May 23Liked by Morgoth

Everyday I'm alive, I hate Churchill more and more.

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Yes, Winnie pretty much demolished the British Empire and Britain itself in 4 decades by pushing it into two catastrophic world wars...I've always wondered when you Brits would realize that....

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It takes an outsider that can see beyond the mists of the dialect and the Overton windows. Like the Japanese tourist in Paris, saying what is obvious but no one is permitted to notice, not even by their own conscious.

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Spot on….this is all about stopping anymore little victories like Galloway’s. They don’t want them having time to organize……

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They're rattled and worried, they have real enemies now.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

For me personally, the only statistic that will be important in this election is the total number of votes cast for the duopoly. If it is near 25 million then I guess we still have a nation of obedient imbeciles.

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If this shithole penal colony I was born in is any indication, that's exactly what will happen and what's worse, only 30% or so of the voters will have cast theirs for the "popularly elected" government. And, if you thought immigration was bad now...

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I predict Starmer will receive fewer votes than Corbyn, and will be proclaimed a landslide.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

He will of course fail upwards, and be in some hugely salaried and influential financial consultancy role or similar by the end of the year.

To the public though he will always (hopefully) be the sad drowning rat in the rain.

God I despise them all so much.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

An utterly bleak situation but I couldn't help but chuckle at the dark humour of it all. Your acerbic take down of Sunak is pure poetry and cathartic even if pyrrhic in nature. On the other hand, you have to marvel at this man's complete lack of self awareness and sheer front to say the things he said about the economy and immigration, its breath-taking. He says he's "proud of what he has achieved" . I dare say that was the only truth in the entire speech.

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While I would love to see the Tories lose every single seat, I doubt that will happen. Yes, Labour will win a healthy, working majority but there are still enough aging boomers around who will stoically vote Tory to try to save their property prices and pensions. So the Tories will lose but will still end up with 200-odd seats - enough to provide them with a platform upon which to start preparing for their eventual return. It's been said before but bears repetition: there is no voting our way out of this.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

Utterly bleak, and yes definitely a part of this was to crush the smaller parties. Farage is out, and along with him goes the finance. Not they really had much chance in a Winner takes all system, so stock up and get ready for 5 more years of mass immigration hell, to add salt to the wounds, today we are told of net migration of 650k last year.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

As an outsider to UK politics, check my thinking on probability here. Post election the chances of Rishi remaining as Tory leader in opposition - zero to nada? As MP for Richmond Yorks - slim to none ? As an active community leader in “his” electorate - slim to nil ? As an influential faction leader of the British political centre/neoliberals - unlikely to none ?

But seriously now, Rishi appearing on stage - TED talk style - in California, talking up the opportunities for venture capital and other investments in India - probability of that likelihood - high.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

The whole sorry escapade looked like a humiliation ritual to me.

I agree with your final sentence and think that some sort of plan is cooking. My suspicion is that it will require a government imposition that people won’t buy if it comes from the Tories, but might just if it comes from a fresh pair of hands in Labour…

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Vote for me, I'm too stupid to carry a brolly.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

I wonder will the Irish government follow their lead.

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We need to gird our loins…..

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I know…..after your interview last night with Frodi and Blackpilled’s last insomnia stream I’m feeling pretty bleak at the moment 😞

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I really enjoyed last night's conversation I'm hoping to have it posted on here at the weekend.

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May 23Liked by Morgoth

There has been the small matter of the Greenfell Tower report landing on his desk and apparently it makes pretty bad reading (along with every else that’s turned to shit) so by baling out now the Tories won’t have to face that train coming into station

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Christ, I'm literally OD-ing on blackpills. Things can only get shitter.

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How much more immigration can the UK take?

It seems to me the NHS has already collapsed.

Someone said this morning that when he flew into England from the Isle of Man last week, everything was broken: ATMs, streets, lamp posts, touch screens, digital signs, (something like that), etc. He also mentioned the piles of rubbish everywhere and stench of the cities. He spent the whole time looking over his shoulder.

Everyone I know in England tells me how scary and dangerous things have become.

When will serious pushback begin?

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I'm not convinced there will be any pushback.

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I think there will be, but only when it is too late. Then it will be an issue of salvaging what we can salvage. Breakaway republics.

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