Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Dear Brits,

In the name of all that is holy, please drive a fucking stake through the heart of the treacherous institution that has been in power in your country for the past decade and a half. Not only will this service the well founded feelings of spite you have, it may have knock on effects in the rest of the western world.

Cheers and God save your country.

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There's a mindset in the right that the coalition calling themselves conservative are worse enemies than the left, because they are traitors to their core. One can forgive an enemy that has the courtesy to explicitly say their intentions versus someone who says they're on your side then stab you in the back.

The Zero Seats mindset is not focused on gaining power in the current system, but totally delegitimizing the system to the point it can not function anymore, and building something in its stead. Short term, it may mean 20 years of Labour repression before a possible revolutionary vanguard can take down the old order, and will assuredly be worse for everybody. Long term, it might be in everyone's interest to rip off the band-aid and get rid of the theatrics, even if it means destroying what slowed down the enemy.

At the current trajectory, the British as a distinct people will be destroyed within a couple more generations, so it's understandable why some are choosing the nuclear option.

I understand the hatred, and also understand why we can't be consumed by it, but also don't see a viable strategy anymore outside of "burn it all down".

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Destruction was what this Tory government brought. They destroyed the borders, the cities, the culture of the nation itself, and worst of all, they destroyed a legitimate hope for a sovereign nation again. I see no loss if a portion of this political whole is burned to the ground whatsoever. I don't mourn for the removed cancer. Anything to upset the system brings opportunity for the people to regain the power that was lost, if it's not too late.

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Great article.

The Torys and the political wing of International finance capitalism and haven't conserved anything from 1945.

Zero seats!!!

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

What we are living through is I believe an Apocalypse. A great unveiling. It's been apparent for at least since 2016. Our leaders have been exposed for what they are. Bought and paid for whores. What will come after who knows. Let's hope it's not bloody.

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Would that we had the same sentiment for the republican party. To hand them their a$$es that thoroughly would no doubt be cathartic. There is still some successes on local and state levels, which may insulate small pockets from the pain when this monstrous beast finally collapses in on itself, but that is little comfort when we watch them spout platitudes and stand by while millions of sub 80 iq, 3rd world invaders pour into our country to ethnically replace us, on our dime. We will be watching across the pond with a little envy.

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Beautifully expressed and a perfect analogy. It’s a shame no statesman has emerged to turn the wave of discontentment to a more constructive end.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

That was a great article as ever. To my eternal shame I voted Tory in the last election in the desperate hope that they might finally do what they've been promising to do free from the dastardly EU. Plus the media keep telling me how racist they are.

I also thought that even if they don't care about the country or its people they would at least act in there own interests. Surely a sense of electoral survival self preservation would convince them to act in the interests of their own voting base. But much like the Republican Party in America they regard their own voters as the enemy.

I'll probably just spoil my ballot by writing exactly what I think of the major parties. I hope , and it's looks like it probably will be, the next general election has a record low turn out. I want all the major parties to realise how much their hated by the public and just how little legitimacy the regime has.

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Voting for Labour to destroy the Tories is like a husband chopping his dick off to spite his cheating wife. The last 5 years has conclusively established that entire political system of the Western World has been rigged and rigged well for most of modern history..to quote a great documentary...'Everything is a Rich Man's Trick'. The only thing that has changed is they now longer care enough to make an effort to hide it. As with the earlier analogy..the husband who puts up with and engages with his gloating serial cheating wife is a cuck...the right think for a real man to do is walk away...no contact ever again....same should apply to these sick, mentally and morally disgusting scumbags..all of them

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If we drive a stake through he heart of the GAE, I wonder what will become of its vassal states? Could the UK regain its sanity without the noxious influence of the USA?

We are in a situation in which there are no answers. There are not even suggestions. We have little more than the universal agreement that the present circumstances are intolerable.

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

If nothing else, it will interesting to see the tory party destroyed and how the system deals with such an event. Personally, I remember in 1997 waving obscene hand gestures at the TV screen as tory after tory lost their seat, delighted they were being replaced after 18 years. I was naïve to think what was replacing them would be better. This time, I will still be gesticulating at the TV as they get destroyed, fully aware the catharsis will be abruptly terminated when I see the repeat sharp suited lawyer put his boot on my neck once more.

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

Amen, brother.

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I haven't read Moby Dick yet, but it's on my list.

My own opinion on democracy is that it originated in Greece and only works in a homogenous society and favours the prettiest talker that can get the votes, rather than someone who gets things done.

Our Mozzie friends will simply use it to their advantage, i.e. have lots of kids and have the imam tell them how to vote.

I would rather have Labour in power because at least you know that they hate you and you know what you're getting.

I don't want to depress anyone, but for me the onky two options are:

1. Let it all collapse and let a chad white-nationalist alpha take over and steer us to safety.

2. Create a parallel society.

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Until Britain shuts down the City of London bankers, however, I doubt that politics can accomplish much...They have apparently ruled the country since the Napoleanic Wars, if not longer...

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Mar 20Liked by Morgoth

I sleep well at night, secure in the knowledge that The Tory Party is in the last few weeks before its beautiful annihilation. The best bit is, the MPs know it.

Rishi will be their last ever PM, sending a warning to all future politicians, that if you trample those who elected you, your Party is over.

Ok, it might be wishful thinking, but that’s ok too. Can’t wait for election night to watch the wreckage.

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To paraphrase an old American joke about lawyers...."What do you call 10,000 Tory politicians at the bottom of the ocean?" Answer--A start

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