On fire! 🔥 Superb piece, Morgoth. Radiant with a combustion of passionate insight and sardonic ennui that only the deep soul of a true European could burn with! Also a mini-treatise on Nietzsche's great one-liner "beware that when you look into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you...' Bravo again!

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You, my friend, are a poet. And unlike Nietzsche I can only hope that your creative genius is appreciated in your own lifetime.

Pox Populi and I were already discussing the Substack writings of a particular figure in these circles, saying "It's hardly a Morgoth, is it?" as if we were discussing art. I hope that the reputation of your writing continues on this same tradition.

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Excellent. Everything I like. Succinct, insightful and makes me think. A great talent.

And you are right. All I would add is this. If their idea was to keep an alien invasion up their sleeve to distract us, your insights into how old fashioned it is to the majority demonstrate how out of touch they are.

Far from being supervillains they are more like bad science fiction writers. Unaware their exciting ideas are just recycling tired tropes. People that cut off are not our future.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

In a post-casedemic, post-jab world, aliens to me are other people. The trouble is, even after all that, even the cynical, the unusually religious, the nationalistic and the unjabbed tend to do things that mark them out as alien to me.

It's with that in mind that I often come to agree with the crazed plans of the elite. "They're going to take out cars away by 2030. They'll have us locked in 15-minute cities," the sceptics say.

The trouble is, I've seen the hideousness of the houses the average aliens build in the countryside. I've seen how rush-hour turns a motorway into a car park. I've seen people wander around shopping centres on a Sunday because they have nothing better to do. It's all alien to me.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

You've poetically summed up my thoughts on this subject. As someone who was taken to see Close Encounters of the Third Kind by my dad at the age of 4, I grew up quite obsessed with the subject. Although I'm still convinced we're not alone, where as I used to contemplate what drastic effects an undeniable disclosure or incident would have on humanity - you're right, we've changed. I now think it'd be a shorter newscycle than the death of the Queen. And soon the argument would be, do they believe in Climate Change, Transgender Rights or whether they're pro Trump or Biden. Like you said, we, our dreams and our species in general are now in the gutter. Instead of reaching for the stars, most of us are now just dreading the content of tomorrow's breaking news.

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Aliens have been done to death. That - and a total lack of belief in govts, media and academia made this latest ‘revelation’ less than a raised eyebrow from me.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Top drawer mini essay, the last 2 paragraphs were particularly haunting

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

A modern run of X-Files exploring the post Truth problem would be interesting if the thing just out of Mulder's reach was the power to act on his truth and the tension was him engaging in quid pro quo with elites. Imagine an episode that was about the Clinton foundation. The synopsis would be: Molder is tasked to find evidence that could lead to a power individual's arrest, but all of his witnesses keep ending up in body bags. Of course the last thing viewers see each episode is, "This is a work of fiction. any similarities to persons living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental."

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

You killed it with this one, big guy.

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If they did this 20 years ago it might of been bought, but now earth is jaded with a cost of living crisis , free energy technology curtailed and even the backwards fake and gay technology like EV will be taken away.. when your in a 15 minute digital ghulag eating crickets in your coom pod . The gaylians 🏳️‍🌈🛸👽 will be the last thing on your mind. Worse than so called medieval surfdom

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Real life is far more bizarre than anything from outer space. If aliens landed, who would really notice? I remember the excitement at the crop circle phenomenon in England in the 90’s/early 2000’s - that turned out to be a hoax https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210822-englands-crop-circle-controversy Any such reaction to alien circles in a field, would be unimaginable now. It’s all so tiresome...

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Once again, an impeccable piece from the inimitable Morgoth. I also hardly noticed the alien op being served to us and did not care. At the same time, I had the feeling that they were very far from what used to be the top of their game and basically just going through the motions. Even _their_ hearts are not in it - why is that?

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

That was an absolutely fantastic article. I think the reason the regime are pushing the alien narrative is because they've realised the last 5 years have turned everyone into a conspiracy theorist and they want give people something harmless to obsess over. Unfortunately no one believes anything the regime say anymore.

I for one welcome our alien overlords 👽

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Good essay man.

I've always been alien-curious but you're right: at this point the psyop is complete. We've been conditioned to accept aliens for decades. It's no big deal. It's all fake and gay and a fake, gay op.

Or maybe not. Maybe aliens are real but...so what? They aren't shopping at the mall, they aren't landing in front of the White House or Parliament. They aren't talking to us. If they're talking to anyone, it's to the government and its intel agencies and everyone else who lies to us 'for our own good' and thinks they can run our lives better than we can.

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Same reaction following the congressional UAP hearings: disbelief and apathy. Granted, the only evidence provided there was testimony, not a pair of mummies. Yet still, UFOs are now a feature of official reality, and people yawned.

Even assuming it's real and not a psyop, this shows that most of the popular narratives about First Contact are nonsense. It will not result in rioting in the streets. It will not bring humanity together as one global family. It will be greeted - perhaps is being greeted - the same way every new scientific wonder is received: with a colossal shrug.

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Sep 14, 2023Liked by Morgoth

Love your content, Morgoth.

I see your name, I click.

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