Lol isn't it amazing how trannies like Contrapoints can grow their hair as long as they want, put on pounds of makeup, get facial feminization surgery, cut their dicks off, etc and, they still are just obvious dudes??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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''Archaeologists in the future will call you a man''

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I wonder what they will make of the grave goods interred within lol

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My thoughts entirely. This situation is thoroughly out of hand now. I do not believe that there has always been a reasonable amount of people wishing to "trans", I believe that this situation is being encouraged for vulnerable youngsters, particularly it seems for mildly autistic young women. The recent push to sexualise children in "Drag" events is also thoroughly repugnant. I am socially Liberal, I don't think I should tell people what to do with their lives but this agenda is quite literally demonic and it's hard to ignore seeing as the victims are children who deserve to have childhoods free of sexualisation. Normal people whether religious or not know that this agenda is evil.

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I took a shot a ShortFatOtaku on this one. He stated that the tweet wasn't serious as well. My response was Sargon's "I wouldn't even rape you." Jokes about raping people, even in the negative, are crap no one wants to have to deal with (as Morgoth so well said). It's the exact principle here. I don't want to deal with this garbage of attacking children, even as a joke.

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Your point about the pernicious ‘joke’ element to the statements made by these trans activists is so true. It reminded me of the lyrics to a song by The Smiths called ‘That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore’ - ‘ But that joke isn’t funny anymore, It’s too close to home, And it’s too near the bone, More than you’ll ever know’. ‘The Trans Gender Industrial Complex’ by Scott Howard is one of the best books to set out where this death cult has come from. Howard clearly follows the money to who is behind it. It all has a horrible inevitability...This is a war on our children.

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With respect, are you not a moderator for AA's channel, who regularly hosts a transsexual?

How does one declare themselves in opposition to this insanity yet also willingly host and tolerate the presence of said insanity?

Don't get me wrong, I think AA does some fantastic work, but I cannot satisfactorily parse this contradiction. It's ridiculous.

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No I have no involvement with AA's channel whatsoever other than the odd appearance on his weekly pundit show.

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Sorry, my comment was not directed at yourself but at the commenter above "Lady of Shallot"

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Oh I see my mistake.

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The salient point you is make is one that is regularly made to AA. A friend of mine has super-chatted your question to him several times, and never had an adequate response.

Personally, I think he struggles with this issue as he likes and respects the person (Evelyn) you are referring to (Evelyn has commented on Morgoth’s video too). Evelyn’s a knowledgeable academic and is a guest on the panel for that knowledge.

I’ve noticed that AA has become more aware of the extreme tactics of the trans radical activists since having his daughter. The TRA’s are often brainwashed young women with no purpose in life whatsoever other than to attack. They don’t represent, or speak for, trans people like Evelyn. I guess that’s a distinction that AA also identifies and runs with. Society has always had transsexuals but it has not, until recently, had a trans ‘cult’ if that makes sense. I referred to it as a cult in my comment, as it has all the traits of one.

This is just my take on it, I can’t speak for AA Best wishes.

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I agree with Morgoth's general point but I think there are terminology issues that people can get tangled in, much of it deliberately muddied by the Trans lobby. This word 'trans' has developed a life of its own separate from transgender as meaning queer or of free floating gender where sex doesn't exist or matter. Gender is deliberately conflated with sex. Transgender itself a made up thing which may or may not be "trans" is conflated with transsexual which was the old word which the Trans say you can't use anymore. There is also this big group of different people that the Trans have roped in whether they want to be or not, intersex, lifelong SEX dysphorics (transsexuals), autogynephiles, drag queens, self hating teenage girls, all the transvestite, fetish and paraphilia rag tag and bobtail. All Trans? Of course not. They foist their umbrella frameworks on us all. Reject them.

Best to be careful, hold on to clear materialist reality with sex and sexuality and treat their deceitful destructive categories with care. Born that way (vaccine damaged autism spectrum?...now THAT'S a rabbit hole!) transsexuals are not part of this Trans cult (unless they choose to be). My take anyway. Keep analysing though!

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I'm not a religious man, not at all. But with this grotesque ideogical agenda - among others - being pushed so suddenly and so vigorously, with the full backing of the Money Power and the full coercive powers of the state, it truly feels to me that evil, capital

-E Evil, is not just ascendant, but close to absolute triumph. God help us all.

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I couldn't quite access why this "joke" enraged, sickened and saddened me so much when I saw it here. I'm not on Twitter. I know they do it partly to bait us to get that very reaction. Out of all the purposefully disingenuous, vile, "cleverly sarcastic" shit they post, why did this one stand out? I remembered that this is very similar to the video put out by the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus, the"We'll Convert Your Children...." video.What's so fucking funny? You ARE trying to "convert" our children. Your sarcasm does not make it untrue. Also, this person, Contrapoints, is the same person that posted: " Drag queens in public spaces pose 0 threat to children..."childhood innocence" -ignorance romanticized; a bullshit fantasy made up by adults." That said to belittle our response to the Dallas "Drag your Kids to Pride" show where the first thing your kid sees is a neon sign on the wall saying, "It's Not Going to Lick Itself." Childhood innocence is "a bullshit fantasy"? Yes. Surrendered to you, pedophiles and their apologists it will be. Now tell us how hilarious it is that you're sexualizing our children. Thank you Morgoth for your clarity.

