Incidentally, you can listen to our Classic Movies stream on Watership Down here.


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"Warhammer 40k for rabbits" still makes me laugh

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The great hope for me seems to be the abandon with which our current masters are embracing their power. We see talk of reclassifying misogyny as a form of terrorism, to pick one example. That is being considered right now as we speak. So the next time you piss off the wife the SAS might come smashing through your front window.

The absurdity of what they are doing is now so blatant it must be converting normals into skeptics. The overreaction to the protests mentioned above is one example. The Establishment perhaps think that Labour's supermajority in parliament is a reflection of the country's mood. And it is precisely this arrogant misreading of situations that seems to characterize the modern liberal state at its end point. They now represent no one but themselves, they only mix with others like themselves and never hear an opposing view. So sensible questions about public policy do sound to them like racism, extreme misogyny, trans hate and all the rest.

We are witnessing what the delusional do when they achieve actual power. They wreck because their world view is inaccurate, as Britain's recent protests demonstrated. Their days are numbered as this level of disconnect from reality is dysfunctional.

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I've got my fingers crossed for you, man. Was just thinking today - worrying, really - that I'd wake up soon to the news that you'd been doxxed, arrested, and sent downriver for the next few years, for the crime of .. whatever the hell they decide to charge you with, really, they don't seem to care.

Guess we can put away AA's prediction that they'd put the woke away.

Regarding the external appearance of totalitarianism, people always fixate on the late stages, when its fully developed and out in the open; the early phases, when it still creeps and hides and camouflages itself, never occurs to them. People also fail to account for cultural differences. Its manifestation in Germany or Russia won't look like its manifestation in Britain. Of course! Because where it appears, it must calibrate its disguise for the eyes of the target culture.

I do not think we are in the early phases of this, however. The soft totalitarianism in Britain, and everywhere else, has been there for decades. The mask is ripped off now. The system is having to use naked force, openly violating the principles it pretended to defend. And it can't provide the comfortable prosperity with which until recently it pacified the populace. This is the behavior of a panicking regime that knows it has lost the mandate of heaven. It may hang on for years yet, but the writing is on the wall.

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I'm not as worried as I used to be about being doxed, I think it's something that comes with getting old and not having much to prove etc. I just don't see why I should make it easy for them.

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The doxxing isn't the part that concerns me, it's you getting locked up that has me worried.

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I agree. Id argue much of it is desperation. When you are locking up housewives for Facebook comments you are not in a confident position.

And they sense the end more acutely than us because of what it will do to them. And the more blatant the show of power the harder it is for fence sitters to rationalize it all.

Ruling via propaganda is tricky. It has to be maintained, and the propagandists are now the ones ruining their act. Masks off indeed.

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The desired effect of self doubt when writing comments or in your case, Morgoth, an article has been achieved by the extreme actions of Starmer and the judiciary. Can we steel ourselves? How capable are they of checking every single article or post on social media? They appear desperate to put across an omnipotent power in this regard. I have to admit I don't want to put it to the test and I'm really resentful about that. I have recently been going through old posts and comments and deleting a few myself. I'm so angry the England I knew is being taken away.

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It will be an age rich in metaphor and euphemism.

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Years ago a Polish friend showed me a documentary on the punk scene in the 80s, during the Solidarity movement. That is exactly what they did. Cloak every lyric in metaphor, so that the censors had no idea what they were on about ... but their audiences did.

You have the soul of a poet. If anyone can rise to this occasion it is you.

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Cheers John.

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The Poet of the North is exactly what Britain needs right now. I have this itching feeling Morgoth is going to be one of the most important political commentators of this century. Eloquent, yet well understood and reasonable. Definitely on my top 5 writer/video essayist list

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Indeed, however, we can always discuss it explicitly between friends in hushed tones in the pub.

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Unless old bird with the red hair is still knocking about ;)

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Glad you mentioned the judiciary. Their role has been critical in this. Regime bootlickers every one of them.

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Have been doing likewise, deleting whole social media pages and accounts I've had for years. It's insane.

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"and now we must survive and hopefully escape"

The coming decade - probably several decades, are going to be about survival. The idea that the bovine, and increasingly non-white public are going to elect a nationalist government who will issue a decree that the foreigners must leave, is a total fantasy.

We need to get serious and accept that there is no quick or easy fix to this.

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God protect you, Morgoth and may you sleep well at night for the rest of your days.

