"Perhaps in the future he can play around with more special bargains such as chucking in a free Celine Dion album or a that last X Files movie on DVD"

Fucking brilliant, thanks Morgoth

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A lovely article, once again. One of the points touched upon, which was also raised much earlier by someone or other, is that - more generally and outside of Twitter - any benefits of rising in "status" within the system appear to be becoming smaller and smaller, with the net result being - in my opinion - in the red even today. As time goes on, it appears that this balance sheet can only become worse and worse. Which for me begs the question: How exactly are they planning on attracting and keeping people on their side once the remaining perks go as well?

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The problem the system has created for itself is that by expanding to encompass almost every institution in the west it's made itself bloated and, as you say, devalued itself and what it means to belong to it.

The down side of that for now is that it's the only game in town in terms of incentives and prestige, albeit tarnished and besmirched.

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I believe that, from a pure self-esteem point of view, one feels much better being an "outsider". One could, even as dissident foot-soldier, almost have delusions of grandeur as a rugged barbarian-type sticking it to the man in the infosphere.

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Fear. I think that's where we always end up. The hook is initially baited, but the fish are made so afraid of the ocean that they decide it's best to be speared and dangling, unable to breathe, in the air rather than in the sea with its hidden predators.

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Keith Levene of the Clash has just died. Of course, the race is on to find out whether he got jabbed or not. It matters, because he once played guitar in a band which the media decided you had to like. You had to own London Calling, just like Sign o' the Times, What's Going On?, Innervisions, Nevermind, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, Pet Sounds and others I actually like myself too much to include here.

It will play out like any other talisman rock-star death. Both sides will be hoping his demise scores a point for them and not the opposition. If it's a point for the good guys, then every foot soldier scrambles to keep it in the news. If we've actually just conceded a point then we adopt the online equivalent of the 1000-yard stare. Just wait it out a few days and this unfortunate incident will be forgotten about, won't it?

This is how men are mourned, or forgotten, in 2022. I am reminded of a great poem by Charles Bukowski, regarding the death of his estranged father...

My father was

one can of beer

a day at the ballgame

a color tv

a lawn to mow

a son in college

a pool table

a power saw

a workbench

a joke about sex

a child to scream at

a neighbor to hate

a door to lock

a bank to visit

4 pairs of shoes

a light suit

a dark suit

a deck of cards

hospital insurance

life insurance

an inner-spring mattress

a talking barber

memories of war

a diploma

an attic

fire insurance

a pet dog

a pet cat

a camera

a tape recorder

a Christmas eve

a chicken dinner

a Thanksgiving dinner

a Sunday drive




garbage disposal

the right to vote

a mahogany coffin

one day of mourning

Forget it

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It's like there was a woman last year who got some weird skin condition from the vax and made a video crying and screaming anger, it was becoming worse and in a second video looked awful.

That was at the end of last year, I recently tried to find out what happened to her but no trace, no name was attached, no history. Just an image among billions of other images soon to be forgotten but in the real world a real woman suffers terribly.

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I remember that, along with those showing a blonde woman in her 30s who had spent the last few days shaking so hard that every part of her body was in excruciating pain. Perhaps her situation remains unchanged and everybody has just lost interest?

Things are now so messed up, it wouldn't surprise me if one of her woke offspring made a video, rebutting her claims and showing various family home movie clips of her that are evidence that she's prone to a bit of play acting and we should not trust her? Perhaps, the video earned them $3.87 in ad revenue and now that has largely been forgotten too?

You are a more avid reader of Dystopian fiction than me. I'm sure there are plenty of books where every aspect of life and death just becomes ammunition for one side or the other, however. Divide and rule does not get more perfect than this.

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I actually think it's the reduction of the human form to a mere abstraction. This is of course in alignment with a technocratic mindset in which all is data and cyphers to shifted across schematics in accordance with efficiency, within that the human, with her weird skin infection or sudden stroke at 32, is just data, just an image.

In Soylent Green they're eating humans, but the real horror of it is that they cannot find a moral argument as to why it's wrong, because there is no right or wrong, just pure calculation.

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Yes, I would agree with all of that and I did watch your excellent review of this film earlier in the year.

Of course, when we get onto this subject, the shadow of a certain group of people looms large. During moments of generosity, I allow myself to remain hopeful that their tragic flaw is just that they cannot see anything beyond calculation. For them human lives that they have no genetic investment in become just nuggets of gold and counterweights, to be pushed around on a set of Salter scales.

I'm too poor to feel generous for very long though. I should probably point out that I watch every one of Blackpilled's videos, even when he's sounding insufferably pleased with himself. I have learned a great deal from him. He has enabled me to start noticing things that have been staring me in the face, all along.

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Before world war 2 utilitarian thinkers such as HG Wells actually fell foul of Zionism because they argued there could be no special cases or groups, there was the global mass man and that it is.

After WW2 of course everyone caved because of the Holo narrative.

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Fighter Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson just died at 38 from organ failure due to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, a disorder of the immune system.

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Is there any difference with this and HIV? Aren't both just having no effective immune system and therefore facing a high likelihood of death any time you catch a bug?

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I remember watching this film as a kid, I like the way they all got the plague simultaneously, it’s as though the pact they’ve made with the devil had blinded them to the reality that they were already infected, not seeing it until the shimmer wore off.

A bit like the covid zealots that are on their 5th jab or whatever.

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Yes, there's a whole other Covid reading of this film.

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One thing you can say about Musk. He does know how to keep everybody guessing. We could all perhaps learn from that. The next time Joe Bloggs asks your opinion on Covid, Ukraine, or any subject on which you find yourself at odds with the general public, simply say "You wouldn't like my opinions. Nobody does" and leave it at that.

