Brilliant dissection of the multi-layered hell we are living in Morgoth. The media have always worked in conjunction with the apparatus of state and politics, to lie to the public...I remember the Hillsborough football stadium disaster of 1989, when I was at school. Media, police, and government all acted in unison to taint Liverpool fans as responsible for the deaths of 94 of their own on 15th April (97 eventually died). There was no internet back then - perhaps, had there been, the true accounts of witnesses might have been heard...But maybe it would have made no difference. The truth about Hillsborough eventually came out, decades later, and no one was held accountable. Meantime, lies were made truth simply by being repeated and amplified. Sometimes, today, it feels like we are being crushed and suffocated to death by the taxonomy you so identify so insightfully. I can hardly bear to read the news now.
One of the worst aspects of it is how petty and stupid the people who run things actually are. It's all purely managerial, there's not even any philosophical prattle about free speech and liberalism etc.
The ‘managerial elite’ except they aren’t even’s so mind-numbingly awful. I rewatched the BBC’s House of Cards from 1991 recently, and felt overcome with nostalgia for the days of Margaret Thatcher - yet I lived through that time, it was my childhood, and they were not halcyon days. But compared to now, they seem like a Golden Age.
That they aren’t elites was a disappointing discovery I recently made vis my husband’s Ivy League MBA boss who is not very bright, as in able to assimilate large amounts of information and synthesize it with reality in any meaningful way.
The application of the same set of overreaching managerial systems to every business, government, and health care agency has been catastrophic. We are so far down the wrong road because of this I don’t see how we recover. Things are deteriorating rapidly and no one has the will or wit to challenge these corrosive ideas.
The true elite nobility and TrillionAires (300) of them remain in the shadows far away from public scrutiny.. perhaps king Charles being one of the only visible tendrils of the oligarchy
That's because the true virtues are beyond them. The elites now are elites because they follow capital efficiency and are wealth generators. They have no need for the aristocratic virtues.
Excellent analysis. Absolutely spot on. And you did it without naming any famous "comedians."
As horrifying as this organism is, I sense a greater degree of fear at play than in the past. Less confidence and an increasingly shrill nature to the condemnations. Does anyone else sense some desperation in all this?
Yes, I sense the same unease among them; albeit a somewhat small minority of them. I’m quite glad to see someone else notice and comment on this as I’ve mulled this over in my mind a number of times and have some of my own thoughts on it and possibilities for it. I’ll do my best to explain them but as a pre-warning I’m certainly no Morgoth when it comes to the written word of dissident literature, and this is likely to be a rather lengthy, rambling comment.
The difference between the dissident sphere of the last few years to that of the preceding decades is that there’s a much more general, widespread growth and development of an educated understanding of our enemies.
At first this might not seem to pose a particularly significant threat, but in the past decades it seemed as though intellectual challenges against the ideological doctrines of our enemies from the dissident right, came from somewhat isolated individuals that could be relatively easily discredited, vilified and all but excommunicated from academic circles. Such challenges have almost entirely been in the form of ‘debate’ which in reality meant an individual debating a whole panel of people before a hostile, heckling audience carefully hand-picked for this purpose.
The last few years, however, have seen the dissident right - while remaining firmly committed to it - have begun diverging in numerous directions - typically on specific fields and topics they’re well-versed and highly educated in; be it language, psychology, architecture, the arts and numerous others - and engaging our enemies on the several fronts on which we have been under attack. This is already a greater and more effective strategy than simply focusing on the necessity of a strong physical presence and violent action alone, which is not going just suddenly going to burst forth from nowhere given the current demoralised, repressed and downtrodden population.
Many if not most of us now are no longer willing to continue to stagnate in the decades of inertia resulting from trading words in futile battles against them in arenas built entirely on the ideas and concepts of our enemies and where the spectator seats are packed with their screeching, hissing comrades. That our enemies know that such an increasing level of knowledge and understanding of them is growing throughout the dissident sphere overall - as well as the ‘turning away’ which was quite excellently expounded upon by Morgoth in a previous essay - is certainly not going to be a cause for them to celebrate, but the more intelligent - or those who have some critical, unbiased perspective of human history at any rate - may also understand the real danger of this premise, and understand that a real hatred will very likely emerge in the future... and they will be very likely be directly in the firing line when it does.
