Thank you, can't beat a video from you.

I am no marketing bod, but I foresee difficulties with the advertisements of products and goods. I don't see how the use of Bomalians and mulattos will be removed as the majority. Even if it is done gradually, the inclusivity brigade will agitate, just as they did in the first place to get these people in. If you still have the same imagery, nothing will have changed, even if the depiction of whites as the donkey or lummox ceases.

One can't go back to something which is no longer extant.

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Good point about Bomalian advertising. I'd like to read/hear a deep dive explaining the Bomalianization of advertising, because it's not just the UK.

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One of the free immediate watch guys left on YouTube. Hasn’t given over to the devil of streaming.

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Every Morgoth essay and or video feels like I'm reading a letter from home.

Thought-provoking, heartwarming, nurturing, and a tad emotionally evoking.

All my best, mate.

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I think any return to the 90s is impossible, not only because of the massive demographic changes, but he catastrophic levels of poverty and violent crime across the West.

Life in 90s America was great; I was there, and I had a happy life. However, today, crime is at sky high levels compared to the 90s, unemployement, low pay, and toxic work environments have become the norm. Add DEI--which will never really go away--and life is miserable.

Where is the joy in all this?

There isn't any.

I have a much better life than most; I am blessed, but I am far from being financially secure. And the future of Western homelands is shaky, at best. I still believe we are heading for the break up of the West. In order to survive, Westerners will need the proper mindset, not hedonism.

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I spent many years in the corporate world and always wondered whether the managers drove or were driven. I think the answer is both. Concerning advertising, it tends to follow trends not set them. My concern for the production side of advertising is that AI, (automated production) will lead to stagnant, generic slop ladled out by a suffocating media blanket.

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An interesting take, food for thought, as they say! The clamour of Silicon Valley billionaires now on the Trump/Musk/Kennedy ticket is pretty, noticeable, but not really a bad move for all parties. I am with the Gladiator when it comes to all things woke and sooner it's history, the better. However, what will be interesting is his battle in the sex corruption scandal in Britain. If he's sincere then imagine where that would lead, to deep dark dungeons of the British Aristocrats and further. Imagine if Trump is sincere about sovereignty and their digs at said establishment i.e City of London, think where that might lead!

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Enjoyed this take as it’s interesting how the top can flick the switch the other way on woke DEI initiatives leaving them in the cold. The men’s razor blade firm Gillette or beer manufacturer Bud Light and their woke adverts backlash is a good example driven by the consumer. McDonald’s have even rolled the DEI back too. But this time interestingly it seems to be coordinated with the US government.

I just can’t help but think globally also especially when I read a while back Western militarily leaders describing that there will be direct conflict with Russia, China, Iran in the future. How can such leaders recruit people to fight in foreign wars or at least support it when their populations lack cohesion and despise each other all stoked by woke DEI and deliberate demographic change.

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Once again, an excellent article. According to my understanding, your analysis comes down on the side of AA (with whom I agree on this point) on the question whether the "system" is driven by ideology or by driven by an elite in power. If the ostensible ideology of the system can be changed in an - at least to me - surprisingly short period of time, then it appears that one would have to conclude that sovereignty rests not with the bureaucracy (or the "Cathedral") but rather with an organized minority.

There is also the question whether the massive ramping up of woke, DEI etc. in 2009 or thereabouts was also not a deliberate top down decision by elites in response to popular discontent with the financial crisis and its handling, which could have otherwise empowered the anticapitalist old left (and perhaps other dissidents as well). It is of course true that the ground work in terms of political correctness could already be felt in the 90s, but to me it going overboard beginning at that later time felt forced rather than "organic".

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