As you say, the only thing certain whatever the outcome is Israel first, probably even more so under Trump, which could escalate to Iran, maybe with Russia backing them.

That aside, every other issue, from the end of more European stock being needlessly slaughtered in Ukraine to Starmer looking more unhinged all benefits from a Trump win.

I think the range of people he's pulled in, Bobby Kennedy Jr, Tulsi, Vivek and even verbal support from the likes of Brett Weinstein, Douglas McGregor etc means there will have to be an even greater amount of election rigging to stop him now, unless the October surprise is another bullet.

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I find it baffling that the Zionists are not more overtly pro-Trump. It's not like he could try any harder to get them to like him.

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23 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Morgoth

I think they have doubts Trump would support an all-out war in the Middle East. Trump will support sanctions and embargoes, but Trump bends over backwards to avoid open war. I think that may have more to do with it than anything else.

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Trump does the same thing with blacks. They almost don't need to exert any leverage. It is as if he just wants to be liked. It could be a genuine boomer block where they really do want to make the CivNat American ideal a reality. When we Whites/Americans commit to an idea, we are tenacious for better or for worse. Hopefully this catastrophic for the worse nosedive of the past 125 years is coming to an end and it is to our advantage as we adopt self-interest with the same tenacity for another 125 .... no, into infinity.

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Especially since Bobby Kennedy Jr has joined. He's more pro Israel than anyone else in the picture.

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I get the sense that Trump and RFK, while they’re generally adamantly pro-Israel, do have scruples about possible harm to the US. The Zionist lobby, of course, is indifferent to any such considerations and sees this attitude as a strike against them.

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Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that the Pentagon, over the objections of Blinken and Nod, has vetoed the plan to use American missiles to attack the interior of Russia, and also vetoed any plans to participate in the war Netanyahu is trying to stir up....

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They want to pivot to China and deal with that problem.

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Yet another fantastic article Morgoth. I have something to add here in terms of the unholy alliance between MAGA and the soulless ghouls who are Andreeson and the Techno Optimists.

First there is something that is not common knowledge yet about how unholy this alliance is. One of the big players in the Techno Optimist faction is a guy named Balaji Srinivasan. He recently appeared on a podcast called The Maze to unveil another upside down cross. He stated that he thought that the 20th century's political battle was the center joining up to defeat "The Right." In some sense this is true in that what was left of the real right, which was Europe's Aristocratic Order, was finished off as a staggering bleeding out old guy. However, as we know he wasn't killed by the center but by the GAE's egalitarian leftism. Here is the big part. He then says that the defining battle of the 21st century is, "the center", destroying nationalism. He glosses over the battle against, "woke", as if it is a foregone conclusion that it will be destroyed.

Srinivasan is another Galtist as his big book is about building new networked societies. Of course, like all of the muddy minded sloppy political thinking done by software and chemistry guys, he ultimately acknowledges that these new societies need territory. So, yeah. More nincompoopery from another tech bro merchant guy who just can't think properly about civilization and society.

The second part of this is for us. I do agree that a Trump win will be better for us even if his alliance have effectively declared war on us. A Trump worst case scenario is that at least the DOJ/FBI/DHS open oppression of Americans may abate. However, we need more than that.

We need at a minimum:

1. An immediate reformation of our border. Trump should throw huge sums at Palmer Luckey and other military tech guys sympathetic to us to militarize the US border. The policy should be to shoot on sight any invader.

2. An immediate callup of the National Guard and open enlistment and recruitment of Heritage Americans to begin de-cartelizing and reclaiming American territory lost to gangs.

3. An immediate start to peaceful repatriation. Start with the towns throughout the heartland that have been wilfully settler colonized by Mayorkas/Biden/Blinken/Soros/Fink/Obama/NGO people. This is tough because Kirshner Group's business model is building bugman apartments populated with legal immigrants. All subsidized immigrants of any status or duration in the country should have their benefits time expired with six months. Six months to take this plane voucher to leave and your benefits end in six months. Grant local juridisctions total autonomy in dealing with settler colony population removal. Provide grants to state guards and local law enforcement solely for removal enforcement. Reverse the economic incentives. Give the locals the ability to try and punish local traitors.

4. As an end to DIE fine companies for importing skilled labor without first implementing a government subsidized training program for skilled labor development that forgives student loans, allows the companies to train Americans first and that provides a moratorium/amnesty on all anti-White programs (Affirmative Action/DIE/CRT ...) Companies can administer their own aptitude measurement tests as pre and post conditions for entry and hiring.

5. A total halt and reversal of the US Military anti-White ethnic cleansing project. I don't even know if they will do this or if they think it is at all a priority or even minor objective.

