I've changed the colour scheme of the blog let me know if you find it easier on the eyes or what the best scheme would be

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Your blog your choice!

I’ll just use the reader view to get the “classic” white on black look back. Great read btw.

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Wait, so the reader can decide how it looks on their end?

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On iPhones at least (for us fancy folks) there’s a “reader view” option available through the native browser. It inverts the normal black on white scheme, I don’t think it does the reverse though (black on white from white on black)

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It's nice, makes me think of my mum's key lime pies.

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Excellent essay, Morgoth. I'm reminded of the following quote from CS Lewis:

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

I am convinced that there exists a powerpoint presentation that is given to the newbies at the Bilberberg conference, or the Council for Foreign Relations or any other elite circle. It details the future as a Malthusian hellscape, with all possible futures featuring the collapse of civilisation, global wars and the Earth becoming incompatible with life. Lifting the plot straight from Asimov's Foundation, the managed decline is the Grand Project. I can't think of anything else that would act as a fixed point of reference that would serve to not only provide direction without command, but salve the conscience of those who are charged to do hard things for a greater good. Satanic gibberish, of course, but something has to keep all these hideous people facing the same direction in spite of personal ambition.

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That ''Hideous Strength'' you might say.

CS Lewis is turning out to be chief among sages.

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By coincidence I am reading the Space Trilogy now. Came across a second had copy in the Oxfam book shop. Not being a sci-fi reader I would normally have passed it over but thought, well, it might just help me understand the Morgoth's Review. So thanks Morgoth, it is jaw dropping.

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The Liberal World Order peaked between 1994 and 2001. The end of apartheid in SA to 9/11. We were at the end of history and the coffee coloured world of hoverboards and Liberal Reason was inevitable.

I think the end of apartheid was the hook the Liberal World Order devotees hung their coat on. It was to prove you could unite a country with material comfort and liberal values alone. Nothing else necessary. No need for kinship. The world was going to become one giant South Africa and European whites were going to campaign and vote for it just like the South African whites campaigned and voted to end apartheid.

But it was bollocks. And I think they realise it should have worked by now but it hasn't and the place is mess as a result.

So just like the third monkey in the queue to get on Noah's ark they're desperate for a plan to save themselves and if some weirdo World Economic Forum German twat says he has the answer then fuck it, that'll do. After all, it's starting to rain...

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Brilliant piece. Thanks Morgoth!

Yes, the colour scheme is easier on the eyes.

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Perfectly put.. there is a un biodiversity treaty which states that humans (GMO ) vaxed in future? are equal to flaura and fauna. Very Talmudic don't you think ? Humans with altered DNA become patented and owned by "gaurdian corporations" so Google , apple ext will own you like a farm.. we are moving directly to being openly farmed.. who ever survives the great cull started in 2020 that is..

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Yeah....this is it, the big one.

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Jurassic Park Redux - Shaman’s Review

There is a scene from the movie Chicago, in which the protagonist Roxie walks into her bedroom to find her boyfriend cheating on her. She asks what is going on and he replies that nothing is going on. She then points to the two women lying next to him, one under each arm, and says ‘what do you call that’? To which he angrily replies, ‘Are you going to believe what you see or what I tell ya?”

This sums up our current conundrum, are we going to believe what we witness in everyday life or what we are told by the weavers of the current narrative? Well, Roxie plumped for believing what she saw, grabbed her pistol and dispatched her unfortunate boyfriend without further ado. Back in real life we find there are few Roxies among the general population which is not only fortunate for cheating boyfriends but also for the great narrative weavers spreading their yarns through the mass media.

People want to believe what they are told, and who can blame them. Life is exhausting enough without having to question every utterance from officialdom.

What we are being told is, that we are entering a great New Order, even a great Liberal Order, one that is global and whose governance is at a ‘supranational’ level, where elected bodies are always subordinate. Unencumbered by accountability or logic, they tell us we are living in the most peaceful time in history. And we owe our exceedingly good fortune to the machinations of faceless bureaucrats hard at work deep in the bowels our post democratic institutions.

And yet what I see, what I actually see is something quite different. It isn’t a peaceful world, anything but. I see vicious ethnic fighting everywhere, the Ukraine being just the latest example which has erupted. We are being actively encouraged to love ethnic Ukrainians and hate ethnic Russians, no equivocation. I see everyone from footballers to police wearing a hole in the knee of their trousers to honour a group because of their ethnicity. I see nation upon nation destroying themselves in civil upheavals along ethnic lines while the Liberal Order stands idly by or provides one ethnic group with lethal weapons to more effectively kill their ethnic rivals.

In the political realm it is common for politicians to go to great lengths to establish their ethnic credentials so everyone knows instinctively which ethnic groups they are for and, maybe more important, which they are against, (there is no middle ground). They go on to make appointments from candidates who have a shared gene pool or bearing some allegiance to the dominant ethnic groups, and this is what they call Liberalism. Perhaps the Houthi and Tutsi were simply being liberal when they attempted to exterminate each other. But no, of course not, they were expressing that most primal feeling in all of us, the instinct to eliminate the rival genetic group next door.

