
As an aside, which relates to the conversation in the thread. Truth Stream Media who produce very thoughtful work in this area recently, on their second video about The Shining, said that the industrial revolution and in particular the invention of the steam engine was a result of an organized group with an agenda. I think ''The Moon Company''.

This I found interesting because the steam engine has long been my go-to example of an emergent, but world changing development. The point being, if history was pre-planned then there are limits on the scale of the plan due to technological innovation which would change the world.

To my surprise, they suggest even that is part of a plan. But this needs further investigation on my part.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Whether it’s incompetence (it’s not), indifference or malice, the outcomes are still the same. Malice should be assumed by default because the outcomes are evil. The regime and its enjoyers are really fond of “ignorance of the law is no excuse” except of course when it comes to their policy outcomes.

We should never grant any charity to the motives of these people. Start at any point in time during the past 60-70 years, hell the past 6-7 years especially and it’s crystal clear that their motives are malicious.

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The three treasons are interesting to think about, particularly as regards the motivations of our regime antagonists. Almost no one likes to think of themselves as the bad guy - humans naturally develop narratives that cast them in the role of the hero, at least as an ex post facto justification for what they would do anyhow out of pure self interest, but very often these narratives are a direct motivation for action.

So, take the Kalergi plan - the grand project to knit the planet together under the technocratic control of a 'nobility of the mind' as the count put it, with the world's people being mixed into a single rootless ethnos. Kalergi's vision explicitly hopes to attain a world without warfare, of general harmony and peace for all. Further, it retains a special, privileged place for those who manage this utopia.

Examination of Kalergi's project yields good reason to believe that it has been decisively influential in shaping elite opinion and, therefore, allegiance. One can see how it would be compelling to them, as it provides a higher moral purpose as sanction for the privilege achievement of the vision would provide. Institutions such as the EU and the UN are all in line with this vision, as are feminism, gender theory, mass immigration, the green new deal, the great reset ... even the phrase 'hate speech' seems to have been coined by Kalergi.

The point being, perhaps the elites are not malicious in the sense of being motivated by hatred for the common man. And perhaps it is not mere indifference arising from the venal desire for big line go up. Maybe the callousness is the pitiless disregard for suffering that emerges from ideological zeal - they see themselves as sculptors, and our lives and nations as clay in their hands. Whatever pain they inflict, whatever misery we endure, is all justified in their minds by the greater benefit of the utopia they are shaping for us. Whether we want it or not.

Personally, I find this far more chilling than mere greed or malice.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Morgoth

The incompetence viewpoint is also intellectually reassuring. The man who is tolerating an idiotic job to pay a crippling mortgage and being made to feel like a stranger in his own country can laugh at the morons running the country who earn six-figure salaries, and proclaim his indifference to politics because, "They're all the same. They're all a shower of gangsters," etc. Then he can stretch out on his couch to watch his football of a Wednesday evening because what else would you do in a country run by morons?

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Morgoth

There´s another quality, or lack thereof, to all these policies that casts doubt on the motivation which I would call a conspicuous lack of moderation or plain decency for lack of a better expression. For example, assume somebody did run the numbers and came to the "scientific" conclusion that mass immigration really is necessary for e.g. demographic reasons. Would that policy not be more successful and more amenable to the people if individual criminals and gangs were harshly punished and potentially deported rather than being treated with kiddie gloves? It´s not like such a policy would be a noticeable deterrent to immigration as such, perhaps to the contrary. Likewise with electric vehicles. Why do they have to outright ban combustion engines - in terms of "climate", going from say 80% EVs to 99% EVs has little benefit, especially if you encourage the use of smaller cars with less weight to move around. All these policies don´t hold up even within their own paradigm and there´s always a sometimes small but in any case obvious element of apparently irrational sadism in them.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Morgoth

I think this essay does a first rate job of showing how unlikely it is that any of the things recently brought in by our elders and betters to destroy western civilization are inadvertent. The massive amounts of money sloshing around pharmaceuticals in the US completely account for what happened during Covid. The energy at the center of these ideas are demonic, the way they can’t perceive the irony of shouting down and drowning out or intimidating off the stage viewpoints they disagree with while claiming free speech would be funny if it weren’t terrifying to think these are the future elites. The idea that intellectuals relentlessly destroy has been with us for a long time, but never with so much coordinated and ruthless success in so much of the world. The destruction of the family has been a triumph. Even those who still aspire to it have come to agree with their keepers that they simply can’t afford it. Women have stifled their biological imperative with anti depressants and go on destroying rather than creating life.

It’s infuriating to think about how much they’ve gotten away with by denouncing detractors as conspiracy theorists. Blind greed, ambition, and learned hatred of your immediate ancestors may not be a conspiracy but they’re not exactly innocent good intentions and shouldn’t be let off the hook.

I agree this would make a great Morgcast.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Morgoth

An outstanding essay, Morgoth. You really get to the crux of it all in a succinct, elegant yet hard-hitting manner.

This work deserves - nay, needs - to be disseminated as widely as possible. You really should use this for a spoken version. Top-drawer stuff.

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I like this extended discussion quite a bit.

Well done.

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The Eugyppius take regarding these matters is at least helpful for thinking through the extent of institutional incompetence owing to misguided idealism and girlish stupidity involved in all this. I recommend reading his Substack, even though I agree ultimately with your take.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Fascinating stuff, glad I checked in and saw this. Also looking forward to watching the video you did on Mad Max. Morgoth, I watch Max Igan's videos and sometimes think to myself, "I wonder if Morgoth is watching this and what the heck he makes of it. " Haha. I must read some Heineman. With people endlessly going on about bloody AI and this ChatGPT shite, I am always referring them to the idea of a Butlerian Jihad, although I've not read that one yet.