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If all of this wasn't disgusting enough it gets even worse when you look at the way the left treats people that are detransitioning, particularly those that post on r/detrans. Because they deny that children and teens are being pushed into mutating they get very angry at people that regret transitioning because they feel that they were pressured to commit to the biggest decision of their lives.

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The genius of anti-natalism is now clear to me. Parents who love their children will react with protective instinct. The childless won't be as bothered. Of course, the LGBT agenda and general sexual hedonism promote and cause anti-natalism to begin with. It's like a parasitic Ouroboros.

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As a zoomer-going-zoomie (born in 2001) who was practically raised on a screen I noticed that gradual shift online and in cultural at large from jokes that could be perceived as “racist” or “sexist” being defended as “it’s just satire, don’t be so sensitive” to those kind of jokes not even being okay to be thought of, and now the same mindset is used towards being creepy towards kids

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In my view Morgoth the best medicine we can react to these Federal Gov state funded circus freaks is just merely starve them of our attention and just ignore them entirely. Which is the last thing these state glowi fucks want us to do when reacting to red herrings like them.

Contrapoint himself probably takes digusting lustful pleasure in getting negative attention from us. And I hate to think you are providing him that. I would advise ignoring him and all those other left state funded freaks into irrelevance tbh.

No point in us wasting our time being obessed in their nasty insanity.

Clear them out and cut them out of our minds

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I think the strategising comes before the dissemination of truth and absolutes. Even then I would still consider that attacking LGBT orgs on technical or lawfare grounds would be a more successful start. The truths are required to justify action post-hoc to the masses.

Ideally you’d distribute truth to such a high degree that the masses would deal with LGBT zealots themselves, however I’m not too hopeful about them overcoming docility.

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What truths and absolutes are there even to disseminate though?

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A good point, one which I would imagine people don’t want my input on.

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I do wonder how much faster this state of chaos would break down if there wasn’t a cottage industry on the right if reporting and “rebuking” it at every turn.

Contra et al, are evil there is no question to this. The question should be who on our side does and doesn’t want to take this evil seriously.

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Well I obviously do, the problem is that dry analytical strategies do not lead to metaphysical truths or absolutes.

And that's what we need.

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The insistence on absolutes is at the core of every deconstruction made by the left, including trans. Every absolute permits an exception. It is not absolutes we should be insisting on but norms. The fallacy of trans etc is to say that because there are no absolutes, everything is fluid, and there can be no norms. This is a simple non-sequiter. Male and female are norms. They are neither absolutes nor 'fluid'.

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What is it that defines the norms?

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Tradition - in the form of traditional institutions, parents, grandparents, myths, fairy tales, old places, ceremonies, customs, rites and so on.

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Yes but that is exactly what failed to hold the line. I can't help but think we have a religion shaped hole in our civilization.

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Religion is part of tradition though. I speak as a religious person (Buddhist) and so naturally I agree its absence is a critical flaw for any culture or people. Spengler is good on the causes of the turn away from religion and tradition, as you know. Spengler notwithstanding, tradition will wax and wane, that is natural and normal in all societies. Right now we are in a time of extreme rejection of tradition and religion but it cannot last forever. We who are aware of this unusual nature of the times must work to pass on what remains to the next generation. I know you know all this, my point is that tradition and religion will always be answer, even if sometimes they seem to be failing for a time.

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Jun 11, 2022
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I've noticed that trend of open windows with massive screen on the wall belching muck into their lives.

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Jun 10, 2022
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I like to let one of the lefties do the work. I like Kellie-Jay Keen. I disagree with her on most political items but, she's relentless on these buggers. I'm betting the women will win this one.

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I agree and Kellie Jay Keen has moved hugely to the right in the past two years. I’ve been following her for some time; the abuse that she, and her husband and children, have received at the hands of the trans radical activists is utterly disgusting. She’s a hugely courageous woman.

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Jun 10, 2022Edited
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Women got us into this mess, it would be nice if they would help us get out of it.

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All I see is very aggressive males pushing to get near to women to either attack them-declaring to be women to go female prisons. Being 'women' to get near children or, to get to the adult males who they really want to have sex with. Women are prey, protector or rival. This whole industry of pushing it in people's faces is fully backed by corporate bodies, international bodies and politicians who set education policy. Here, older children can be got at to see these violent men as some kind of runt of the litter who need to be saved from the big bad olds. I hate to break it to you but the vast majority behind this are male. 'The long march through the institutions; The father of feminism; inventor of all the 'isms' all to break down strong societies and take us into their new globalised world.

This globalised world can only be had by breaking down the nation state. Who historically, is the biggest defender of these states?; the heterosexual male defending his nation. Think of Jovenel's 'destroying the feudal castles' to accumulate power further to the top into fewer hands.

Ultimately they are going for you, you have to be put out of service. You're in the way of more powerful males who want even more power.

That's just some of my woman's thoughts on this whole mess anyway.

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