Everyone has 'toned' down their commentary over the last few weeks, even anons on youtube comments sections. The psy op or what ever it was has certainly had a very real effect Nation wide.

They can't censor their way out of this, however so all we can do is see 'what's next' and cautiously try to understand it.

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I saw the writing on the wall back in 2018 and so my content was ''safe''. I feel I've been vindicated just because I'm still about.

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The scale of it is a worry I must admit. And the delusion. It doesn't take much now to trip the alarms.

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Buckle up buckaroo, the only way out is through.

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Apparently Putin is offering westerners a way out:


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Its funny that you trust kleptocrat ruskies who would just as quickly skin you as give you a blanket and a warm cup of tea. If you've fallen for the "we're chad trad muscle boys and the west are all soy liberals" narrative so hard then the more power to you, but Russia is anything but your friend, if you look beyond their power projection propaganda their economy is on life support and their demography is in decline worse than most western nations because of how corrupt and failed their state is.

Just because they aren't the same brand of liberal managerial as your current overlords doesn't make them shining beacons of purity and beauty. They are just as much if not more corrupted by modernism than the west.

If I hated you I would say "that's a great idea, visit your nearest Russian embassy today."

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Calm down sunshine! I was only pointing it out. I'm not suggesting you do it. As far as I'm concerned, it isn't me who should be leaving.

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No, I will not calm down. If your blood isn't pumping yet you're a friend to the mangerials and there's not really much any self respecting person should say to you.

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This, like your previous reply, is unnaturally shrill and hysterical.

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Lmao. The second someone doesn't buy the shit you shovel they're a state actor. Did I piss in your corn flakes that bad or are you always a petulant janny for russian apologetics? I bet you're not even paid. I bet you do it for free. Can't wait for your next canned response.

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More corrupted by modernism than the west? How so?

Where are their open borders? Why aren't their churches draped in rainbow flags?Why aren't they castrating their children?

I am not disagreeing with everything you said, but how are they more corrupted by modernism than the western world?

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What are the rates of alcoholism, hard drug use, and organized crime? It's funny how pro Russian psychofans always seem to ignore those statistics. How about the governments open secret of using organized crime as a part of its enforcement and cybersecurity apparatus? How about the fact that the church is subservient to the nationalist propaganda and agendas of the government and are essentially puppets of the regime. How about the fact that the only thing keeping Russia afloat are fragile oil exports and gold reserves they are spending an unprecedented rate?

I think it's exceptionally hilarious that you would trust a foreign state who's language you don't speak, a place and a people you've never visited before and have no ties too, and a government that was handed the legacy of the Soviet Empire but which also has trouble riding their tanks through a glorified grain field. It's really nationalist and trad of you to completely abandon your homeland for a culture and a people who want nothing to do with you or your values.

As I said in my previous comment, they may not be the same brand of liberal managerial as your current overlords, but they are not trad. By all means, lead yourself and your fellow trad rebels into the maw of the cold beast that is the modern Russian state. I won't stop you hahaha. I'm sure you won't be locked in a windowless concrete cell somewhere beneath the Kremlin and ransomed back to the west for political currency.

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"I am not disagreeing with everything you said"

I recognize problems with Russia and Putin.

You come off as unhinged as Lindsay Graham in your hatred of Russia.

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He has Russia Derangement Syndrome.

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I don't care what you think of me or my opinions. I think it would be really funny if you visited Russia under the delusion that your nation and Russia are not currently involved in a very serious war and are under war time contengencies. If you don't consider the Ukraine war a giant glaring warning sign that things are rotten in the west and in Russia then I'm sorry to say you've bought in to the propaganda on both sides.

You seem to live in fantasy world that gives a shit about your well being beyond the numbers on the sheets of paper that represent you in the states eyes. The only people in reality who actually give a shit about you beyond what you represent in a database are your friends and family. If you don't have many of those it still doesn't mean that moving to a hostile state where you don't even speak the language, and that your country is at war with is a good idea. I shouldn't have to explain this to anybody. If you don't understand this then you are operating on a level of geopolitical awareness equal to that of a toddler.

There is so much currently collapsing behind the scenes of these pageants and so much being lost as we speak. If you want to be a part of the hundreds of millions or potentially billions that are about to be swept away under the collapse of globalism then be my guest. Move to Russia with faith in your heart that it's a land of sunshine and roses and that you'll be guaranteed a beautiful slav wife and a wonderful homestead and won't instead, at the very best, be trapped in a crime ridden drug strewn hellhole tenement block. Go ahead and pretend, get your passport and your tickets ready and get on a plane to one of its puppet states. Don't let anything I've said here upset you on the ride over.

