I find it difficult to write or speak about the trans agenda without resorting to Warhammer 40K analogies and believe me, I've genuinely tried to drastically reduce the number of Warhammer references in my content in recent months. That said, it's difficult to avoid the fact that the LGBT rainbow coalition is strikingly similar to the forces of Chaos unleashed upon the hapless mankind in the Grimdark future of 40K.
I thought of this again recently while watching the Matt Walsh documentary ‘‘What is a woman?’’ in which the circular reasoning and outright madness of social scientists and ‘‘gender’’ specialists was laid bare.
The standard definition of chaos is ‘‘a state of complete disorder and confusion’’ and it's difficult not to come to the conclusion that an ideology which is based on the principle of ‘‘a form is whatever I want it to be or think it is’’ is anything but a state of complete disorder and confusion.
All that being said, let's now check-in on Ole Slaanesh himself and this recent tweet:
Contrapoints is of course having a little joke here. But given that Contrapoints has become very wealthy through being one of social media's most prominent left-wing influencers, and through content which seeks to thoroughly deconstruct the current zeitgeist and conservative America in particular, I thought I'd deconstruct this joke in return.
The reason I found this tweet particularly repulsive is because it is based on a set of assumptions which Contrapoints knows are not true. Firstly, let us establish the context of the statement, the reason it was made, then pull back the various other layers of evil embedded within it.
There is, as they say, a lot to unpack here.
The background to this tweet is the ongoing dispute over the trans agenda across the West ,and nowhere is it more hotly-disputed than in America. As noted above, it has become an ideological war being waged on many fronts and, understandably, the theatre of the war which involves children has become the most ferocious.
Parents are aghast at the sight of institutions sexualizing their small children, seemingly as a matter of policy. In the ‘‘What is a woman?’’ documentary, this aggressive campaign being waged on America's children was brought to the fore.
For Contrapoints, one of America's leading and most prominent trans activists, this ‘‘backlash’’ has become something of a ball-breaker. The tweet is, in part, a faux expression of frustration at the dogged resistance emerging against trans ideology in America.
Trolling the Chuds.
A prominent rallying cry in conservative America is ‘‘They're coming for our kids’’. By this, they mean that LGBT lobby groups, academics and leftist activists have an active interest in indoctrinating American children with transsexualism.
Contrapoints is well aware of this fear within conservative America and is here lampooning it and ironically taking ownership. It's a troll, essentially. The problem is the troll is based on the assumption that in reality there is *not* a concerted effort or even any agenda in play. Rather, there are caring activists who simply want to allow children express their ‘‘gender identity’’ freely and without prejudice.
We are expected to believe that Western civilization contained and successfully concealed transsexuality within minors until around the year 2017 when it suddenly became the most pressing issue of the age, and that it emerged through grassroots activism that was deeply concerned for ‘‘trans children’’.
Within this ludicrous framing, then, Hank and Mary-Lou average conservative white Americans are hegemonic within America, and not the left, neoliberalism, Wall Street, the political class, the corporations, the mass media, and Google and Facebook.
By convincing themselves of this bullshit, leftist influencers can then pretend that a system-wide campaign to transition children is so far out of the bounds of probability that the very idea of it can be mocked as just more baseless, Red America paranoia.
Trans Them All.
One of the most horrifying aspects of the LGBT agenda's attitude toward children is that the number of children who can realistically be expected to be in some way confused about ''gender'' is left open-ended. Strictly speaking children, should never be thought of as even having a sexual identity, let alone the malleable and ever-changing non-word of ''gender'' that is preferred by the left.
A child is by definition a non-sexual person by virtue of not having gone through puberty.
Alas, we are where we are.
Traditionally it would be understood, and to a degree accepted, that a small minority of men and teenage boys would be homosexuals. However the number would be static, for example 1% of 16 year old boys would have homosexual tendencies.
The LGBT Agenda and Trans lobby in particular seek to up-end the very idea of there being a stable set of constants such as how many men we can expect to be homosexual. Instead, sexual identity is left in flux. It thus becomes an open-ended question as to how many girls may seek to remove their breasts or how many boys should be given puberty blockers.
The so-called ''woke left'' acts as tag-team with major political and financial institutions and in this case the target is children. Leftist ''gender ideology'' acts as an upper cut and then the propaganda and incentive structures of the wider system step in with the haymaker.
Having established that the number of potential trans children has no upper limit, the children are then swamped with narratives and cultural touchstones normalizing the trans identity. Small wonder, then, that the number of kids transitioning has sky-rocketed in recent years.
The question which presents itself is; Is it outlandish and paranoid for conservative Americans to believe that there is a coordinated attempt to ''Trans'' every child in America?
If not, then what percentage of children can we realistically expect to become trans?
There is no answer from leftist influencers. They cannot answer because they know, as do the conservative Americans, that there is no upper limit. In the same way that we are never allowed to declare that we are diverse enough, we're similarly not allowed ask when the cap on transitioning children is allowed to be implemented. Or rather, you can ask - you just won't get an answer.
Chaos Demons.
The habit of making jokes or deploying irony online which can seem too close to the bone is referred to as ‘‘Poe's Law’’:
Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied.
The transitioning of America's children has political, financial, ideological, academic and corporate backing and Contrapoints supports all of it. So, in what sense was that tweet a joke and not a statement of intent?
I’ve noticed a subtle shift in how leftist influencers conduct themselves in recent months. As I noted elsewhere the pretense of them being in anyway in opposition to the power-structure is rapidly fading. This then leaves them with the prospect of adopting a genuinely dissident stance, and instantly losing financial backing and institutional backing, or doubling down and openly embracing their role as system thugs.
The monumentally unpleasant Ethan Klein recently called on his millions of subs to commit and act of terrorism at the NRA convention, and he did so live on YouTube. As ever it was written off as an ironic joke. Contrapoints declares all of America’s children should be ‘‘Trans’d’’ and once again, don’t worry folks it’s just for the lols.
Sooner or later the jokes and irony will cease, the mask will fall and what we shall be left with is cold and calculating sociopaths reveling in their own power and celebrating, openly, the pain and anguish of others.
I feel that a state of complete disorder and confusion is about give birth to something profoundly immoral and wicked. And that is the definition of evil.
We should prepare ourselves accordingly.
Lol isn't it amazing how trannies like Contrapoints can grow their hair as long as they want, put on pounds of makeup, get facial feminization surgery, cut their dicks off, etc and, they still are just obvious dudes??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
My thoughts entirely. This situation is thoroughly out of hand now. I do not believe that there has always been a reasonable amount of people wishing to "trans", I believe that this situation is being encouraged for vulnerable youngsters, particularly it seems for mildly autistic young women. The recent push to sexualise children in "Drag" events is also thoroughly repugnant. I am socially Liberal, I don't think I should tell people what to do with their lives but this agenda is quite literally demonic and it's hard to ignore seeing as the victims are children who deserve to have childhoods free of sexualisation. Normal people whether religious or not know that this agenda is evil.