the native population which led to violent disorder, look just like the North of England' I just strongly disagree with you, the very fact that there was violent disorder here long before two tier police, and even since it, should void the arguement just from the standpoint of logic, let alone the political and cultural perspective. Add to that the fact that Protestant unionists in Northern Ireland were/are the majority and are the native population here, another reason why the analogy fails in my eyes.
We'll agree to disagree then.
Yes mate we will have to :-) until of course you admit that you're wrong and then we will agree to agree :-)
Very well summarised. The violence started long before 1969.
I can only imagine our current police force remaining cucked even if they are raped and beheaded with regularity.
Aye probably Adam, though even here the security forces hands were often tied, Google the 'Northern Ireland yellow warning card" a list of rules for soldiers here to follow before they could engage those trying to kill them.
It's interesting you mention the army. I know some people don't want whites to be in the army because of the threat of foreign wars. However, this view is short sighted. Imagine a complete loss of law a order and the army being half minority. We would be screwed. Unlike the police, I think the army probably still attracts well intentioned lads. Maybe they'll be a coup one day. I'm not advocating anything.
It's been 25 years since my time in the forces Adam and unfortunately since around that time there has been a steady descent into wokery, yes well intentioned young lads still join, but are now led by feminised careerists. Maybe you are right and the white working class soldiers will be replaced by the tens of thousands fighting aged men who come ready made with amphibious landing experience, either that or they are being earmarked as gulag guards.
It's a worrying state of affairs. I just think a white soldier would be less likely to turn his gun on a patriot than a police officer would. The worrying thing for the regime is that they cannot seem to get minorities to buy into the army despite their best efforts. At least this reduces the chance of a an ethnically hostile military being turned against us.
Aye at the moment, however the incentive of a passport for three years service isn't too far fetched a possibility in the future.
In a government run institution nobody gets a promotion for grasping a nettle and getting stung.