Maybe they’re eager for us to be destroyed before that really does happen?
This may not be the only reason for this underlying fear as they will actually have a lot more to be afraid of than just our wrath alone - which incidentally would be the most merciful they could hope for - but their endless flood of vitriol which is underpinned by this fear is exclusively directed against us, day in day out with no provocations or threats from us, so I can only infer from this that we are also the source of their perturbations.
If you read all THAT, then thank you for your patience!
I agree. I actually think their fear comes from two places:
1. Awareness. As you point out the growing awareness and the willingness of articulate people to publish insights, like Morgoth. You are correct that in the past these could be written off as lone gunmen, cranks banging on about immigrants or feminists. But we are now seeing a kind of synthesis emerging from social observers. Even just simple observations about WEF plans or responses to Covid. It is harder to write it all off as conspiracy.
2. They are failing. Covid demonstrated a solid 20 percent didn't buy the hype. Perhaps even as high as 25 percent. With continued propaganda (e.g. boosters, more fear) that actually rose to 30 or 40 percent in my view. From their point of view, that is a fail. More propaganda equalled more resistance. So much for behavioural psychology.
What we are seeing is an acceleration of their plans. In Britain where Morgoth lives this is a hard push for Net Zero and other climate goals, significantly more immigration and censorship. You can get away with some of that if you do it slowly and boil the frog. You get away with less when it is sudden and blatant. And that is what we are seeing.
Finally, the more they interfere the more we understand they are no better at planning than we are. Their plans are complex and doomed to fail anyway. They also rely on others to implement. That is fine if you have three decades at your disposal. But is less effective if you have to move fast.
Great observations mate and yes I agree; those are certainly failures.
I have thought the same regarding time as well; it’s something that they are as powerless to control as we are. I know that it’s taken several decades to arrive at this point, but once they begin being as outwardly blatant as they have become, it cannot be undone and there’s no going back to the drawing board for them now.
Eventually the constant attacking, chipping away at and wearing down of the old social order could only make what we’re seeing across the contemporary Western world inevitable in the late stages either way; it could only suffer so much damage before the results become tellingly clear. I feel like that has a lot to do with what we’re witnessing now.
At first I questioned this somewhat sudden, outward blatancy as there didn’t appear to be any strategic or tactical motive behind it that made any sense; it only proved that the people they derided as conspiracy theorists not even very long before were actually right, and revealed the extent of their ideological extremism to the whole general public.
I was looking for a sinister, yet not immediately conspicuous motive lurking in the background that would deliver a secondary, devastating blow but yet all I could see was cock-sure arrogance and stupidity. I would at least have assumed that they would have waited until most of the potential fight had been well and truly crushed out of us, and the potential danger to them from us was at an absolute minimal.
Then I began to realise that I was actually overestimating the abilities and intelligence of many of our enemies.
From here on out though, I feel that 3 decades is time that our enemies do not have. The time of subversion is now over, all their systems and machinations are not sustainable and even if people didn’t do anything particularly drastic to remove them at this point, they would still fail, one system after another.
Judging by their actions and at the rate they are going, it’s now as though a whole decade’s worth of planned ideological agenda is being crammed into barely a year, which is pretty much just chucking the frog in the boiling water. It seems to suggest they aren’t going to fail without inflicting as much destruction in their wake as they can. To be honest I’m now not too sure it’ll continue on like this here for even another ten years.
I’m actually not too far from Morgoth - Northwest England on the outskirts of Manchester.
I agree. I think the indecent haste will be part of their undoing along with the unrealistic nature of their goals. Plus they are relying on normals to implement it. The people actually establishing low emission zones aren't partying with Klaus Schwab, for example. They work in your local council. They are NPCs putting up rainbow posters because someone told them you get brownie points for being nice.