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I agree with Morgoth that we're well past attributing the regime's policies to stupidity. At this point the only question is: do they do these things from indifference, or malice? I'd like to suggest that their policies start out from a position of indifference and then ofttimes escalate to malice.

The indifference is easy to understand. Does a rancher care about the feelings of his herd? If he switches their feed from one mixture to another it's not because he thinks they'll like the second feed more, it's generally due to some other reason completely divorced from the cow altogether- perhaps the new feed is cheaper, perhaps the change has been mandated by the government, perhaps he's simply having an argument with the guy who runs the feed store and so he's buying from somewhere else out of spite. But what all these possibilities have in common is that at no time does he consider the desires of his cattle. He doesn't hate them, he simply doesn't care.

How does this sometimes change to malice? Well we can see this in our own dealings with the government. Indifference changes to malice when someone they don't care about gets in the way of them reaching their goal. For example, the two ruling parties in the capital city have a budget disagreement because the populace is raising a fuss about taxes. They are getting in the way of the rulers' grand plan! A government shutdown looms. Which services shall be temporarily suspended during the shutdown? Well here in the US you'll see the National Park Service do things like drive out to remote campgrounds and put chains up across access roads, and lock canvas sacks over barbecue grills. They shut down tours of the White House. They close child support offices. They intentionally stop services that will inflict the most pain on their subjects to encourage them to call their representatives and complain, and also to increase overall misery so that in the minds of NPCs government shutdown = bad.

Consider great rulers from history and ask yourself, how much did they care about the wishes of those they ruled? Did Alexander consider the people of Macedonia during his campaigns? When Lincoln fought the South during the Civil War, did he stop to consider whether the hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers and civilians even WANTED the USA to remain united?

The ruling class probably does hate us, or at least despise us. But their actions are those of someone who operates under a completely separate order of priorities.

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It might sound asinine but I reckon the relentless promotion of women's / girls' football is of malign intent: it's masculinising them and too much exercise isn't actually good for a woman's fertility. Israeli women who tried to pass Special Forces selection ended making themselves infertile and a lot of elite female athletes have this problem also.

But they go apeshit if you tell them this

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If you do something because of a mistake or because you inherited the immigration policies of the previous guy BUT THEN someone says "hey this is really messing up my life" you are NOW doing malice because you are knowingly doing harm to someone who is asking you to stop.

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This is why I do not believe in judging based on intent, or otherwise put: means, but entirely on ends. When you entertain the, frankly Christian, perspective that it's a person's will that matters, you enable him to shield himself from the harshest scrutiny by means of playing the fool in various ways. Do they do us good? They are good. Do they do us evil? They are evil. Eliminate the nonsense about interrogating peoples' consciences, it does not matter.

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We also have their words and statements that we can analyze. I recently put together a presentation for my family, a bit of a slap upside the head about the Great Replacement and what it means for us and our posterity. In that presentation I had a bottomless well of AntiWhite vitriol, as well as massive numbers of psychopathic admissions that white replacement is desired. It isn't just white replacement, it is the eradication of our existence. It is in their own words.

Now, the office holders keep their hands clean - or words clean to be exact. But we can see here what they do with others. They condemn and straightjacket and even seek to propose legislation to make criminal white people speaking out about our replacement in our own homelands. They condone and cheer rioting and looting and burning when criminals overdose in police custody and encourage mobs on the eve of trials - creating a sham justice system. When vicious, Anti White vitriol is spewed by people employed by the most prestigious institutions of the regime, they turn a blind eye.

We can see with our own eyes. This is a deliberate persecution. This is the unspeakable malice that we call pure evil.

Confronting this kind of malice in your own homeland is stunning and disorienting. It flies in the face of the most basic expectations of what a government should provide. It does not compute. It is no different than a parent who abuses its child. It is so stunning in its audacity and malicious in its undertaking that most think it simply cannot be real. This is the tactic of psychopathic suicide cult leaders. At a certain point they will say the most stunning and vile things in a public forum. Once nobody speaks out, then they have approval. From there, the normalization of brazen threats and demeaning words and abusive behaviors increases. This is exactly the regime we face. It is a psychopathic death cult, bent on our destruction and it behaves in exactly the same way as they all do.

Now for Harris and Weinstein, they are not of us. Weinstein has explicitly stated that he fears us acting in our own self interest. The very act of him saying that means we are to him a them. Perhaps that is indifference. In the end, when someone wants you to sit in silence while your homeland is invaded by foreigners, while the invaders are told that the people of the homeland are vile and evil and beneath the invader; when they remain silent in the face of vicious, genocidal vitriol against your people, does it really matter if it is indifference or malice? What matters is what it is and what it means for us. What matters is how we feel and what we perceive.

No. This is a fight for survival, and a fight for our land. It's unconventional and unprecedented means is disorienting and disarming makes it the most vile evil ever conceived. I thank everyone here with the sense of self to be oriented and face up to this malevolence. Our job is to hold the line and orient our people still caught in the understandable - who are stunned by the bitch slaps of their abusers. They face a choice; stay comfortable as our race is marched into the oblivion of persecution and then extinction, or summon their will to survive and join us.

We face the same choice. There are many trials ahead that will summon our courage; that will call us to rouse the flames that are the spirit of our ancestors.

May The Gods Bless Us All With Optimism, Nobility, Courage, Discipline, Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Confidence and an Unbending Will to defend and keep what is rightfully ours.

To the malevolent we say, you have made your choice. You will reap what you have sewn. It will be you who will fall. Let us rise! Let us rise and claim our right to survive and thrive on our land just as our ancestors did for us.

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‘ In actual fact, I believe it offers something of a shield and bolt-hole to those with a vested interest, financial or otherwise, in protecting Power from criticism.’

That moves them into the black

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