Since I published this article Ben Shapiro and others like him are spreading around the news that 40 babies were beheaded. I thought the fake airshow footage was crazy. Stay frosty out there folks.

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Yes, like the SS bayoneting babies, like Iraqis turning off incubators, like Assad gassing his own people etc etc. However, recent horrors that have stood open scrutiny are the massacre of millions of German civilians by fire bombing and communist butchery and the mass rape of hundreds of thousands of white English children by Muslims, both of which are suppressed by the media. Go figure...

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Took the words right out of my mouth ....

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40 gorillian babies, surely?

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Excellent "Big Picture" stuff again Morgoth. The decline of the West cannot be overstated. It's just that our puppet leaders (weak men) are continuing to act as if it isn't happening. But reality is now catching up for the public to see.

I have two takes from this for the near-term future. To the shitlibs - I say this - after witnessing the recent imports celebrating the massacre of your favourite people in our capital cities - are you waking up yet to what you have done? And secondly, to whoever controls the media and the narrative - I say this - why is it when white children are blown up at a pop concert by Muslims - we are told "don't look back in anger?" Yet when it's Israeli children in an identical situation, you sit idly by and watch and report a genocidal retaliation against them?

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To answer your first question, no. I do think what we see regarding support for rainbow nations is literal programming. Its appeal is the lack of thought it requires.

If we throw in the personality disorders that seem common, like narcissism, there is considerable brain power devoted to not seeing reality and maintaining their own private delusion.

I recently watched an interview where a gay journalist argued robustly in favour of multiculturalism, especially Muslim enrichment. It is impossible to work out what can be going through his mind since he will be top of the list for flying lessons when they assert themselves.

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I think the public are waking up. When they see hyperinflated media concerns for Ukrainian and Israeli borders and wellbeing, with none whatsoever being shown for US or European interests, they must be noticing. But I take your point, the "Gays for Palestine" banner wavers are like you say completely deluded and beyond help. The Iranian revolution, an Islamist / communist affair proved this as as you say, as soon as the Islamists gained power, the first people they shot and jailed were their useful idiot collaborators.

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There must be some seeing these border disputes and people defending their territory and joining a few dots.

That said, our version is the joys of multiculturalism, not an invasion. Vibrancy etc. Sadly that is all it takes for many to ignore the parallels.

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You make good valid points. But let's see how the indigenous Europeans react and their controlled media handle the behaviour of the excitable young Muslim hordes in European capital cities if Gaza is shortly flattened, or worse, if the conflict broadens...

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Agree. That is uncontrollable to the elites.

If the Israelis see through their pressure cooker plan and lay siege we will see more than protests in western nations. Maybe some burned synagogues. Perhaps violence against western governments who are bound to openly support Israel.

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Really is a 'bottom text, don't care' feeling I have for this, could not give a rats arse about what is happening over in Arab land.

Wish there was more serious discussion being had with regards to Britian and solutions.

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There's plenty of solutions, just no power or the ability to gain it. It's the hard bottleneck of censorship and being financially crippled.

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Maybe power accusation shouldn't be what "we" push/ aim for, more a fuck up "their" ability to rule/ use power instead?

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I'm with you, I literally don't care what happens in that godforsaken desert on the other side of the planet. The only concern that I have is the inevitable flood of fighting-aged "refugees" who will soon be pounding their vibrant diversity into our heads.

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Then train to ready yourself for that, there are no excuses when it arrives.

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I'm off social media, apart from a few blogs I suppose. I heard the news of course and I'm not terribly happy about it. My first thoughts were more along the lines of something you touched on: things are crumbling. Or perhaps to put it another, poetic way: 'things fall apart; The center cannot hold.' I've been feeling that since the 21st century started and it just seems to be accelerating.

In the midst of 'wars and rumors of wars', my worry is: what's coming next?

The loss of American power and authority, which had kept the wars small more or less since 1946, since the 2020 coup has emboldened bad actors world wide.

Buckle up, plant gardens, gun up. Things are likely to get worse. Especially if you live in Taiwan, is my guess.

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Please allow me a confession: I wasn´t sure if you, dear Mr. Morgoth, would be equal to the task of finding the appropriate tone on the New Current Thing. Well, turns out my doubts were unfounded and you were - equal, that is.

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Thanks. I suppose I'm setting out my stall as aloof and blackpilled on this issue.

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This crisis has exposed just how much of the so called Right is still stuck inside the Zio/ NeoCon paradigm. Britain First's Twitter account looked like it had been hacked by Mossad.

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We're up to beheaded babies now I see, since I published the article.

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People who can avidly support full term abortion shouldn’t blench at that. It’s a regular occurrence here.

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Fair point.

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The only part of this I care about is the left's several own-goals when they explicitly said what Hamas was doing was decolonization. The more they say the quiet part out loud, the easier our job becomes.

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Great analysis on the mind boggling stuff that passes for news. On a lighter note Morgoth it seems the Home Secretary has decided to drop plans to house migrants at the Strady Park Hotel in LLanelli. Hats off to the good people of Furnace. The Power of the Powerless eh.