That's like you designing a house, with impeccable blueprints and planning permission, then handing the plans over to a team of six year olds because they are good with Lego. Plans are one thing, execution quite another.
England will survive, as will Britain generally. Even mass immigration won't kill the British. It may actually reverse some of the midwit rot that plagues the West. The genteel political correctness and all the rest. There is nothing quite like being mugged by real life to accelerate the adoption of common sense.
One final thing. I am noticing more and more of the Current Things are really just being used by the political class to gain power. Net Zero is being pushed back by Sunak. Braverman is being given some space to challenge multiculturalism. That kind of thing. None of them believe any of that stuff, so that gives a little hope.
I agree with your thesis that they are out to destroy us quickly before it gets out of hand for them.
The primary tools of destruction have already been deployed in the all cause mortality death mRNA serum and the coming 10 million migrants to replace the 20 million vaccinated (primarily white) boomers.
The replacements for labour have already been built (androids) . So it appears a terminator like future awaits us. If we can save 5 to ten million native Brits out of this war we will be doing ok
I often get blackpilled when people describe the machinations of the regime. Because often they're made out to seem impenetrable or like perfect systems of tyranny, without flaw or weakness.
But I've come to realise that the more absolute and omnipotent an analysis is, the more likely it is to be a poor analysis.
The way in which you've laid out the hivemind theory here makes it very clear how efficient and intimidating this mechanism is, but you can also see how it's imperfect. Which I think makes it more on the mark. Which is less blackpilling.
It also, via the Over-libs, gives a tangible target to focus on like the Brain-Bug in Starship Troopers. Something which the Lawrence Fox types fail to do.
The organisms described remind one of the monsters from the Starship Troopers first movie. Basic ground creatures followed by an airborne creature then bigger creatures until the “ Brain “ creature.
Didn’t matter how many lesser creatures were killed they kept coming.
But once the “ Brain “ is removed, the rest will die .
Hopefully our monsters will devour each other sooner rather than later.
Very well articulated and quite fun, I like the pictures and big comparisons yet jokes aside it still illustrates how this engineered mass all plays off its different parts. Like a jig saw puzzle, everything just happens to line up Everytime. But of course the normies will say it's completely coincidental and organic. Very much the "will of the people"
I couldn’t help imagining this - with a bit of work fleshing out the enemies and so on - being developed into a Fantasy RPG game! The dungeons could be designed as state institutions with identity group stereotypes and government entities as bosses and everything!
Like Skyrim but instead of dragons, there’s tu-tone hair dyed, butch, blobby, bellowing feminists- well alright I suppose there’s dragons in this one, too...
The Heroic Morgoth - The One They Really Fear - dwells in the darkened, skidmarked lands of ToiletRim where he rises to meet his destiny- just as the bogscrolls foretold he would - to retrieve the divine Sword Of Soap, a holy weapon tempered, honed and lathered in the legendary bath of social cleansing, to defeat the Ultimate Overlib and vanquish the Shitlib scourge forever from the realm, and restore the green and pleasant lands of his ancestors!
If you really aren’t around in a year from now though, then in another year after that I suppose we’ll probably all meet in person in the salt mines!
I've hedged my bets that Substack will be the safest port in the storm and I try not to step on any landmines in terms of the language I use. But there's some squalls coming that's for sure.
It does seem a pretty good platform; I’ve come across quite a few good writers I would never have known about otherwise, but yeah you can never be too careful. I’m even careful not to be too explicit about that certain tribe of longnoses that get instantly auto-shoah’d by YT algorithm these days.
I mentioned to someone else in another comment that it seems as though a whole decades’ worth of ideological agenda is being rushed out and stuffed into barely one year at a time, so things might be around the corner much sooner than some might expect.
An astute analysis. The eusocial colony superorganism is a very fit strategy, used by the most successful insect species, so it makes sense that they would self-organize along those lines. Likewise, dank meme culture is actually applying the strategy of viruses to information (replication, mutation, recombination), which again, is highly effective. So both sides are borrowing from the natural world, albeit subconsciously.