The list is bigger. Here is our conundrum. This faction doesn't give a rat's turd about us. They will flood this country with third world legal immigrants rather than invest in Americans. After all, if you want to destroy nationalists, you weaken their economic position by replacing them legally. Srinivasan and his ilk are not dumb. They know this. Mostly, they just want an easy way out. In addition, in the podcast you can see that Srinivasan cannot hide his ethnic supremacist feelings. He openaly asserts that Asia has on a larger time scale been the superior civilization and that we are merely returning to the historic norm of Asia as the leading civilization.

They need our votes, but we have no seat at the table to make demands. We are 40+ days away from voting. How do we make our demands known to this Trump/TechnoOptimist oligarchy so that in exchange for our vote, we get something in return. Even if we get a promise, how do we enforce the terms? This yet another problem with democracy. I suppose a total White walkout would bring the system to its knees, but we simply are not that organized. We need to figure this one out, because this is the last American election where Heritage America has any say at the ballot box short of the mass deportation and legal immigration curb happening under Trump.

In any case, this is the full landscape. Yes, Trump is better for us, but how much so seems minimal. The TechnoOptimists have avowed themselves as enemies of the nation state, at least Srinivasan has with one side of his mouth while with the other he asserts national civilizational supremacy of The East with the other. We have to find a way to have a seat at the table moving forward. Voting isn't a seat at the table if we are not an organized block negotiating directly with any faction like say the blakcs do. They sit down and exchange their, "communities of color", voting block for concrete promises. If I were a betting man, those discussions always reference a shame if it happened again for any of the many, "burn this motherfucker down" , incidents America has suffered through.

We need a seat at the table and we need need enforcement mechanisms. Now, the good news for us, is if a decent number of our guys, work for SpaceX, Andruil, Coinbase ... ... we do in some sense have a seat at the table by spreading ideas and having sympathetic ears to whisper into.

Done rambling. Excellent post. We need to get organized or we'll just continue to get used up and spit out post election.

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Absolutely, very informative.

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24 hrs ago·edited 23 hrs agoLiked by Morgoth

I know you have said before, with good reason, that the American election is of little interest to you, and I thank you for writing about it. It does seem important, in a new way, and the number of estrwhile classical liberals lining up to support Trump is different and interesting . More ominous are the numbers of republicans in the national security branches supporting Harris along with Dick Cheney. They obviously see her as most likely to continue the prosecution of forever wars that they are addicted to.

That the democrats were willing to fall in line behind a candidate that gathered no support in any primary, was an overt DEI hire, and has been kept from speaking publicly for years is ominous and insulting. That she was provided with questions and answers in the debate and parroted them without taking time for thought or elaboration was obvious and shows that she will just be a continuation of Biden’s shadow presidency where decisions are made by unelected bureaucrats. I wonder if Americans are waking up to what the events of this summer really mean?

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The likes of Dick Cheney and Bush supporting Harris shows the extent of the rot, and the depth of the deepstate / Uniparty.

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I'd like to put a outside the box question to you Morgoths, is it possible that the Democrats might be the ones to initiate a Civil War in America and not the Republicans?

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Oh absolutely. It wouldn't surprise me if they began one while in power!

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Replace the Ukrainian Donbas with the US’ red states…

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Okay just read the whole piece, I was thinking more if the Democrats didn't win, would they declare a Civil War. Personally doubt it, too risky.

Also I don't think either of the candidates can save the USSA, the chap over at The Tree of Woe did some Blogs on WW3, and the USSA has no capacity to be at China in the Long run, he ran his numbers about 2 years ago.

There is also Scrump monkey or John Sweeney over at Anti-Politics that has stated much the same, zero capacity to resolve the problems let alone fight a war.

Then there is Rurik Skywalker on his blog that has been covering various topics, mainly the Russo-Ukraine War and how that is going.

I seriously doubt that Trump being in office will help us here in England, Techno-Cratic Beuarocrats are no different to Non-Techno-Crates.

No Empire lasts forever.

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I think people on the right tend to overstate America's weakness. The fact is bRussia, Iran and China are being spat on by the Americans and they do nothing about it. This is not say they could be defeated in a war, but it is to say the world as it is makes little sense if people go along with right wing commentators constantly highlighting how weak and over the hill America is.

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Trump will win. This time “fairly”. It’s in the interest of the regime for the MAGA movement to go away in order to provide an opening for uncontested libtard hegemony. MAGA will be pacified by a Trump victory, they will feel vindicated and go back to grilling in ‘28.

There is no clear heir to Trump to take up the MAGA/populist energy. This combined with whatever goes wrong in the next four years being pinned on Trump will provide a clear opening for another Obama ‘08 type situation. But with no clear pushback from the normie right like the Tea Party or later MAGA.