Run away from your problems, run away from your homeland, run away from the petty tyrants. Instead of biding your time, picking up a sword, and waiting for the right moment to take back what's yours shackle yourself to a Russian ball and chain. Faulter under the weight of your own fear. I won't stop you.

For the rest of us who aren't so chicken shit to go running into the sickening arms of daddy putin I'll say it again.

Buckle up buckaroo, the only way out is through.

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Drug use (fentanyl, meth, etc) and alcoholism are much worse here in the US than they used to be. In fact, I saw a graph recently showing that the US has lower life expectancy for adult males than Russia now.

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Ok. Have fun freezing your ass off in a Siberian gulag then. Send me a postcard.

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Always good to get a Morgoth notification! The tragedy is that we all sense something big is in the offing this autumn but, like defenders in ranks behind a great door, can only ready ourselves to withstand the power of the giant battering ram to come....

Call me naive but I do think they simply cannot ban/imprison all of us, and that we would rally behind our bravest and brightest, should they be threatened. With Southport, the genie is out of the bottle and he won't go back in. We the people - lest we forget, Starmer knows that 80% of those who could vote didn't vote for him and his replicant apparatchiks - will be heard. He is already loathed having been in power for 10 minutes.

The next five years (will these ******* even last that long?) are not going to be pretty. How could they be? But one way or another we will be heard. The natural order will reassert itself at some stage somewhere (and not over a bloody rainbow!).

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I can't see them making it to 18 months. Reality is already intruding.

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Yes, Ive said similar. Not least of all due to the total contridiction that is Labours voter base: gays and muslims. Plus the iq levels of his front bench are unnaturally low even for politicians. But also growing economic problems that will be magnified thanks to the economic burden of the UK housing unending numbers of the third world. If it's not a visit from the imf in next year eighteen months it'll be societal breakdown from this idiots increasing Draconian measures.

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I don't see them lasting a year.

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I remember we talked about how people have changed from saying "we need to change the system before we're done for" to "I need to get out before it's too late" just a few years back. I think we'll start to hear such sentiments a whole lot more in the current, and in the near future.

It doesn't feel very good to entertain such ideas, but I'm not looking down on people doing or preparing for it now anymore, as Britain's really on the move for a rough ride over the cliff and down the ravine.

Efrafa indeed, and there'll be many throats ripped out before it either hits rock bottom or manages to stall and smooth out the trajectory a little, and so escape the devastating impact.

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I won't be leaving. But there's a discussion to be had on people's priorities especially when they're worrying about their kids.

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Not that I've put much thought into it for myself, and I wouldn't even know where to go if the opportunity or instant need came about. But if I still had small children, I might (likely, rather) really start to think about finding a safe and sane place for them to get to adulthood without being slashed, or groomed, or made to think insanity is both nornmal and good.

You're a proper Englishman Morgs - at least that's how I see you, and I'm glad to (still) hear you will be staying put in the land where you rightfully belong.

(edit: typo)

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I think there is a profound reluctance on the part of the powers that be to fully switch over to hard power authoritarianism on a wide scale. I found the recent situation with a certain contagious disease instructive: It was well within their grasp to have wide public support for really harsh measures against dissidents, if they had dialed up the propaganda just a tiny little bit. The fact that they did not choose to go down that route, even though it appeared absolutely feasible, is significant. And, contrary to the circumstances back then, public support for such harsh measures today and on this topic is much, much lower. Of course, being circumspect appears to be a wise move in this day and age in any case.

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I the ''next one'' will be different and far more focused on digital infrastructure, banking and the iPhone than the previous hard lockdown. The overall effect will probably be worse, but feel softer.

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I think the system basically runs on the gigantic amount of political capital that has been accumulated in the long decades of the post-war period. When will it have been fully spent? In the past few years, it has been burnt away at an exceptionally fast rate and, in my opinion, wantonly so at an even faster rate than actually "necessary".

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The discussion around ''putting the woke away'' was essentially asking whether they're competent enough to shore up what political capital they have, purely out of self interest. Bizarrely, they've gone full bore on the retardation.