An important aspect of their strategy, as you suggested, is to disguise their structure and operations, wearing veils of "democracy", "rights", and "popular will"; thus, incisive analysis like this is important. As their tools & methods get more powerful, we too get better intel on what we're facing.
As an American, I've noticed that these tendrils of control have a tighter grip on our colonies and client states, such as the UK. It seems like they experimentally push their methods further over there, instead of the metropole where it's more difficult, thanks to pesky documents like the Constitution & Bill of Rights, as well as the Red States that support them.
>On rare occasions such as ... we witness the rare and terrifying ‘‘Super-Convergence’’ in which the various liberal superorganisms across the West all merge into one single, overwhelming, libtard biomass.
this sentence is genuinely funny, but it's also dark humor, given the reality of the situation.
There is something quite profound about the insight that this system works like an insect colony. It explains how so many otherwise intelligent people are able to participate in the lower levels of the system without overt instruction or organisation. They operate by 'intuition', a remarkable quality that amazes us when we watch documentaries about the natural world: migrating birds, bee swarms, the feeding of offspring, the piglet seeking its mother's teat. But here the intuitions at work are dark and malign.
The article got me thinking about how the human mind is not separate from the natural world of birds, viruses and insects but part of it, connected to it: we too have our instincts and some of them are base and should be resisted. For me as a Buddhist I think this is how we humans can be 'reborn' as insects and animals: they unthinkingly behave like them so habitually and without resistance that the habit becomes an unescapable reality for them in the next life. But to resist is the path to the gods.
Brilliant dissection of the multi-layered hell we are living in Morgoth. The media have always worked in conjunction with the apparatus of state and politics, to lie to the public...I remember the Hillsborough football stadium disaster of 1989, when I was at school. Media, police, and government all acted in unison to taint Liverpool fans as responsible for the deaths of 94 of their own on 15th April (97 eventually died). There was no internet back then - perhaps, had there been, the true accounts of witnesses might have been heard...But maybe it would have made no difference. The truth about Hillsborough eventually came out, decades later, and no one was held accountable. Meantime, lies were made truth simply by being repeated and amplified. Sometimes, today, it feels like we are being crushed and suffocated to death by the taxonomy you so identify so insightfully. I can hardly bear to read the news now.
One of the worst aspects of it is how petty and stupid the people who run things actually are. It's all purely managerial, there's not even any philosophical prattle about free speech and liberalism etc.
The ‘managerial elite’ except they aren’t even’s so mind-numbingly awful. I rewatched the BBC’s House of Cards from 1991 recently, and felt overcome with nostalgia for the days of Margaret Thatcher - yet I lived through that time, it was my childhood, and they were not halcyon days. But compared to now, they seem like a Golden Age.
That they aren’t elites was a disappointing discovery I recently made vis my husband’s Ivy League MBA boss who is not very bright, as in able to assimilate large amounts of information and synthesize it with reality in any meaningful way.
The application of the same set of overreaching managerial systems to every business, government, and health care agency has been catastrophic. We are so far down the wrong road because of this I don’t see how we recover. Things are deteriorating rapidly and no one has the will or wit to challenge these corrosive ideas.
The true elite nobility and TrillionAires (300) of them remain in the shadows far away from public scrutiny.. perhaps king Charles being one of the only visible tendrils of the oligarchy
That's because the true virtues are beyond them. The elites now are elites because they follow capital efficiency and are wealth generators. They have no need for the aristocratic virtues.
"The primary function of journalists in the modern West is to tell lies on behalf of Power and hold the weak and powerless to account."
Without doubt, the most accurate description of 'journalism' I've ever seen.
The sinister methods deployed to maintain power and control are becoming more nakedly overt.
I mentioned in a previous thread that the system is trying to juggle too many balls at once.
They are living on the knife edge, whereas we are becoming more adept, learned and battle hardened.
An astute observation. I agree. The blatancy will be their undoing, plus the disconnect.
Excellent analysis. Absolutely spot on. And you did it without naming any famous "comedians."
