Whilst the planes falling out the sky and bridges collapsing will be obvious to everyone, anybody hazard a guess at how many millions are dying every year in the West via "medical malpractice" due to diversity hires 😲

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I've been thinking for a while now that the whole AI 'rush' is just a desperate, last ditch attempt to replace the white men that the regime despises but cannot function without.

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Jun 23, 2023
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I visited friends this afternoon where their sewer had backed up and four white guys with a bobcat were busy in the yard getting it all flowing again in the right direction as if Morgoth himself had sent me an illustration.

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I am married to one of those 50 something white men who keep the world, or at least their little piece of it, going. He is hating every day of a job he once loved partially because of the stupid emails he gets from his Harvard MBA boss which incorporate every DEI buzzword and dated marketing slogan and exhortation to be a team player while being totally devoid of not only content but also small things like subjects and predicates. The company itself has switched from a previously winning strategy of managerial independence and local decision making to imposing stupid decisions top down and local managerial impotence. The usual growth at all costs until the weight of debt ( and DEI obeisances) caused by that policy render profit impossible which then gets blamed on the very people who made the company valuable originally. Morale has plummeted as you can imagine.

I am discouraged by this because I used to believe that people with Ivy League degrees at least knew something. Clearly not a given anymore. This was a piece of paper for money paid, no questions, at least not any hard ones on a test for example, asked.

An excellent piece of writing and a sobering reflection. These guys are getting old, and the younger ones, like my doctor in his late 40’s, have to lay low or be prepared to lie about their personal convictions in order to just be allowed to competently do what they know how to do, and what we desperately need them to do. We are running out of time lettting this madness continue.

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This is a really good one, man. Well worth sharing around.

It's worth mentioning perhaps that the decline of standard of living, and the death of competence isn't an accident. It's designed. Salt water isn't just eating away at the foundations of the West, acid is being poured on it and demolition charges are being placed by the WEF and whatever bastard mutant offspring survived the fall of Soviet Marxism.

Perhaps it was inevitable. W.B. Yeats seems to have foreseen it long ago. Things fall apart, the center cannot hold.

Best grip onto something tightly, indeed.

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Jun 23, 2023
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If you can, yes. If not, hold families and friends and perhaps whisper tales of the before times to the generations after yours.

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Sigmund Freud believed that all humans have a ‘death drive’. This is expressed through self destructive behaviour. Schopenhauer taught that ‘death is the goal of life’. I couldn’t help but think of this pair of thinkers, when reading about Oceangate and Stockton Rush - the fact that the company name ends with ‘gate’ making the story media-ready. That the left’s response to the dreadful event was to proclaim that taxation of billionaires was clearly not high enough (how else could they afford a 250,000 dollar ticket?) said it all really. I wonder who will play Stockton Rush in the movie adaptation? 50-something white men are not popular in Hollywood these days...

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I disagree with Freud about nearly everything, and his theory of the desth drive is no exception. Men have been striving against the world since prehistory. It's not a death wish. We just like to see how far we can push things, hopefully without getting too seriously hurt in the process.

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How about Mel Gibson 🤣

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🤣 I love Mel - if only it were him. Great anticipation for his documentary on child trafficking - he’s in the belly of the Hollywood beast with that topic. I hope he has good security.

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Yep I hope this documentary becomes a reality.

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Yes, I think it is well underway. The great Dr Steve Turley made a video about it on his YouTube channel yesterday.

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I was thinking something along the same lines last night. Part of me thinks Stockton Rush had a death wish.

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Jun 23, 2023
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I honestly believe so too. He seemed reckless to the point of madness.

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An outstanding piece of analysis and writing, Morgoth. Very succinct, and packs a mighty punch.

I'm still utterly agog that anybody would climb into such a deathtrap, let alone fork out a quarter of a million dollars to do so. The more I read of it, the more insane it all becomes.

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It's 50% Faustian Man and 50% Darwin Awards

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A brilliant one sentence summary!

