Consider the linguistic framing they’ve pulled to have us call what these monsters did to these innocent girls “grooming.” Yet that is the term the media use and forces us to use in regards to systematic predation, sexual exploitation, torture and murder of the innocent British girls by men who should never have been in the same country. “Grooming” should be the term of brushing or caring for these girls and not a sick euphemism for sexual abuse and torture. I know we use it in order to refer to something but it drives me up the wall.

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I don’t want to be black, but reality indicates to me that the whole system will have to collapse for any meaningful redress on this issue.

If this were to happen, a lot of ugly things that have occurred would be dealt with in an equally ugly manner.

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The foundations are crumbling and their house of cards will tumble. Whatever comes next - however dark and ugly that future is - it draws inexorably closer and on it’s current downward trajectory can’t see the current state of affairs surviving even another ten years from now.


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Isn't living with an open wound precisely what post-surgical MTFs are doing?

Feel like there's some kind of symbolism in that.

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Yes, quite.

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I seem to remember the result of the first inquiry incluuded the statement that most r*pes were perpetrated by white men. The hope for justice was not only dashed but the "squid ink" of the establishment was salt in the wound. Is it any wonder that there is no sense of justice with regards to this diabolical crime. I never stop having dark thoughts with regards the perpetrators, but that's as nothing in comparison to the thoughts I have for those who run cover for them or were too cowardly to confront it when it was known about.

As painful as it is to revisit this and produce content on it, I am very grateful that you do.

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It festers, yes, and that is a good thing. We must never, never, ever allow it be memory-holed, forgotten, forgiven or papered over. There may not be any direct action we can take but what they cannot stop us doing is keeping this flame burning. They cannot stop that.

This is our psychological sub-duction zone; grinding and grating imperceptibly below the surface until, one day, the whole plate bounces back like a tightly-coiled spring and an earthquake rolls over the land.

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Question for my English friends on this substack (and if that's not the right word then I sincerely apologize and please correct me) : do you perhaps consider the entire grooming scandal, when combined with the post-Brexit inaction, to be the one-two punch that was your turning point?

For me as an American, it was the government's absurd overreaction to January 6th, combined with their near total inaction regarding the border crisis, that has led me to lose all hope for any political solution. There was the me prior to these events, and the me after them. I simply cannot view my government with anything but seething contempt and loathing.

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It's surreal to watch this happen from across the pond. It seems there is nothing too morally depraved for the ruling class in their efforts to subjugate and genocide native Western populations. I look forward to the eventual retribution.

More generally, it's also surreal to get older & more mature, while watching my society become increasingly retarded. At least there's substack as an oasis of sanity.

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If I remember correctly, didn't a freedom of information campaign finally expose that the goverment sent a circular to every police commissioner in Britain, informing them, that any underage White girls who complained to the police of sexual abuse by the usual suspects, was to be informed that from the point of view of the police, it was a life style they had chosen themselves, and that it was purely themselves that were to blame and to send them away ( unless of course, the perpetrator was White ) in which case the complaint would be taken seriously ?

If this is correct then the entire system is criminally complicit.

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Gordon Brown I believe.

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People say we don’t have the same thing in America but it reminds me of Epstein and Maxwell in the kind of girls who are targeted.

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If there isn't someone who has the ability to gather the information for noting down who is actually responsible for letting this happen then someone should be doing so.

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To add, I unfortunately do not have the necessary time or ability or access to information needed to do this, otherwise I would be doing so.

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Good video Mr M.

We don’t collectivise like our ancestors would have. They’d have chased them out of Europe. That drive to protect clan or community sadly has been lost over the generations.

And I recall you commenting on one of your older videos the childish mockery at the drunken EDL pisshead who slurred out, quite correctly, the root cause: “Muslim Rape Gangs” twisting it to “Muzlamic Ray Guns”. What complete and utter societal failure.

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And to think that the ‘elite’ who make policy regarding these immigration laws are at this moment sitting with prostitutes in Davos Switzerland for $4,000 an hour. Meanwhile our daughters are being raped by ‘asian’ military age men that these ‘elite’ intentionally import to destroy our nation, family and moral! And if you try to defend your family, YOU are the racist! (This is the oldest play in the Communist playbook.) As more people each day become aware of this international sex trafficking ring and the total travesty of our justice system, it will not end well as it cannot continue to go on in a civilized world!

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A tough video to watch - BTDT.

What I find most maddening is where is the UK’s Gorbachev on this ? The actions of rape gangs are a festering wound and yet there is no discussion on the societal implications at all from Cameron or May or Johnston, or Sunak (and Cameron again) or Starmer on this. Nor will there ever be from them.

We know politicians and the leadership can handle sudden shock events - such as the Manchester Arena bombing - by emoting a flash of anger, sympathy, before quickly joining the nudge choir of “not looking back in anger”. But this issue is ongoing, an open wound with fresh wounds always bound to happen. It all appears to be far more daunting to mask and their usual shtick of wilful regulatory state inaction and signalling that it is ok to blame these victims seems woeful and just tired. In the end, it is left to the powerless such as the victims, affected locals, and those who notice to assess the damage and piece it together for the public. However, the wound on the nation’s body remains and it continues to rot.

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Consider what the same demographic could get away with embedded in and protected by the institutions they have infiltrated

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