As horrifying as this organism is, I sense a greater degree of fear at play than in the past. Less confidence and an increasingly shrill nature to the condemnations. Does anyone else sense some desperation in all this?
Yes, I sense the same unease among them; albeit a somewhat small minority of them. I’m quite glad to see someone else notice and comment on this as I’ve mulled this over in my mind a number of times and have some of my own thoughts on it and possibilities for it. I’ll do my best to explain them but as a pre-warning I’m certainly no Morgoth when it comes to the written word of dissident literature, and this is likely to be a rather lengthy, rambling comment.
The difference between the dissident sphere of the last few years to that of the preceding decades is that there’s a much more general, widespread growth and development of an educated understanding of our enemies.
At first this might not seem to pose a particularly significant threat, but in the past decades it seemed as though intellectual challenges against the ideological doctrines of our enemies from the dissident right, came from somewhat isolated individuals that could be relatively easily discredited, vilified and all but excommunicated from academic circles. Such challenges have almost entirely been in the form of ‘debate’ which in reality meant an individual debating a whole panel of people before a hostile, heckling audience carefully hand-picked for this purpose.
The last few years, however, have seen the dissident right - while remaining firmly committed to it - have begun diverging in numerous directions - typically on specific fields and topics they’re well-versed and highly educated in; be it language, psychology, architecture, the arts and numerous others - and engaging our enemies on the several fronts on which we have been under attack. This is already a greater and more effective strategy than simply focusing on the necessity of a strong physical presence and violent action alone, which is not going just suddenly going to burst forth from nowhere given the current demoralised, repressed and downtrodden population.
Many if not most of us now are no longer willing to continue to stagnate in the decades of inertia resulting from trading words in futile battles against them in arenas built entirely on the ideas and concepts of our enemies and where the spectator seats are packed with their screeching, hissing comrades. That our enemies know that such an increasing level of knowledge and understanding of them is growing throughout the dissident sphere overall - as well as the ‘turning away’ which was quite excellently expounded upon by Morgoth in a previous essay - is certainly not going to be a cause for them to celebrate, but the more intelligent - or those who have some critical, unbiased perspective of human history at any rate - may also understand the real danger of this premise, and understand that a real hatred will very likely emerge in the future... and they will be very likely be directly in the firing line when it does.
Maybe they’re eager for us to be destroyed before that really does happen?
This may not be the only reason for this underlying fear as they will actually have a lot more to be afraid of than just our wrath alone - which incidentally would be the most merciful they could hope for - but their endless flood of vitriol which is underpinned by this fear is exclusively directed against us, day in day out with no provocations or threats from us, so I can only infer from this that we are also the source of their perturbations.
If you read all THAT, then thank you for your patience!
I agree. I actually think their fear comes from two places:
1. Awareness. As you point out the growing awareness and the willingness of articulate people to publish insights, like Morgoth. You are correct that in the past these could be written off as lone gunmen, cranks banging on about immigrants or feminists. But we are now seeing a kind of synthesis emerging from social observers. Even just simple observations about WEF plans or responses to Covid. It is harder to write it all off as conspiracy.
2. They are failing. Covid demonstrated a solid 20 percent didn't buy the hype. Perhaps even as high as 25 percent. With continued propaganda (e.g. boosters, more fear) that actually rose to 30 or 40 percent in my view. From their point of view, that is a fail. More propaganda equalled more resistance. So much for behavioural psychology.
What we are seeing is an acceleration of their plans. In Britain where Morgoth lives this is a hard push for Net Zero and other climate goals, significantly more immigration and censorship. You can get away with some of that if you do it slowly and boil the frog. You get away with less when it is sudden and blatant. And that is what we are seeing.
Finally, the more they interfere the more we understand they are no better at planning than we are. Their plans are complex and doomed to fail anyway. They also rely on others to implement. That is fine if you have three decades at your disposal. But is less effective if you have to move fast.
Great observations mate and yes I agree; those are certainly failures.