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Jun 23, 2023
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Good point. This is a good reminder that simply having money is not any indication of wisdom or intelligence.

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I wanted a rescue to happen for the reasons you stated above. Mostly I wanted to see an extraordinary and dangerous feat performed by competent men. I wanted to see something cool and forgive the pun, uplifting.

The thing is, even if by some miracle it would’ve happened, I suspect the credit would go to some minor players on the periphery of the operation. I’m thinking 2016’s ‘Hidden Figures’. In all likelihood the “old White man” Rush would’ve been chastised by the regime for being foolish and told that increased diversity would’ve prevented this.

Maybe Superman, or Atlas or whoever standing on the sidelines quietly with his arms folded won’t be such a bad thing in the long run.

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Fantastic piece Morgoth. Absolutely spot on.

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Excellent stuff, Morgoth. Thanks. Excuse the awful cliche, but one would think that this kind of thing might act as a sort of wake-up call for the West: middle-aged white man willingly climbs into his own coffin and buries himself at sea in service of the One True Faith. But it won't. Our rulers are too committed now. They have opened a door that cannot be closed again. So, we're all just going to have to live through the decline. In future, the competent engineering and science will come from Russia and China.

By the by, you can bet that "Day of the Titan", the movie, is already in the storyboard stage. When it appears next year, the rescue team will consist of blacks and white girl-bosses while the cause of the disaster will be ascribed to white male incompetence and laziness.

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This is possibly one of the best pieces of writing I've ever had the pleasure of reading, and perfectly sums up where we are.

However, the conclusion is far from a fait accompli. Why do we simply have to let diversity win over competence? If this really is a problem that is systemic in nature as Morgoth and others claim, couldn't one take it to mean that eventually, this system will break, and when it does the Superman will be right there waiting as he never really left us in the first place.

"only a god can save us now" -Heidegger

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Jun 23, 2023
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Ah the isms, the words that form the pointy end of a world designed around a moral economy of not noticing patterns.

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This makes the work The Woodlander is doing all the more relevant.

If their system is just a downward slope of deteriorating standards of design, workmanship and maintenance, building our own system is essential.

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Superbly written clarion call to wake the forces of sanity. Can they still hear? Are they brave enough to answer the call? But as you point out so vividly, the lie of 'diversity' has now mutated from an ideological debate into a stark matter of life and death. We know white Europeans are too cowed by the accusation of racism to stand up for their culture; the question is do they even care enough to save themselves from actual physical disaster? One thinks of operations carried out by under-qualified black surgeons, the beneficiaries of affirmative action at medical schools; or of flights captained by BIPOCs similarly ill-qualified. "Mummy is our plane crashing?" "Yes, darling, but don't worry, at least we're being flown to our doom by a black man..." etc. Well, well. last days of Rome and all that. But what a bloody tragedy.

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And this also rings true: "When diverse quality control departments give the stamp of approval to ... pesticides far beyond what’s fit for human consumption, Superman will be playing golf."

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This article made me quite sad, a sort of grief for a dying beautiful culture. I think the "boomer" generation may have lost some along the primrose path, but essentially they were a competent generation, like those that went before. BTW, your writing is exceptional, too good for modern day university.

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Thank you very much.

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It is difficult to exaggerate the impact hat this constant push for diversity uber alles will have on our lives. It impacts literally everything. I suspect that for a while at least, we'll have all the same things, they'll just be a little worse. Of course for the rich their lives will continue relatively unchanged because they'll be able to afford "the best," which used to just be "normal."

I've known this would eventually happen since the age of 19. What happened to me at that age? What great epiphany opened the heavens and allowed me to see the light? Simple. I went into an inner city McDonalds on a Friday night. Everyone in the restaurant, from customer to staff to management, was black. It was an utterly chaotic, filthy, and bewildering madhouse. I've never forgotten that experience and I've also never seen anything that made me think it was an exception. It was a glimpse into our glorious and vibrant future.

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Atlas Shrugs

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