The best we can hope for from a second Trump term is for the conversation to be opened up further. For the libtards to screech and go more mask off. Unfortunately I think Trump has been thoroughly normalized, even to the Left so I’m not expecting as much pushback.

I’m optimistic though. Even absent a Trump victory I see the political conditions and conversation only heading in a direction favorable to our aims. There’s no going back regardless of the outcome in November.

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Sep 22Liked by Morgoth

I agree with AA´s position that Harris is a jobber. The big question - and perhaps one that you, Mr. Morgoth, could share your (current) opinion on at some point - for me is to what extent Trump and the Silicon Valley bros coming in will actually be able to move the needle in the other direction to "retvrn" to 90s liberalism and re-strengthen global American power, especially now that BRICS appears to be gaining steam.

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My view on this, probably worthy of a full article, is that it doesn't matter if the woke is put away or not because the material conditions of the West in the real world make it impossible for the 90s nostalgia vibe to be realised. You simply cannot have a positive 90s feel if you're a minority in your town, or if you fear being stabbed on the way to work.

The putting the woke away debate is largely abstract, and amounts to symbolic gestures.

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24 hrs agoLiked by Morgoth

I agree with this prognosis (and would really welcome a full article on it). In that case, could one not say, from our perspective, that a predictably unsuccessful _attempt_ to put the woke away presents the "best of both worlds", i.e. a lifting of the boot, to some extent, without an actual invigoration of the system? If it is tried to put the woke away and this does not provide the desired stabilization, does that not open a window of opportunities for us? Surely in such a scenario there could be no further subsequent 180 degree and a new doubling down on woke, the woke would thus be gone for good?

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The opportunities for us in that scenario are using the classic liberal devotion to free speech, which is already happening on twitter.

We need the regulation regimes emerging across the west to be thrown out.

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Whatever, i just want Russia to win the war and the world to go back to normal. Trump winning does not make that a reality, and Kamala winning makes sure the US declines to the point it won't bother the world anymore. Trump has become too much of a liberal for me to even like him. It's not 2016 anymore, i'm not an edgy teenager having to prove to everyone that i'm different. My true allegiance is to the forces of sophistication and tradition, and Trump is the antithesis of that. America is the antithesis of that. That is a personal take, and if i were american, i'd be dying for trump to win.

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That's why I said in 2016 that, if I were American, I simply wouldn't vote. There's nothing to truly like about Trump in terms of the substance (or lack of It) of the man. It was an interesting time and the regime going fully mask-off has brought more people's attention to various issues than had been the case previously, but the regime is still grinding the white population down.

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Trump is fake. The coincidence is that he is the only one that appears to be fighting for the causes the right has been championing for the last 20 years, so most people like him for that. But it doesn't change the fact that they are all being duped by what is essentially a bourgeouis liberal octagenarian.

I was duped into getting on the trump hype back in 16', and i admit it was cool while it lasted. I was younger and more stupid. It was the first time something big was happening in my lifetime, and it truly felt like a battle between good and evil. I wish i was that naive again.

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Amazing that it's November the 5th...Remember remember! Not that that's a big surprise seeing as US presidential elections are always on the first Tuesday of November, but it feels somehow appropriate this year. I was baffled at first by Putin's endorsement of Harris, but then came to similar conclusions as Morgoth. Putin may have given up on the Trump dream. That's a mistake in my view, but that could be what he's decided. A weaker America would suit Russia from a purely short-term nationalist perspective. The fulcrum country of NATO falling into mediocrity or worse would threaten the alliance holding "a knife to Russia's throat" as Putin said himself.

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I think half the time Putin is just taking the mickey.

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Or playing 4D chess of some kind. We all know how good the Russians are at chess.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Morgoth

I always find the Presidential election too showbiz and fake. It seems so dumbed down, more so with the passing of each one. Little surprise voter turnout is even lower than here in the UK plc.

Despite all of this, the importance and relevance of the outcome remains constant for us. We have USA military bases in our lands. Our leash is only so long.

I view the paranoid American empire through the same lens as I do with the monarchy.

Our people will never come first until we are shot of both.

As you rightly point out about the zionists involvement, their omnipresence makes the choice not too dissimilar to how you described the 2019 general election between Johnson and Corbyn..... a choice between a shit sandwich or a bucket of puke.

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I think it is important to accept that this horror is baked in. All of the doom is going to happen. The west is clearly (and visibly) fucked, despite the last gasp attempts of the "empire" to strike back. Which does lead us to really thinking about how we are going about living our lives at present.

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I'l eventually get to the geopolitical, but here is my latest essay on the horror and what you can do https://substack.com/home/post/p-149291181?r=v5cn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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