I have thought the same regarding time as well; it’s something that they are as powerless to control as we are. I know that it’s taken several decades to arrive at this point, but once they begin being as outwardly blatant as they have become, it cannot be undone and there’s no going back to the drawing board for them now.
Eventually the constant attacking, chipping away at and wearing down of the old social order could only make what we’re seeing across the contemporary Western world inevitable in the late stages either way; it could only suffer so much damage before the results become tellingly clear. I feel like that has a lot to do with what we’re witnessing now.
At first I questioned this somewhat sudden, outward blatancy as there didn’t appear to be any strategic or tactical motive behind it that made any sense; it only proved that the people they derided as conspiracy theorists not even very long before were actually right, and revealed the extent of their ideological extremism to the whole general public.
I was looking for a sinister, yet not immediately conspicuous motive lurking in the background that would deliver a secondary, devastating blow but yet all I could see was cock-sure arrogance and stupidity. I would at least have assumed that they would have waited until most of the potential fight had been well and truly crushed out of us, and the potential danger to them from us was at an absolute minimal.
Then I began to realise that I was actually overestimating the abilities and intelligence of many of our enemies.
From here on out though, I feel that 3 decades is time that our enemies do not have. The time of subversion is now over, all their systems and machinations are not sustainable and even if people didn’t do anything particularly drastic to remove them at this point, they would still fail, one system after another.
Judging by their actions and at the rate they are going, it’s now as though a whole decade’s worth of planned ideological agenda is being crammed into barely a year, which is pretty much just chucking the frog in the boiling water. It seems to suggest they aren’t going to fail without inflicting as much destruction in their wake as they can. To be honest I’m now not too sure it’ll continue on like this here for even another ten years.
I’m actually not too far from Morgoth - Northwest England on the outskirts of Manchester.
I agree. I think the indecent haste will be part of their undoing along with the unrealistic nature of their goals. Plus they are relying on normals to implement it. The people actually establishing low emission zones aren't partying with Klaus Schwab, for example. They work in your local council. They are NPCs putting up rainbow posters because someone told them you get brownie points for being nice.
That's like you designing a house, with impeccable blueprints and planning permission, then handing the plans over to a team of six year olds because they are good with Lego. Plans are one thing, execution quite another.
England will survive, as will Britain generally. Even mass immigration won't kill the British. It may actually reverse some of the midwit rot that plagues the West. The genteel political correctness and all the rest. There is nothing quite like being mugged by real life to accelerate the adoption of common sense.
One final thing. I am noticing more and more of the Current Things are really just being used by the political class to gain power. Net Zero is being pushed back by Sunak. Braverman is being given some space to challenge multiculturalism. That kind of thing. None of them believe any of that stuff, so that gives a little hope.
I agree with your thesis that they are out to destroy us quickly before it gets out of hand for them.
The primary tools of destruction have already been deployed in the all cause mortality death mRNA serum and the coming 10 million migrants to replace the 20 million vaccinated (primarily white) boomers.
The replacements for labour have already been built (androids) . So it appears a terminator like future awaits us. If we can save 5 to ten million native Brits out of this war we will be doing ok
I often get blackpilled when people describe the machinations of the regime. Because often they're made out to seem impenetrable or like perfect systems of tyranny, without flaw or weakness.
But I've come to realise that the more absolute and omnipotent an analysis is, the more likely it is to be a poor analysis.
The way in which you've laid out the hivemind theory here makes it very clear how efficient and intimidating this mechanism is, but you can also see how it's imperfect. Which I think makes it more on the mark. Which is less blackpilling.
It also, via the Over-libs, gives a tangible target to focus on like the Brain-Bug in Starship Troopers. Something which the Lawrence Fox types fail to do.
Could we call breadTube a “meme-stealer cult”?
The organisms described remind one of the monsters from the Starship Troopers first movie. Basic ground creatures followed by an airborne creature then bigger creatures until the “ Brain “ creature.
Didn’t matter how many lesser creatures were killed they kept coming.
But once the “ Brain “ is removed, the rest will die .
Hopefully our monsters will devour each other sooner rather than later.