So what is it that the great and good are actually imposing on us ungrateful wretches, if it is not this thing we are told, this great New Liberal Order? Well, on any plain reading of world events it looks like we are descending headlong into tribalism or to use their language, a New Tribal Order. We aren’t going forward at all, we’re going back. Way back. Back to a time when genocide was not just standard practice but expected. Where political boundaries were just tribal boundaries which ebbed and flowed like shifting sands. Where rules that applied at the tribal level were not applied to members of nearby tribes for whom rape, murder and slavery were just a lost battle away.

I have not seen the recent Jurassic Park movie but it sounds to me like it is not a film about unchecked environmentalism. I think it is describing our future in the New Tribal Order. Jeff Goldblum plays a prophet narrating a parable, when he talks about nature it is our primal nature, the various dinosaurs represent the tribal groupings of the New Tribal Order; and no prizes for guessing who the nationalists are but it rhymes with Hors d’oeuvre. So don’t diss the Shaman, he may be on his way back from the mists of time.

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Excellent comment.

I was watching an interview with John Waters recently and he was musing how Ireland managed just a few years of post-Catholic identity before simply adopting a new religion which was much more censorious and and which brooked no critical analysis or questioning at all.

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Thank you Morgoth for your reply and generous word.

Well that is interesting because the new ‘rules based order’, that Ireland has swallowed whole, looks very much like the old tribal rules. Where the rules are many, strict and come to us from from higher up the food chain. Enforcers are everywhere and transgression is harshly dealt with, (mercy isn’t in the tribal vocabulary). The least you can expect is public shaming or you may be expelled from your clan but the punishment quickly jumps to death because your very existence threatens tribal cohesion (think Assange).

Perhaps the religion bit is yet to come because it is vital and will likely be an idol of some sort like earth worship, but we know who it won’t be. Once you remove Christianity from the equation, the decent into tribalism appears to be surprisingly quick. Our ‘animal’ nature being freed from the shackles of civilised norms, just look at what has happened to our police for example. They went from public servants to masked thugs in the space of a few weeks. In Holland they are shooting live rounds at farmers because the very thought of dissent is worthy of summary justice.

It looks like the powers-that-be anticipated our fall from Grace and had all the draconian rules and muscle in place to catch us. Maybe it’s just a coincidence but as someone famously remarked, never let a good crisis go to waste; to which I would add, especially if you planned it.

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The wife convinced the family to drive 350 miles north and spend our summer holiday in morgoth land. Looking forward to seeing the local nature (as soon as it stops raining! )😁

Thanks for the awesome post and giving me something to ponder while my kids jump around this caravan. 👍

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Nice along the coast on rainy days like this.

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The Fly is a great movie, I particularly like this scene


I think it is great story telling, text and graphics are used brilliantly. However I think it also shows one reason we are in the current situation. People believe computers give you answers.

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Bang on Morgoth,the more i learn of this it gives me the severe creeps,if not only for my poor innocent grandweans.

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A naive person might think that if the elites are successful then the future will be like living in an elven village, cities full of green, colourful birds fluttering around bright flowers, children tending to trees, humanity in harmony with nature. Most likely the citizens of the future will never see what is outside of their grey concrete and steel smart cities, and the buses and trains will never travel to the nature zones, it could be an acid rain eroded wasteland out there for all that it will matter to their lives. The wildlands will be for all of the factory created insects to live in.

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And you will be happy?

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I will own nothing but I certainly won't be happy, I want freedom and I want peace and quiet and nature.

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Three of many gems from this: 1. "Who or what get to defend what is or is not in the interests of the planet? 2. "Humanity becomes a biomass to be managed from the macro level..." 3. " We are not, however, actually subordinate to "nature" but to the whims of top-down technocrat planning and data sets."

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Jul 29, 2022
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Materialism is also inextricably linked to the idea of equality which serves as the liberal wheel under which all moral norms are crushed.

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Jul 29, 2022
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You and I seem to be travelling the same path.

The basis of Marxism is this idea of comparing differences in worldly possessions. We are meant to focus on differences as unfair or unearned and to feel that it is immoral for others to have more. And that these possessions must be divided equally to render a just outcome. So we are led by this philosophy to form grievances wherever this inequality is manifest, even if it is only perceived. So envy and jealousy are inverted from vice to virtue and so then is our whole idea of what is moral. It is an inversion of the commandment not to covet (be desirous of what others possess); just replace the phrase 'thou shalt not' to 'thou shall' and there you have it, modern society. And its perniciousness oozes into every aspect of our lives. It is promoted on television in everything from game shows to reality tv. It is then the duty of every liberal to keep the equality agenda going because it is the epicentre of their moral sense and they use this underlying deception as a way to keep us all off balance assessing each other through their prism of inverted morals. That is why it always ends badly. The fact that it always ends badly (often in genocide) should be testament enough of its fundamental immorality. But alas that which was just a mathematical operator, '=', has become our new faith, our new god. And if this god of the liberals requires the innocents to be slaughtered in its name, then so be it.

Anyway that is where I am at the moment. Good luck on your travels.

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