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TBH, I still feel that AA will win his cigar and that Trump will win the presidency (assuming the United States will be what determines the outcome of cigar slam). It is puzzling to see that other countries in the West appear to have taken a different tack. A course correction may still happen, though.

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England could end up being torn between White and Red, like Bolshevik Russia: White Russians living in exile and the rest of the population trapped inside Soviet Russia. I can easily see that happening in England now.

The problem: the UK does not have the Soviet Union's vast resources. The talented Brits will flee along with the tax base and the skills necessary to maintain a modern country. The illegals will not be able to fill that void~The UK, bankrupt and rapidly falling into total ruin, will implode.

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One challenge I wonder about, inspired on a comment above, is that with the huge influx of people with no interest or attachment to The England described in the piece, no knowledge, experience or expectation of the values now being destroyed very publicly, then there's not a simple divide such as that between red or white Russians (who were mostly Russian).

Whilst the natives are dividing, left or right, progressive or conservative, leave or remain - as we've seen - then the huge and rapidly growing population a) whose interests and incentives are to avoid at all costs what many of us would like to see and b) who will benefit from the division, decay and destruction happening- exacerbated by the additional incentives they receive from being a special class, some sort of victim elite.

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I think the government has already lost control of the situation and is spiraling. I think the Leftists haven't yet grasped what is really happening (England is collapsing) and expect things to keep moving along as they have been. The liberals have lost the plot. The liberals are in for a shock. I don't see hidden and shadowy genius at work, I see short-sighted and ignorant power grabs and looting.

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I wouldn't hold it against anyone who wanted to get out now.

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Where would they go? Every country founded by or indigenously White has anti-Whiteness as core state policy.

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Excellent as always Morgoth.

My mum had the book "Watership Down" prominently displayed in the living room bookcase. The cover of her copy had a black silhouetted rabbit with its white teeth seemingly glaring in a display of desperation. It gave me a sense as a small child that it wasn't all about frolicking bunny rabbits.

Then a few years later I saw the film.

Yes, those green and pleasant meadows are within reach for most of us with a short drive. But we are now all being crushed and suffocated in a human rabbit warren in day to day life.

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I just ordered the book for a few quid.

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At the end of A Clockwork Orange a government minster talked about the need to empty the prisons to make room for political prisoners.

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Dystopian fiction seems particularly English; apart from Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We" every such novel I know is English: 1984, Brave New World, That Hideous Strength, 'The Scouring of the Shire' chapters of LotR, the Watership Down passages you mention. I can't think of anything comparable in the other literatures (Italian, German, French) I'm familiar with. Wonder if it's something deep in our psyche from the Norman Conquest; or maybe the British identity achieved a clarity & depth denied the continental peoples.

The hatred our ruling classes feel for us is also (in my experience) unique. It goes beyond disdain for the peasantry, it seems like real racial hatred.

My guess is, the regime occasionally consider having you doxxed but are aware it might a) make no real difference to your life, and b) just draw more attention to your writings.

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Their hatred of us is psychotic.

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Best of luck Morgoth and you're in my thoughts. I'd suggest you move out but I know that advice falls on deaf ears, and I also know and respect why that's the case. My biggest fear is that the UK apparatus is switching to East Germany mode, namely they're sitting on (and adding fiction to) files on everyone, and are content to use them when they feel like making an arrest. For my part, if I read a news story that so-and-so has been arrested for pictures on their laptop I now immediately assume it's a government op.

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This is the best essay I have ever read.

Conscription will not work now. The working class white men the British (or most Western governments need) will not comply. The Leftist agenda has been fully revealed and the white working classes will not support their own undoing.

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Wow, thanks Joe.

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As I've said before, GAEmerican social engineering is pushed further in the client states & colonies than in the metropole. I've observed the goings-on in the UK, Canada and Australia with trepidation, knowing that this is what they have planned for all of us. At this point, I look forward to a crash, knowing this would at least be better than their brave new world. Sometimes, when order turns to evil, the storm-winds of chaos are exactly what's needed.

On another note, the epilogue to LotR, The Scouring of the Shire, seems increasingly prescient.

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Hi Morgoth, thanks again.

Rule number one to never wake up the normie is mess with their kids, nothing makes them take to the streets like that. The British Establishment has scored a massive own goal. Social Media is awash with comments asking why this is being allowed to happen and why the government is allowed to do this, and even blame whytes for a very natural reaction (something which would happen in any other country especially the countries these stabby people come from).

The blinkers are coming off of the normie.

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