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I too have seen wild speculation on these events. I think your take is the safest, most grounded understanding at this juncture -- Israel and Ukraine are forward bases of GAE, they are showing serious signs of cracks & strain, and the next will be Taiwan. It's also interesting to see how quickly the propaganda machine can pivot from one theater to the next, while the NPCs seemingly remain oblivious.

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There are regular flare ups of this intractable dispute. At the moment, I don't see this as any different to the other occasions. The commodities that jump drastically in value when big shit kicks-off have only risen modestly. I can see how this may be a usable distraction from the mess in Ukraine and also useful for domestic political purposes of both GB and USA governments that are trying to manage terminal declines. I could be misreading the situation, but I don't see this particular flare up as a prolonged event. The Gaza strip is a small area compared to Ukraine, so if the jews aim is to go full scorched earth, it won't take a lengthy time. Media narratives can disappear as quickly as they arrive.

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With every new current thing, the ideological factions involved become more fractured, the pundits more hypocritical and the positions they must hold more contradictory. This goes for both sides of spectrum as entropy is inescapable. We just have to have faith that we’ll know truth at the end of all of this.

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I am also confused as to whether “the next new thing “ is purposefully manufactured or an accident of crumbling empire. That there always is a next new thing on a consistent timeline of 12-18 months seems suspicious, but may be coincidental. I do know that no matter how gruesome these events are they are used to distract us from even bigger issues- or if not bigger at least issues that affect more of us personally, double digit inflation, the death of family formation, unaffordable housing, the scooping up of all the assets in the world, especially family homes and farms, by private equity firms. Combine this with suspiciously high rates of infertility and it is clear that humans have become surplus to purpose, and need to be cut back by any means possible to manageable levels for future serfdom. Wars serve that purpose openly deflecting attention from Bill Gates and the UN’s sick and twisted agenda to prevent births by any means.

The erosion of empathy is a brilliant observation, when Australia has a mob chanting “gas the Jews” on the steps of the Sydney opera house you clearly see how our “don’t look back in anger” policy of assuming moslems would just assimilate all our warmth and acceptance and play nice has failed utterly. The past few years have seen increasing empowerment of criminal violence, so why is this surprising? The message has been out there that any action by any group that considers itself aggrieved for any reason is acceptable, even laudable. And many of these protected groups are on a rock-paper-scissors collision course.

We in America are in late 1920’s Berlin mode. What happens next won’t be pretty.

As to sides, I am myself half Arab, but the people behind this don’t care how many Palestinians are killed as long as they make a big splash. And I have to admire what Israel has done in a part of the world where functional, productive countries are pretty rare, no matter how much help they get it is still an accomplishment. Everyone knows they have nuclear weapons and won’t go away without taking a lot of their neighbors with them.

The world grows more dangerous daily.

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Nice post. I am interested to get your take on who specifically is negotiating and what specifically are the items being negotiated for the decline. At a fundamental level for European peoples the world over we know that fundamentally our homelands, our cultures, our history, our habitats (both physical and professional), and the very lives of our posterity are being given away. It is hard to imagine anything more fundamental than your territory and your people's standing/access in/to the institutions built on them being given away. In the end, are we what is being negotiated and if so with whom? Or, are we just collateral in a grand bargain where something else is being traded?

A series on the who and what of managed/negotiated decline would be edifying.

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In the article I meant Decline in the broader Spenglerian sense, with specifically in mind the American Empire crumbling at the edges and the advent of hard geopolitical decisions in terms of where resources are to be sent.

In an article I'm working on I'll be returning to the theme of planned vs organic. We could list off the usual suspects handing the West away but in my view they and the fact they wield such power in the first place is a sign of decline, and of the fact we live in an Empire rather than sovereign nation states.

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I hope you don't mind, but I did an audio narration of this article.


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That's fine thank you. First I'm hearing of Praxarchy.

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Interesting...I don't know how I stumbled upon Praxarchy but you're article is featured. It was actually emailed to me direct by them. I look forward to reading more of your articles.

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Spare a thought for the poor Canadian Establishment. A few days back cheering & clapping an elderly gentleman ( with an appropriate war record ) due to his symbolism for the then “Current Thing “.

Alas a few days pass & it’s 180 degree handbrake turn & bending the knee in a totally different direction.

You don’t have to be an aged War Criminal member of a force who murdered innocents by the thousands to be staggered by the utter stinking hypocrisy !

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That is next level u-turning, impressive even by Canadian standards.

That said, these things are useful. Even the normals must be noticing these things.

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I would bet the farm on this being agitprop by Mossad. If not, then they are the most incompetent, overpaid, and over-hyped buffoons in history. So once again we are left with the question: incompetence or malice? I do find it awfully convenient that this attack has evaporated any talks of ousting Netanyahu and Lakud.

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My own suspicion is an organic attack allowed to happen. A bunch of poverty stricken Arabs flying in on gliders is pulp fiction stuff, especially in ultra paranoid Israel.

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