Morgoth, I'm glad to have finally subscribed and should have done so a long time ago. I understand that my paltry contribution won't warm you with many whiskies and I'm in no position to ask you to review anything. However, I've recently discovered David Lean's 1944 technicolor gem 'This Happy Breed'. If you haven't yet seen it (it's on YT for free) I've a feeling you might find it a cosy watch.

Thanks for all you have done, over the years.

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Thanks. This is finally a secure a base of operations where I can get some serious work done without fear of censure.

I'll be sure to check that film I love David Lean's work.

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Avocado & toast? Well that's new. I'm a Squeazy, Cheezey Peaz man myself. None of that foreign muck for me.

Great article as always Morgoth, 👏 I see you got right down to it. Never been on twitter, doubt I ever will. I like what we have here though.

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"... the people we think of as the foot-soldiers of Western liberalism appear to be a rather tragic and pitiful bunch, sycophants and cowards, ignorant and duped." ...hasn't this always been the default? I mean, doesn't their vileness just seem to get more and more refined as time moves on?

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Yes, but they also illicit so much hatred and even fear that their pitiful fallen nature is often over looked I think.

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Nov 11, 2022
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I think he still believes the system works and that what's currently going on is just a mass behavioural glitch, that will soon be sorted out when the grown-ups stop messing about and take control again. But things are so bad that Corbyn would probably represent our interests (along with those of old-fashioned Trotskyists ) better than any other current, former or potential mainstream party leader. I can't believe that events have led me to that ghastly conclusion. The Conservative Party has been captured as easily as a gondola drifting off the coast of Somalia.

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Nov 11, 2022
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I wouldn't argue with any of that, although we know exactly who their mates in the banks are and where they come from. The capture probably took place a lot earlier than somebody as gullible as me realises. However, even I can see that the likes of Truss, May, Hancock and Kwarteng are just minions. I'm not sure any of that hapless quartet even understand what money actually is.

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Nov 11, 2022Edited
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I'm just done with voting. I would like to see decision-making left to what few good men of gentle birth and a strong mind are left. But I wouldn't know how to identify them. All I know is that, in theory at least, democracy allows easily-manipulated and foolhardy men like me who have spent their lives making lots of bad decisions (some catastrophic) to contribute to law-making on matters far too complicated for our pretty little heads. The only people who appear to have benefited from democracy are that delightful bunch that we aren't allowed to talk about. My views on this sort of thing don't ted to go down well.

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Nov 12, 2022
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That's true but the whole point of democracy is that politicians can choose to draw upon the public's support or reluctance at any time, or simply ignore it if that is more expedient. Once they have pushed their luck too far, on too many occasions, the politicians have to be replaced and of course this regularly happens.

The government is just there to soak up the public's anger. Occasionally somebody of apparently high rank is toppled and the crowd gets to cheer for a day. But they never seem to end up in jail and always remain at least solvent in retirement, unlike famous people from just about every other walk of life.

To have a successful political career you just have to be obedient to the people who really run the world and be prepared to take a fall every now and again to help smooth things over - until the public forgets what it was actually angry about, a few weeks later.

What I'm trying to say is that it is pointless blaming politicians. They are just a symptom of the visible democracy which is required to let the powerful get on with doing what they want and not get bothered by anybody while doing so.

Now that the population has been effectively feminised, all of the propaganda we get has been created to appeal to us on an emotional level and there's no place for logic. No public appetite for it either. You can give people fact after fact. They'll usually wait patiently for you to stop talking and begin their response with "Well, I just feel...".

So the public reads that a million immigrants came into the country last year and immediately feels a bit put out. But then the television shows the 16 year old girl who claims to have fled an abusive situation, swam the last 2 miles of the channel after the dinghy collapsed and who says she wants to become a doctor so she can pay back the country that has come to her rescue in her hour of need. The effect of this dwarfs that of the boring old story about immigration numbers. How many was it again? Well, if even one of those poor people turns out to be as nice as this girl then it's all been worth it!

The problem is the public. They are ordinary people being asked to do the jobs of leaders - making important decisions on matters that have the potential to beget catastrophe. Only extremely clever, capable men with cool heads should be doing this and there are very few of them left - except of course among the hidden elite.

This, for me, is why we need a genuine monarchy and an aristocracy. It's far from perfect and when things go wrong all hell can break loose for a while. I just can't think of anything better, as things stand.

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Nov 12, 2022
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Nov 8, 2022
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It's also designed to destroy your mind. I felt a sense of relief when I was banned and only went back briefly for the 2020 election mayhem.

People ask me why I don't have comments on Telegram, the fact is I simply can't cope with all the modding and drama.

Since I dialed it back I have more time to respond to comments here and also have the attention span to read real books again.

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Nov 8, 2022
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And it comes complete with its own little dopamine hits. All designed and calculated to keep people on.

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Tiktok has taken it to an even more neurotic level. They have these uploads with two simultaneous videos playing side by side, one of someone talking or whatever and another one of someone doing painting or something with crafts, completely unrelated to the other video. Its like the minds of Tiktok users are so agitated and fragmented, they can't even concentrate one a single shitty Tiktok for 10 seconds, their attention has to jump back and forth between two shitty unrelated videos. I would have thought Twitter was the absolute rock bottom for agitating the mind but big tech comes up with innovative ways to fill even a nanosecond of free space with shitty 'content'.

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Shocked to hear about this. I've seen tiktok and the shorts thing on YouTube. They're definitely not healthy for the mind. They do reduce our already reduced attention spans. I thought it was pretty much accepted that tiktok is basically mind-warfare by the Chinese?

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