Sir, I can't say much more other than when you're on, you're really on. Brilliant!
Jesus, this is like a bad trip..
Very well articulated and quite fun, I like the pictures and big comparisons yet jokes aside it still illustrates how this engineered mass all plays off its different parts. Like a jig saw puzzle, everything just happens to line up Everytime. But of course the normies will say it's completely coincidental and organic. Very much the "will of the people"
Another belter, Morgoth!
I couldn’t help imagining this - with a bit of work fleshing out the enemies and so on - being developed into a Fantasy RPG game! The dungeons could be designed as state institutions with identity group stereotypes and government entities as bosses and everything!
Like Skyrim but instead of dragons, there’s tu-tone hair dyed, butch, blobby, bellowing feminists- well alright I suppose there’s dragons in this one, too...
The Heroic Morgoth - The One They Really Fear - dwells in the darkened, skidmarked lands of ToiletRim where he rises to meet his destiny- just as the bogscrolls foretold he would - to retrieve the divine Sword Of Soap, a holy weapon tempered, honed and lathered in the legendary bath of social cleansing, to defeat the Ultimate Overlib and vanquish the Shitlib scourge forever from the realm, and restore the green and pleasant lands of his ancestors!
If you really aren’t around in a year from now though, then in another year after that I suppose we’ll probably all meet in person in the salt mines!
Haha Nice.
I've hedged my bets that Substack will be the safest port in the storm and I try not to step on any landmines in terms of the language I use. But there's some squalls coming that's for sure.
It does seem a pretty good platform; I’ve come across quite a few good writers I would never have known about otherwise, but yeah you can never be too careful. I’m even careful not to be too explicit about that certain tribe of longnoses that get instantly auto-shoah’d by YT algorithm these days.
I mentioned to someone else in another comment that it seems as though a whole decades’ worth of ideological agenda is being rushed out and stuffed into barely one year at a time, so things might be around the corner much sooner than some might expect.
There can’t be 10 years left in this system so at least we’ll see what transpires next. It won’t be pleasant but these times are indeed hellish.
An astute analysis. The eusocial colony superorganism is a very fit strategy, used by the most successful insect species, so it makes sense that they would self-organize along those lines. Likewise, dank meme culture is actually applying the strategy of viruses to information (replication, mutation, recombination), which again, is highly effective. So both sides are borrowing from the natural world, albeit subconsciously.
An important aspect of their strategy, as you suggested, is to disguise their structure and operations, wearing veils of "democracy", "rights", and "popular will"; thus, incisive analysis like this is important. As their tools & methods get more powerful, we too get better intel on what we're facing.
As an American, I've noticed that these tendrils of control have a tighter grip on our colonies and client states, such as the UK. It seems like they experimentally push their methods further over there, instead of the metropole where it's more difficult, thanks to pesky documents like the Constitution & Bill of Rights, as well as the Red States that support them.
>On rare occasions such as ... we witness the rare and terrifying ‘‘Super-Convergence’’ in which the various liberal superorganisms across the West all merge into one single, overwhelming, libtard biomass.
this sentence is genuinely funny, but it's also dark humor, given the reality of the situation.
There is something quite profound about the insight that this system works like an insect colony. It explains how so many otherwise intelligent people are able to participate in the lower levels of the system without overt instruction or organisation. They operate by 'intuition', a remarkable quality that amazes us when we watch documentaries about the natural world: migrating birds, bee swarms, the feeding of offspring, the piglet seeking its mother's teat. But here the intuitions at work are dark and malign.
The article got me thinking about how the human mind is not separate from the natural world of birds, viruses and insects but part of it, connected to it: we too have our instincts and some of them are base and should be resisted. For me as a Buddhist I think this is how we humans can be 'reborn' as insects and animals: they unthinkingly behave like them so habitually and without resistance that the habit becomes an unescapable reality for them in the next life. But to resist is the path to the gods.
A new euphemism for out levantine friends "sleepers" . Excellent article
Yes, their technical capabilities increase exponentially while their intellectual capacity is shriveling up.